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Archive through April 12, 2000

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And within those borders, one group who considers itself a seperate entity and superior to other groups can do as it likes??????????????????
* Right, it is doing as it likes now under the NATO's nose. Yeah, "And that's that???????????"
This is a very good game of words and the killing goes on.
* What was NATO, then, supposed to do there?
... what of the inhabitants of Kosovo.
* "Cleansed" Serbs, Roma, Macedonians, etc. might get resettled.
But, hey, what about the NATO-Serbian Agreement?
Whilst I'm here, will someone please tell me why the hell Europe should hand over money to a country that wants to tear it apart?
* I think, there's an answer for it on the other board.

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By IGOR ( - on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 - 10:03 am:

Good for Putin and Milosovich- what of the inhabitants of Kosovo. But that is the west whining about
human rights,I suppose. Either way it seems Russia and Serbia simply don't care about the populations
they claim to be representing.

Yes Serbs are also part of KOSOVO and should be able to return and live in peace .

Igor, how does Serbia propose to be neutral in Kosovo? How exactly do you expect the Albanians to react to the "yugoslav" army rolling in?
As if they(the Serbs) really care!
What exactly does Russia intend to do in Kosovo to restore peace, that Nato isn't already trying?
(I suppose they will be wanting more handouts from europe......)
And tell me why Milosovich forsably sent Kosovar-Serbs packing back to a war-zone?

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AllAmerican...psss..want to hear a real good Joke? Come on get real close to the screen..are you ready? Here it comes......WHY IT'S YOU

HA HA HA HA HA What a joke you ARE! Have you thought about willing your pea brain to science?

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YO AllAm ...

What is that like YO ROCKKKKKY...

You baboon.


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AllAm......It appears that your still frustrated over how wrong you were about that 1st Russian tanker and of the fact that it took a far superior intellectual female to point it out to you.
btw..who's paying the demurrage fees? Ha HA HA, you poor mentally challenged bag of monkey nuts.

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How many of your paying customers do you nauseate?

On Average


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AllAM...ardvark breath

No Rocky...just was attempting to speak your All American lingo

YO...Ortho is looking for the world's biggest cockroach for a commercial. You might want to give them a call for this could be your only chance to climb out of your abyss of despair.

HE HE HE HE now that's a good one.

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YO BABOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooon; LOL

Love to break it to you... but you are wrong again...

First you tried to convince us that you had broken out of your cage for a stroll around Switzerland and now this... LMAO

You really are a BABOOOOOOoooooon!

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YO you can clearly see, the contents of my takes are orginal and more intellectually stimulating than your mundane, half-witted, feeble attempts can ever hope to be.

Go polish your toenails and get yourself a's long over due

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But, hey, what about the NATO-Serbian Agreement?

What about it?

The game Milosovich is playing has nothing to do with resettling those ethnic groups you are talking about. This is all about getting back at Nato and the Albanians.

How about we stop using one crime to justify another and start talking about a sensible solution?

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I have a better idea; you can clamp your intestines and squeeze out some of those cock-A-roaches your last paying customer emptied into you.


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AllAm...FYI..amongst the major languages spoken in Switzerland, a Hoch Deutsch German dialect, (Swiss German) is one of them which my friend Kimmy (not yours because you don't have any friends) confirmed. So lets not even go there.

You give the impression that you stand about 5'nothing, and want to throw your weight around as if your a Queen Kong.

bag of monkey nuts you.......

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How about "airlifting" Hairy to Kosovo to show all what can happen after years of abuse and maltreatment. Surely evreyone will get their act together soon after. Except the kids...they would have to undergo major phychological shock truama treatment . LOL.

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Im the one who told you about High German...

you are such a Baboon! and a liar to boot!

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NEW NAME...ALLAMERICAN....QUEEN OF DRAG.. but don't give up your taxi cab yet. What's that I hear........why it's the producer of the Gerry Springer show calling you. Today Springer tomorrow...who might be a big celebrity with your name up in lights as the biggest Drag Queen in the history of American faggots. Need an Bernstein for like yourself, he's all knowledgeable on the habits, preferences and culture of queers

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