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Archive through April 10, 2000

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as far as negotiating, just who are the Russians going to negotiate with. I thought there were like 20 different warlords in Chechnya. hell the Russians have come this far they should just finish the job.

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c'mon, man, throw me a bone, here. Aesop? Which fable? "The Uzbek and the Grapes"?

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By Gonzo ( - on Monday, April 10, 2000 - 05:21 pm:
as far as negotiating, just who are the Russians going to negotiate with. I thought there were like 20 different warlords in Chechnya. hell the Russians have come this far they should just finish the job.

I agree with you.Who should they talk with the Arab or the Paki or some other Muslim shite that is from somewhere else.KILL THEM ALL AND GOOD RIDENCE.

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Your nationalist Rhetoric. Sounds like you relish the idea of conflict spreading. Albania, Afghanistan???

Doesn't all this saber rattling worry you?
You didn't answer one of my questions.
Does American "imperialism" worry you?
Russian Nationalism worries me.
And do you think Putin or Clinton give a damn about you or I? Is this the way we all want to go, then? A return to the cold war and hostility?

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Privet DIMA. Otkyda poyavilese' eti zarazi.No sooner we get rid of one, then more of these idiots appear.Our friend in California will be having nightmares.That guy is such a GOOF.I put his picture on my target board.I can pretty well hit him between the eyes every time.

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Nemesis is in a Fable-Land, where you are throwing furniture around, I am abusing him and Russia wants a return of a cold war..

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If they keep sending fighters from Afghanistan then it is time to stop them in their tracks.As far as Albanians are concerned they are seen for what they are and their time is coming in June.

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So tell me Igor,Dimitri, what does Russia want?

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a bit like Nato then?

Is that all Albanians or the ones in Kosovo?

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Russia wants US to stop interfering in Russia's backyard and to stop undermining andstop telling them how to live.In other words clean up your own backyard and stay out of ours or else.

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Igor, the reason I don't think the Russians should negotiate is not because the Chechens are muslem. I don't think that has anything to do with not negotiating. I simply think negotiations would be fruitless since there are so many different factions in Chechnya and getting them all to the table and agreeing on same thing seems like an impossible task. These people have been fighting the Russians for how long now? I don't think they will stop because someone else, a different warlord etc. signed some pact with the Russians. I see two ways this will end. One The Russians claim some sort of victory with out total control of Chechnya. Two the Russians occupy all of chechnya and see an occasional terrorist attack against them. Ether way the Russians are in for the long haul when it comes to tensions in this region if the choose not to let Chechnya become its own state, so why they have the guys in there now they should finish the job since anytype of negotiations would just delay more fighting in the future but the fighting would start again. Sort of a bleak outlook.

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Is that all Albanians or the ones in Kosovo?The ones in KOSOVO,in particular the KLA.Contrary to what you might believe not all Albanians wanted separation.

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Chechnya Mufti Calls Rebel Fighters "Criminals"

GENEVA, Apr 7, 2000 -- (Reuters) The Moslem religious leader of Chechnya on Thursday denounced rebels fighting Russian troops in the republic as "criminals" who had tried to force an extremist form of Islam on its people.

Mufti Akhmad Hadji Kadyrov told the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, whose current session has heard strong criticism of alleged Russian abuses in Chechnya, that ordinary Chechens do not support continuation of the war.

The Mufti, who said he had fought on the Chechen side during the last conflict in the republic in 1995-96, said many other local military commanders who had been with him then had also refused to fight in the second war, which started last year.

"Those who are still fighting now are those who by and large have no way back. They are criminals who were involved in mass and bloody crimes...and must answer for what they have done," he told the 53-state forum.

On Wednesday. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson had told the body that what she called "the scale of serious allegations of gross human rights violations" by Russian forces warranted international attention and a national inquiry.

Russia's ambassador in Geneva Vasily Sidorov responded that part of Robinson's report "distorted the true nature of the state of affairs."

Mufti Kadyrov, a member of the Russian delegation to the Commission although he is known to support eventual independence for Chechnya, implicitly backed Moscow's argument that it went into the republic last year to fight terrorism.

He said that almost all Chechens had backed the fight against the Russians in the first war because they believed that once they had obtained freedom from Moscow they would be able to live normal and peaceful lives.

But after President Aslan Maskhadov was elected, the Mufti said, money poured in from abroad to finance extremist "Islamic groups" who in effect took control of the republic.

"Of course there were human rights violations in Chechnya - war itself is a violation of human rights," he said.

"Of course peaceful civilians have been dying, but people have become reconciled to that, because they hope that things will be better in the future, and because, by failing in the trust the people gave him, Maskhadov provided good reason for (Russian) troops to be sent in."

The Mufti said, "I am sure that with the election of (Russian) President Vladimir Putin the war party in the upper power echelons in Russia will disappear from the political scene. Russia has no other choice."

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Stay out of our backyard? Does that include yugoslavia?

So all this posturing is to show that Russia won't
stand for the US telling them what to do.
To piss off the American's?
Nothing else, no other agenda?

Gonzo, what do you predict will be the outcome, if Russia bombs Afghanistan.(Just to show Nato that they can of course.)

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Gonzo here is good article on situation

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