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Archive through April 12, 2000

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You mean the thousands of civilians that were massacred ...
* Believe what You want, the UN is of a different opinion, though.

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* What about the agreement?:o)

I've answered that. Lets be realistic.

"Even in Kosovo, an explicit political persecution linked to Albanian
ethnicity is not yet verifiable. The East of Kosovo is still not involved
in armed conflict. Public life in cities like Pristina, Urosevac,
Grjilan, etc. has, in the entire conflict period, continued on a
relatively normal basis. The actions of the security forces (were) not
directed against the Kosovo-Albanians as an ethnically defined group, but
against the military opponent and its actual or alledged supporters."

Why burn the houses?

"That "piece of land" being more important than its occupants!!!!!!!!!
* A tricky question with words Albanian civilians hidden in the end. Heh."

Don't mistake me for an American,Kissie
No just civilians, who do you think the Albanians will attack- Serb civilians!!!!

Why don't they start negotiating about a return to Serbian rule, before
they march back in?
* Well, as voiced by Corp. Clark ... .
A corporal???????????right.

They might lose less of their Army.
* So, if I get You right, it's KLA with the NATO support to inflict losses on it.

Would it make it easier for you if that was what I thought? Don't be silly. You don't think the KLA and various other acronyms will just stand by and watch. Given a choice of the Serb army or the KLA, Nato will probably just go home. That's the point of the exercise isn't it.


I have to agree with Suleyman, balls in your court.
Given the situation as it is now, what next?

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Algerie: Allah est Grand!
Islamists kill!

Onlooker and other NurEdeen... That's for you:


Chechnya's president Monday squarely placed the blame for his country's misery
on Islamic fundamentalists who originally provoked Russian retaliation when they
launched guerrilla attacks from Chechnya on neighbouring Dagestan last year.
President Aslan Maskhadov recalled how Islamic warlord Shamil Bassayev's forces
attacked villages in the neighbouring southern Russian minority republic last
August, using bases inside Chechnya.
"With the Dagestan attack last summer, Bassayev provoked the war with Russia,"
Maskhadov said in an interview with the German radio station Deutsche Welle.

Maskhadov said the pro-Basayev site,, a rare source of direct
information from the rebel camp, was in opposition to him and his government and had no authority to speak on his behalf.

I post the links in one minute

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So far I've kept my side of the deal.
No more Nazi stuff, pretty please.
You're insulting my arguments.

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"followed the KLA arms supply routes and cut them"

The drugs trade,Afghanistan, Pakistan and the rest.- a long term project to say the least.

threaten sanctions
against the Serb State should any real stability-oriented activity have
been sabotaged by it.

More sanctions, if Serbia responded to sanctions, Nato could have saved itself a lot of trouble and money in the past ten years.

Doesn't get the refugees home before the winter!

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OK, now we have what Nato should have done diferently. What about Russia and Serbia?

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All American
You are crazy.

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If the counter-insurgency measures were of a low-intensity, why do you see the KLA as such a threat to the Serbian state? That is if it is assumed that a high-insensity measure would be used to counter a considerable enemy. It seems that by your logic, the KLA were a weak and unorganized group of militants that were met by minimal Serbian contact.

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Albright -- who will visit Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan after a stop in Ukraine -- is following in the steps of CIA director George Tenet and FBI director Louis Freeh, who met with regional officials in the region to discuss intelligence and law enforcement issues.

Albright will bring with her a slightly different, but equally critical focus, closing the triangle begun by Tenet and Freeh with a diplomatic mission billed as a visit centered on regional security, democracy building and promoting rule of law.

She will be offering about three million dollars in border enforcement aid to each of the three nations, US officials say.

"These countries are located in an area of great challenge and we've got a tremendous interest in helping them guard against the problems endemic to the area," said one senior official. I wonder what she will say when these countries and Russia crack down on the militants.

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