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Archive through April 11, 2000

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Russian Army has started looking for safe corridors to escape the impending meat grinder.

Mujahideen will soon trap the Russian military and make Chechnya a mass grave for the Russian Army which Russia will never forget. The Russian military was ill prepared to go into Chechnya this time. But the west pushed them to the meat grinder. It is the stupid Russians who are sacrifising their young ones to please the West whose paramount goal is to stop the resurgent Islam at any cost. Once the Russian Army starts retreating the West might send NATO troops as 'peacemakers'. It will be too late. Chechnya is not Bosnia or Albania.

Russia should listen to the soldiers mothers and not their new masters in the west. West is pouring money to prolong the conflict and Russia is foolishly pouring its sons into the quagmire.

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Either me, Igor. But, before Russians opened their archives, there was a lot of red flags, too. Mr. Endicott himself decribed, as his major surprise, that even according to Chinese archives, there was only about 400 cases of illness overall as a result of the "massive bio attack".

The 3rd world newspapers will deliver you a whole package of wild theories, beginning with AIDS and ending with a global theft of the natural resources. The good news - when it comes to facts, none of them prints anything that exceeds public domain. All that's needed is to take a closer look beyond "it was proved" and "it's known".

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By Dzhuma Namangani ( - on Monday, April 10, 2000 - 11:27 pm: Chechnya is not Bosnia or Albania.

That's the good news. The bad news - looks like Russia is not Serbia, too.

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Igor is the most BORING goy on the planet today. Reading his bland cut and paste posts from dubious sources reduces me and ALL other members of this board to tears. He is so boring that I would rather spend my summer in Gaza with enemy Palestinians than with this most boring Igor man.

Igor take a BIG BREAK, we are ALL in grat pain due to your lousy, boring posts.

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Jake, it is time for you to start packing for Gaza. A word is a word, Jake. We are ALL waiting.

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Brave Mujaheddin beat up women.

Mohammedan - 1. (n)Brute, thug. Bandit, brigand. Rapist. Misogynist. 2. Infidel. Pagan. Devil-worshipper. Follower of Mohammed (the harem-chief) who worshipped the moon-god Allah.

Sunday, 9 April, 2000, 19:32 GMT 20:32 UK
Islamists charged with attacking woman

The authorities in Kuwait say they have charged seven men with beating a female student because she did not wear an Islamic headscarf, or hijab.

A statement from the interior ministry said the men were believed to be members of an Islamic militant group, and that one of them was still at large.

The woman suffered extensive bruising and a fractured arm in the attack.

A local newspaper quoted a government minister as saying that the Takfir wa Al-Hijra group was responsible for the attack.

Correspondents say Kuwait has seen a rise in Islamist movements since the end of the Gulf War in 1991, but that most of the groups are peaceful.

From the newsroom of the BBC World Service
Search BBC News Online

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By Igor,

Russia wants US to stop interfering in Russia's backyard and to stop undermining and stop telling them how to live. In other words clean up your own backyard and stay out of ours or else. ""

What Backyard...just because you had a backyard doesn't mean you still have one! LOL.

Stop living in the past. It's now America's backyard - The whole world is our backyard.

"or else"...

Or else what...unleash your Armed forces on us ! LMAO. It's this same nationalist rhetoric that will get you guys in trouble. God forbid someone with real power believing in such crap.

Russians have a better chance of disturbing American way of life with a geek and a laptop working out of Siberia. LOL.

Sorry to break it to but the we are not in the business of annihilating innocent civilians....which is exactly what your army would be in front of us. So please stop the threats!

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Dimitri and Igor at their most self rightous.
After making complete idiots of themselves, they turn around and just keep on dishing out one liners to anyone who dares to disagree with them.

Not denying it of course, I did post as KA, now as Nemesis, that's up to me to decide.
I didn't expect you Dimitri to fall for it, but then again you approached me as you do all newcomers on this board. You jumped to conclusions, called me names, judged me according to some stereo-type that was all in your head.
And you ended up looking stupid, because despite all that, you still can't string a plausible argument together.

I felt that the arguments were getting to biased towards Russia and Serbia, and as the right wing contingent are completely failing to do their job-
Re Dialectic balance, I went for a moderate version of the arguments you never answer.

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I new you would be back...

I told you we've had a History 😉

Anyway good to have you back!

Pay no attention to the two buffoons above - both added together have the mental capacity of a smelly Russian Turd.

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what's my name?

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All American wrote:<So please stop the threats!
Or else?

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That Bodansky article pretty much sums it all.

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Hello, palata nomer 6! Still fail to get discharged?!! What's the matter with you, boyz and gals?

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President Maskhadov distances himself from warlord
BERLIN, April 10 (AFP) - Chechen separatist President Aslan Maskhadov has distanced himself from one of the rebels' chiefs, Shamil Bassayev, accusing the warlord on German radio of causing Russia's military offensive.

"With the Daghestan attack last summer, Bassayev caused the war with Russia,

declared Maskhadov in a telephone interview with the Russian service of Deutsche Welle radio.

According to Maskhadov, the execution of Russian prisoners by rebels "gave Moscow one more pretext to act violently against Chechnya."

Islamic fighters led by Bassayev attacked Russian troops from the mountains of Dagestan in August last year, claiming that the revolt was part of a struggle to free Muslims in the northern Caucasus.

Bassayev said at the time that a "war which will last 20 to 25 years has begun in the Caucasus to free Muslims from the Volga to the Don" and finally "establish Allah's law in Jerusalem."

Shortly after the rebels' Dagestan offensive, Russian troops began their attack on Chechnya.

President Maskhadov went on to predict that Russian commanders would find it hard to bring the war to a swift conclusion, maintaining that "rebels are everyday finding new partisans due to rape and pillage by Russian soldiers."

But he added that he was willing to halt the war if talks between the rebels, Russia and western powers could be convened. "We are ready without condition to end the war and free Russian soldiers," he said.

Moscow has repeatedly refused to recognize Maskhadov, who is facing a criminal investigation for "armed rebellion

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