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Archive through April 12, 2000

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do you think in Hebrew and write in Enlish letters! LOL

You are more than happy supporting those barbarians aren't you? You would say the stupidest things to defend them - Your Nazi Genes are working overtime I see.

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He's got the right given to him as Head of State."
and that seems to be all he cares about.

* He seems, or not seems ... . He has the right as the party to the agreement.
Kissie, what exactly do you expect to happen when the KLA meets the Serb army.
"massacre/genocide" sheaisms"

* Well, KLA deserves that, doesn't it?;o))
"as soon as Serb troops are in Kosovo"
So why let them in in the first place?

* What about the agreement?:o)
Its the pro-Serbian lot, that keep going on about that, to divert attention from the fact, that the Serbian army spent several months harassing the Albanian population without mercy.
* Intelligence report from the Foreign Office, January 12, 1999 to the Administrative Court of Trier.
"Even in Kosovo, an explicit political persecution linked to Albanian ethnicity is not yet verifiable. The East of Kosovo is still not involved in armed conflict. Public life in cities like Pristina, Urosevac, Grjilan, etc. has, in the entire conflict period, continued on a relatively normal basis. The actions of the security forces (were) not directed against the Kosovo-Albanians as an ethnically defined group, but against the military opponent and its actual or alledged supporters."

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Hi ya Yellow fingered rather large round pale head.

I've missed bitch slapping you around lately. Come out come out were ever you are... I promise you this one will be painless.

Ya stupid Rooskie. Ya dumn Mier/bolchovick b i t c h! Ya Vodka drinking inbred, Ya russian Semen fudgepacker, taken one for good old USSR.

I'd love to have you on this board right now Ya vagabond, so I can kick your sorry pale a s s from her to Siberia - Ya gulag baby!


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You are one to speak of agreements! You half Nazi. You kill half of the world and then you speak of agreements.

You Nazi cum bucket

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By Kisako ( - on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 - 02:06 pm:

* Nice turn. NATO went on a Mongol rampage, almost ruined the Serb State economy and now this hidden apology, - "Milo's flaw, he's not rebuilding what we ruined."

To Kisako

Hey bagel girl, lover of serb terrorism and genocide. Did you get an orgasm when serbs committed genocide? if so, why don't we also send you some pictures of the holocaust.


P.S. Why don't you go for a vacation in Serbia, you'll get plenty of worthless yugo dinars for the shekel. Maybe you'll get a chance to give your hero Miloshit a blowjob.

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That "piece of land" being more important than its occupants!!!!!!!!!
* A tricky question with words Albanian civilians hidden in the end. Heh. Any armed person is not a non-combatant. And there's quite a gang of them NATO "forgot" to take care of trying hard "to make effing sense" of itself.
There are people with maps ready for redrawing in that area. Bulgaria and Romania, Romania and Hungary. Call 911-NATO.
Why don't they start negotiating about a return to Serbian rule, before they march back in?
* Well, as voiced by Corp. Clark ... .
They might lose less of their Army.
* So, if I get You right, it's KLA with the NATO support to inflict losses on it.

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It is amuzing to see the posts from both sides.
It is not the question of morale that we are talking about, after all each side thinks that they are right. It is the question of power.
I say, the USA should finish off Milosivitch, get ground troups in Yugoslavia, kill all the people that had relation to Milosivitch goverment and install a goverment friendly to the US. That way US will end emberassing situation it put itself in. It will also show who the real power in Balkans is.
I say, Russia should crack down on Chechnya really hard. It is not the rebels they are fighting, it is the nation...nation that is very hostile to Russians. Therefore Russians should not fight Chechen terrorists/rebels, but Chechen people. Destroy them as a nation -- replace their history, language and customs with Russian, mix them with Russians,,,disolve will take time but i think this is a good long term strategy for Russians. as for Yugoslavia, I say Russians should either accept it into Russian federation or better yet just build couple nuke silos in Yugoslavia.

