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Archive through April 10, 2000

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By IGOR ( - on Monday, April 10, 2000 - 05:46 pm:
Is that all Albanians or the ones in Kosovo?The ones in KOSOVO,in particular the KLA.Contrary to what you might believe not all Albanians wanted separation.

I guess the Albanians who enjoyed serb gencocide probably didn't want separation!

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Nemisis you are starting to sound like an idiot.Russia will bomb if they feel like it .They do not have to impress Nato,Nato is already impressed otherwise they would not need to have Nato.Also Nato will fall apart(GERMANS ,FRENCH, GREEKS, AND ALL NEW EAST BLOCK COUNTRIES WERE NOT IMPRESSED WITH KOSOVO)THE ONLY ONES IMPRESSED WITH US ARE AMERICANS,THE REST HATE THEM.

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Laser what genocide?Give some proof you idiot.All reports say NO GENOCIDE MORON

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Pristina, April 10th (Tanjug) - The independent Albanian publicist Fatmir Seholi said today that the UN mission has not performed a single step so far in order to make possible for all residents of Kosmet, who mostly maintained in Kosmet towns, to return to their homes.

Namely, only in Pristina lives almost 500 000 of people, which makes it difficult to maintain the security and safety of the citizens, and which also has dangerous and immense consequences for the future, Seholi said.

"To the residents of Kosmet, who are stationed in larger towns in Kosmet for different reasons, UNMIK owes an explanation and is obliged to clarify that they must return to their homes and to their land in order to continue with what they did before the war", stressed Seholi in his report for Tanjug and added that among the citizens of Kosmet, according to the information from the region Statistic Bureau, there is more than 150 000 of those who are still in the region and who are not citizens of FRY, and who have never lived in Kosmet.

Seholi wondered what attracted the newcomers from Albania and Macedonia to remain on Kosmet for 9 months, and he answered: obviously they did not come for "beautiful eyes", but for the dirty jobs which are increasing in their number in Kosmet, and that is argumented by many published facts as well.

Speaking about the current political events in Kosmet, Fatmir Seholi stressed that a considerable number of Albanians is aware of the fact that the Kosmet problem is not solved and that there is yet a real political fight to come. However, they dare not say that in public. On the other side, extreme Albanian streams, which are in minority but have leading role in Kosmet, hold that "all is clear", that is to say that Kosmet will gain independence soon.

"I think - Seholi said - that without direct negotiations and talks, not only among the ethnic Albanians, but among other ethnic groups who live and work in Kosmet as well, the problem of Kosmet cannot be solved".

The UN Resolution 1244 clearly points out where Kosmet stands. Therefore, Albanian people should be told the truth and not spread the illusions about something which is unacceptable for the world, the independent Albanian publicist said.

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Nemesis, If the Russians bombed Afganastan? What would the USA reaction be. I think more lip-service. The US governement really doesn't care about Cheechnya in my opinion. Oh shure you hear Albright or someone complain about human rights violations now and again but the US has too much invested intrest in Russia to hurt relations over a place like Chechnya.Besides why should the US have problems with the Russians bombing terrorist camps in Afganastan when the US has allready done the same thing. But having said that I think it would be a misstake to do so. The last thing the Russians need is to piss off the Afgans more and see thousands of Afgan fighters pooring into Chechnya on some type of whiped-up "jihad" frenzy. Who knows maybe that will or will not happen.

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Now who's sounding like an idiot?
The "rest" may find America annoying, but untill there is some sort of cohesive defense strategy for Europe, they ain't walking out on Nato.
Russia will bomb who they feel like?
And Nato will fall apart. -

Sounds like Krushchev speak.

I believe earlier you cut'n pasted an article charging Albania(the state) with holding Serbs in concerntration camps within their borders.
Any excursions planned for them?

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By Nemesis ( - Don't bother me you fool until you have something of substance to debate along with proof

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Gonzo, its the who knows bit that bothers me.

There has been too much military intervention on both sides, without any real consideration about the consequences and where all this is going.
There has been a huge amount of critisism of Nato's actions both from outside and within.
It would seem time to rethink Nato strategy.
At the same time if Russia continues this stance of "we can do what we like. All we have to do is point a finger at Nato's mistakes and we can justify anything" - then Nato in return will harden its position. Result escalation and Cold war politics.

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Now as far as a reason for keeping NATO arround after the end of the cold war, heres one. Europe is not know as place that is free of wars thru out the centuries if you have most European countries in an association like NATO you have a better chance for peace since most militarys are tied thru each other in a non secret pact. Now as far as who would attack Europe, you got me on that one. I have no idea on who whould have the machimo to attack a NATO member it would be a form of self distructuion. An organization such as NATO has significantly lessened the chance of another wourld war taking place.

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I hope you're being rhetorical. I mean, what does the country that you live in want? Would it be power and prosperity? Hope that answers your Q.

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Common Sense will tell you that,sugar.

Europe has no common defence policy - right

Putin is posturing and worrying Europe( Europe has resently voted to remove Russia from the councel of Europe. - follow me so far?

Europe depends on Nato for its defense - still with me?

ipso facto - Europe won't be leaving Nato just yet.

(I hope not, I live there.)

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If you can't have prosperity, then opt for power.
Wasn't that the soviet way?
Bread ques and the arms race?

prosperity leads to power- the reverse isn't nessersarily true.

What happens if Putin fails to deliver on his promises?

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I do not think Russia's problem is so much with Nato as it is with US.The members of Nato are like sheep who follow US.Every where seems to be in US interests,however Russia has interests too and all the action is on Russia's border not America's.So if they push too hard there Russia will respond.

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Nemesis, I doubt we are going to see a new hardening of cold war politics. It is an interesting time now history wise, we are seeing lines put up in 1945 that are starting to dissapear. The world is now shaking off the effects of 50 years of two large powers going head to head in many corners of the world. Now that the cold war is over we see the flow of military harware and money from both sides flowing to countries to prop up governments or over-trow other ones drying up. Plus we are seeing countries that were held together via strong arm tactics of former governments in the name of ideology break up. In other words the walls are coming down. Things are now sorting themselves out, in some places in a bloody way in others a peacefull. Buts as far as the US and Russia stand, they have so much to gain from a friendly relationship. If Russia gets it economy turned arround, which I think it will (hey its not easy to shake off all the years of a failed thing such as communisim), it will be a great trading partner. Sure Russia has its pride hurt a little bit since it does not have as much influence but then again it should not worry about being attacked with the exception of more break-a-way regions. The future looks better than it has in the past. Look to the new generations of Russians to turn the country arround into a more economically strong country as the people who lived and grew up under communisim surrender power that helps keep new ideas of capitolism from blooming. Now this other major problem in Russia today is the mob. It can be overcome, gonna need some Untouchables though.

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How will Russia respond?

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