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Archive through April 14, 2000

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hi!Anti Racist
Is it provocation?

"With the state of affairs of the corrupt Russian military, time is on the side of the Chechen Mujahideen. "
1/Mijahedeen = cowards who bribe russian oficiers to escape the battlefield.
2/Rebels are fully corrupted by foreign money.

"I am amazed at the ignorance and lack of maturity among the stupid pro-russian thugs who seem to be completely intoxicated."

1/What about the fanatism of these brainwashed fundamentalist suicide fighters?

"The Chechen resistance for over 8 months against a far numerically superior Russian Army is in itself one of the brilliant vicories of in the history of modern warfare. "

What resistance? Russia administrates all Chechenya and rebels will just have the chance to hide in the forest.
What victory? They lost.

"The Russian overtures to Mashkhadov are tacit admission of the defeat of the Russian Army. "

--Putin Rules Out Talks
In his statement, Putin appeared to rule out the possibility --
mooted by some officials in recent days -- of talks with Chechen
President Aslan Maskhadov,---

Today on Yahoo news...

Have a good day!

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By IGOR ( - on Thursday, April 13, 2000 - 04:12 pm:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko will meet this Sunday to discuss a military build-up on the Belarussian border with Poland, according to official Russian sources."

What's that? Russia complained of the West's cold war vision a couple of days ago...
Putin told he didn't see why Nato would be an enemy and why not one day include Russia.

A military build up on the border with Poland would be the best way to waste money.

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It was about time- good for them!!!
That site was begging for it.

So no return to the cold war then, Igor.

Hasn't Poland suffered enough?

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Doesn't seem like they did.If they want to join Nato then that is what they can expect.Should Russia just stay put while Nato armies march on their borders?Use common sense and look at it from Russia's perspective.Didn't they dissolve Warsaw Pact?Is Nato enlarging?Think before you speak(type).

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Disinformation is a war crime--

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Why only Russia?

The Russians are not too far off the mark in discerning a Cold War mentality in the Council of Europe’s decision to begin suspension proceedings against their country for alleged human rights violations in Chechnya.

The step is unfortunate not only because the European parliamentarians of the 41-nation body have managed to take away Russia’s voting rights in the Council but also because it is an ill-timed move when a new democratic Russia is struggling to find its place in the world economy and forge a responsible partnership with the West. The blow comes not long after the US-led Nato’s assault on Yugoslavia, which was deeply resented in Russia because it threatened the feeling of Slav solidarity in the region. Indeed, it is mainly due to Russia’s insistence on restoring peace in the region that the Nato bombing of Yugoslavia was stopped and the Kosovo crisis was sought to be tackled through less belligerent means.

The European parliamentarians in Strasbourg, however, seem to have forgotten the virtual unilateral action in Yugoslavia or the US and British bombing of Iraq when they hastily acted to draw up what can be a new fault line between the East and the West. The immediate provocation for their anger was obviously the negative report of UN human rights chief Mary Robinson on her visit to Chechnya where she was dismayed by what she saw. True, Moscow has not displayed much patience in dealing with the Chechen rebels, an attitude which was compounded by its failure to distinguish between them and the civilians. It did seem to regard the whole of Chechnya as enemy territory. Even then, the European Council chose to ignore the fact that, for all the insensitivity shown by Russia in the region, the turbulence in Chechnya is of immense concern to Russia and Moscow has every right to deal with the Islamic threat on its own terms. If the West can seek to impose its own solutions in Kosovo and Iraq without caring much for the suffering caused to innocent people, especially the children in Iraq, surely it cannot take exception to the legitimate cause of a government seeking to preserve the country’s integrity when it is being threatened by Islamic militants. Unless, of course, it has one set of rules for the West, and another for the rest of the world.

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Posts: 1518 Domain Seized By Kosovo Secessionists

by Jared Israel (4-13-00) [emperors-clothes]

On April 10 an individual or a group represented by someone with an Albanian name, located in Pristina, in Kosovo, took over the domain name of, the website of the Serbian Ministry of Information. The site is now full of anti-Serb propaganda.

Network Solutions is licensed by the US government to handle domain registration. Network Solutions spokesman Charles Ngugi told Emperor-Clothes today that they had received an order to change the domain ownership from the "correct email address." Without asking for additional security, he explained, this is all that is required to change a domain registrant.

Mr. Ngugi promised the site would be restored very soon.

This illegal action casts doubt on the integrity of the Internet. It concerns everyone. Anyone on the Web should take this as a warning to put up more security on their websites.

