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Archive through April 10, 2000

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In what ever way is necessary.Putin already declared his doctrine on NUKES

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Well time to go but one last thought. I don't think European nations follow NATO or the US like sheep. Nor do I think they should. I remember when the US decided to bomb Lybia when Regan was in office the F-111's had to fly from England arround Spain since France wouldn't let the planes fly thru its airspace. The pilots must have very tired since one bomb hit the French embassy or something like that.

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Read some of thes articles and ask yourself if this is acceptable--

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Belgrade, April 8th-Amazing, but unfortunately true, that from Kfor's arrival to Kosovo and Metohija till Today, so called KLA, in other words "Albanian protection corpus", killed more than 1.000 people non-Albanian nationality, mostly Serbs, it is stated in late weekly newspaper "Army", bringing up a question what will be if that terrorist organizations is not disarmed and dismissed.

Remanding that Albanian terrorists often attack members of international forces in Kosovo and Metohija, "Army" concludes that days of honeymoon between Kfor, UNMIK and Albanian separatists and terrorists are over irretrievably. Some think that "season of peacemakers hunting" is began and that the worse is approaching.

Civil mission and safety mission in Kosovo and Metohija got into a strange situation.

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By KA ( - on Saturday, April 1, 2000 - 05:55 am:


By Nemesis ( - on Monday, April 10, 2000 - 06:33 pm

KIM ARX, how many faces do you have??????
Is it shame that made you change your name? I hope so.

Nemesis eto Kim Arx..eta SUKA snachala obosrala Kissie, yshla, a teper' vernylas pod drygim imenem..vot tak.


Allow me to introduce you to NEMESIS. I mean KIM ARX. You two already know each other.

You chicken ••••, kimmie, do not talk to me anymore, you two-faced, hypocritical, attention-hungry A S S. I have lost ALLLLL respect for you and more. How dare you to come back under a false name? •••• YOU

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Geeez...when will be ever learn backing up one political possition with "hey we'll nuke em is the most idiotic political jester since in the world today everyone knows one if one side uses the bomb we are all gonners and the roach takes over. MAD (mutually assured distruction) is a very nasty way to end the human race.

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••••••• traitor. By ALL means.

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Calm down.

What are you going on about?

Honorable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
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yo FAKE:
well lookee here, you CHUMP.

i've been away from this place because of assh*les
like you, homopsychoFAKE.

but FASCIST BERSTEIN has crowned himself the
biggest assh*le of 'em all. last i knew i had
pissed on his shoes and his so-called sephardic
assassins or whatever were still searching for me
in russia. a little borsht goes a long way , huh

don't any of you kid yourselves. i'm sick of
wasting time fighting and fighting and $#%^%%^%$
FIGHTING. i've got better things to do.

so there you go, FAKE.
happy now?
yep, i 'lurk'; but don't think you can can bait me
every day. try and stick to your recent
practically-literate self, [content
notwithstanding.] i _dare_ you.

and i'll come and go as i please.

it's the american way, ain't it, FAKE?
and don't _even_ bother, Jakob. either come and
kill me or shut the f*ck up.
hello, comrades
konbonwa, kisako


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Kim Arx aka Nemesis,

sorry, kimmie, couldn't help being digussed by You, for turning out to be a BIGGEST Hypocrite of this board. What am I going on about, Kim?
Hows this - go •••• yourself, that husband of yours, etc.,etc., etc. Do you wanna ask me that question again? I promise to be more creative next time, A S S

Is my "calm" in your "down"? lol..

Noble Member
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Oh yea, •••• lithuanians. And YOU. FAKE.

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Hello, there.

Noble Member
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Dima Kims IP is

KA ( - on Friday, March 31, 2000 - 03:58 am: ?????????????????????

Noble Member
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I don't exactly know how it works, but look at my IP now - it starts with 67. About a week ago it started with 207. I don't know how to explain it but LOOK the IP of KA is ( - and IP of Nemesis is ( - How would you explain that???

And there is much more to that...Look at what she wrote and HOW she wrote it:
"""Common Sense will tell you that,sugar(!). """"

"nemesis" also wrote that she's from Europe. And her style - Just look at it! You'll see..hopefully.

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Who ever Nemisis is (eto dyrak)

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