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BRAVEST "mujahed",
Here you go:

Wednesday, April 12th, 2000

Armed Clashes Continue

According to Kavkaz Center's correspondent in Chechnya, the armed clashes with the Russians are continuing on a daily basis over nearly the entire territory of the ChRI. The units of the Chechen Armed Forces are intensifying their activities in the lowland regions of Ichkeriya step by step.
Thus, during the last day the mujahideen carried out attacks on Russian units near Chervlyonnaya-Uzlovava and Borozdinovka. One car was destroyed, and nine Russians were killed.

In the districts of Vedeno, Nozhay-Yurt, and Shatoy, mobile units of the mujahideen carried out raids against the aggressors. At the outskirts of the village of Aslambek Sheripov, a detachment of Chechen fighters attacked a Russian unit of about 300 men. After 2 hours of fighting the mujahideen retreated to their bases without having suffered casualties. During the fighting two BTRs were knocked out, while more than 25 Russians were killed.

Not far from Yalkhoy-Mokhk the Chechen fighters, lying in ambush, attacked a Russian armoured column that was supplying the enemy's main forces in the Nozhay-Yurt District. After one hour of fighting the enemy was forced to halt their movements. So far the Russians have not resumed their movements and are waiting for reinforcements. According to the Chechen side, not less than 40 Russians were killed. Two BMPs and one BTR were knocked out.

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I've read many of your criticisms, but I still have yet to see any alternatives to the statements for which you attack. Now, I must ask: In your view, what should have happened in Kosovo? Perhaps once you address this question, room for scrutiny will emerge from your statements. It's quite a one-sided affair when the basis for your passages focuses primarily around the denouncement of another opinion. If you present an innovative viewpoint, perhaps we can offer criticims as well.

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Lazer & All American "genocide" special.
May 23. Seven French monks kidnapped March 27 from Notre Damme de Tibirin monastery died. "As promised we slit their thoats this morning" - terrorist annousement on Moroccan radio.
October 21. Ali Bakta, the Algiers mayor shot dead. Several days before that a bus was stopped and everyone in it were gunned.
December 23. Three persons dead and 70 wounded after a car exploded near a cafe in the center of Algiers.
December 29. 34 peasants of the Damaniya village killed.
January 5. Benashur village. 16 killed.
January 6. Benashur village. 18 more knifed.
January 7. 13 killed, 100 wounded as a car exploded in Algiers.
January 28. Ben Khamuda, UGTA Trade Union leader, gunned.
April 16. 7 killed, 26 wounded as a car exploded in the Blida market-place. 150 knifed in Aush Bukhfi.
August 1. 100 knifed in Blida and Ayin Defla provinces. 74 "joined" the previous 100 three days later.
August 20-22. 67 died in Blida and Medea.

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>> Algeria <<

Is there any credible evidence that the militants carried out those "attacks"?

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Now, I must ask: In your view, what should have happened in Kosovo?
* It should have been left alone. Nothing was going on there, except low-intensity counterinsurgency operations.
And if the "West" felt kind of "humanitarizing", it could have used the political circles of K.-Albs. (Rugova, et. al.) instead of jumping in bed with the KLA (today's "freedom fighter" is, mainly, a tomorrow's terrorist), continued with OSCE observers (not the Walker types), followed the KLA arms supply routes and cut them and threaten sanctions against the Serb State should any real stability-oriented activity have been sabotaged by it.

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>>It should have been left alone. Nothing was going on there, except low-intensity counterinsurgency operations.<<

You mean the thousands of civilians that were massacred and thousands that were displaced was just part of a "low-intensity counterinsurgency operation?" Unbelievable the words you chose to describe the campaign! An "ordinary" Serb wouldn't agree with you.

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Is there any credible evidence that the militants carried out those "attacks"?

* Sure, no. It's the Buteflica Govt. itself decided to sabotage the acceptance of 8000 former "Islamic Salvation Front" men into its Army, the Italian Govt. decision to resume regular flights to Algeria, the German GTZ decision to invite Algeria back into it (Algeria was kicked out in 1993), the EU Brussels decision to sign a cooperation treaty with it within the first months of 2000 and killed and wounded all of the mentioned ones.

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