Below is the text of the domain information, as it was changed by the Pristina people:

Registrant: EPI (SERBIA-INFO-DOM) Sheshi Adem Jashari Prishtine, Kosove 38000 AL Domain Name: SERBIA-INFO.COM Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact, Billing Contact: Albodude, Domain (DAS649) @USA.NET">fluiddd@USA.NET Sheshi Adem Jashari Prishtine, 38000 AL 011 381 38 37 921 (FAX) 011 381 38 37 921 Record last updated on 10-Apr-2000. Record expires on 29-Jul-2000. Record created on 28-Jul-1997. Database last updated on 12-Apr-2000 04:50:42 EDT. Domain servers in listed order: NS1.WEBPROVIDER.COM NS2.WEBPROVIDER.COM

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Under an agreement concluded between Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic and NATO to end the alliance's 78-day bombing campaign, Serbia
can return around 1,000 officials to Kosovo to protect monuments and
officiate at borders.

Ah, that agreement. The way some people were talking, you would think the entire Serb army was marching in. I suppose these officials will expect Nato to protect them.

Right,let's recap: Russia wants to increase the military build up on the border with Poland, wants to bomb Afghanistan, is deliberately intensifying the situation in the Baltics, and is threatening to become involved in Kosovo.Not to mention the ongoing war in Chechnia.
At the same time Putin is promising to increase wages,increase pensions, turn the economy around, etc.
Who's paying for all of this?
Not Putin, that's sure.

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More on PSY-OPS

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Do you expect them to just sit by and let US do what ever they want.Baltic countries are discriminating with their visas and putting the old Russian guy in jail.Serbs are abused in Kosovo and resolution 1244 was signed by Russia,then Clarke says no Serb troops and Afghanistan training bandits that end up in Kosovo and Chechnya. Try looking at it from someone elses perspective other than Americas.

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Ah Disinformation, you would know all about that wouldn't you Igor, you fall for most of it.
That Serbian site was propaganda at its worst.

"This illegal action casts doubt on the integrity of the Internet." Bluster, Bluster, did someone beat them at their own game.

Re :Why only Russia?- Use your head.

From Russia's point of view- yeah they lost the Warsaw pact. Why did they lose it,Igor?

Again haven't the Baltics and Poland suffered enough? They want stability and peace, therefore are seeking not only to join Nato, but also the EU.What does a crumbling Russia have to offer them? Oh yes, military domination by the back door. Those countries have turned their economic, political and social systems around and are actually doing well. Something Russia has not been able to do because of decades of economic mismanagement, corruption and its determination to be a world power at all costs.
What is going on has nothing to do with Russian citizens, there is no direct threat to Russia from Nato(it even benefits from Nato). There is no moral highground for Russia to take.
Putin is blustering and simply doing it because he can. Those countries are no threat to Russia. This is about Nato. Is central Europe again going to pay the price for a Russian ego-trip?

Putin reminds me of a three year old throwing a temper tantrum. Something we came to expect from old style cold war politicians on both sides.
The world could do without it.

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"Try looking at it from someone elses perspective other than Americas."

Try looking at it from a European perspective.
All we here is Russia and America's perspective.
What about Polands perspective.

The Baltic countries are being put under pressure not to join Nato. The visa and trial are just a pretext.

It seems that a lot of people have been abused in Kosovo - Russia could have done a lot more to settle the conflict. It chose to play a tit-fot-tat game. If those officials went back in now, it would further destabilise the situation.
Agreement or not- surely it makes sense to calm the situation.
Afghanistan is as much a problem to America as it is to Russia. Why don't they act like big boys and work together. Putin has a persecution complex, every one is out to get Russia! The people hurting Russia the most seem to be its own inhabitants.

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Igor filthy goy dog,

The Sepharidic has shown tremendous mercy to you so far.

You have insulted me and the Sepharidic, now you will pay the price.

Tell us exactly where you are?

(I hope welfare covers cosmetic surgery for you - If not the Sephardic will pay, We are used to paying for shameless Russians)

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Jake, please shut up!!!
If anyone is boring us, its you.
Isn't there something on telly for you to watch,
like CNN or the disney channel?

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Kissie please answer Nemisis. I would have to write a book to give an opinion as she has raised too many questions .You have an ability of summing it all up concisly.Russia did not lose Warsaw Pact,Gorbachev disbanded it and Berlin Wall in the spirit of good will naievly in the hope of having a permanent peace.However Nato saw this as a weakness and instead expanded.What is the reason for this? Who is the enemy? Kosovo was an insurgency by terorists Much has been posted on KLA and their heroin dealing and instigating Serb police reprisals against Kosvars knowing that Nato was looking for a pretext to go in and bomb Serbia.I have posted and pasted articles to that effect.Russians will have to go in to Kosovo to make sure that resolution 1244 is implemented and the Serbs would feel secure that some one would ensure that they do not get attacked.As far as that site being propaganda,how is killigs of Serbs propaganda especially the story of the 80 odd year old woman who had a stake rammed in her vagina and then staked to the ground and her house burned while Nato troops were around?What benefits does Russia get from Nato on it's border.That is the most retarded statement you have made so far.What does Russia have to offer them?The Russians do not want them>They all owe billions of dollars to Soviet Union of which Russia is paying these debts.To answer you in deatail and with corrborating facts would take hours so this will have to suffice.

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