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Archive through April 14, 2000

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"Thousands of people are being looted by the Russians and the mujahideen are returning back their money."

Where did you get that from! And certainly they are sending humanitarian aid to refugees' HAHAHA!

" "Secretly escape?" I call it strategic withdrawal. "

Yes indeed, it's a better strategy to withdraw as far as they can while letting the others die at the frontline.

"Disparity in numbers, disparity in armor, disparity in aviation. "

Not disparity: Miscalculation by the mujahedeen. The militants didn't expect Russsia to send so many troops and to fight so sharply and awaited a second 94-96war downturn again insteed.

"The mujahideen have one thing the Russians ain't got: Faith in God. This sums it all."

That's why they die, that's why they lose every fight, that's why they are poor and miserable.
Because God doesn't support war and warrior (mujahedeen) are sinners.
They are going to lose even the last thing they get, theyr faith in God as soon as they will discover that the Jihad is crooked.

You have one but it's not very visible on the pic.
Did you notice, Igor hands the biggest gun?
And URN makes a sing as "we will cut them".

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Fred is Milosovic an idiot because he did not give away all of Serbia to Nato?He defended Serbs against KLA as would any leader of a country.And who told you that Serbs do not want him,after all he was elected.I did not see 10 million people marching against him. Did you get information from CNN or some other source from West?

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Dead right. - Milo had been elected.
Blaming "it all" on him is incorrect (and useless). Jim Jatras was right.
Any Serb Govt. leader (as any govt. leader) would pursue state integrity.

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Apti Batalov, "military chief of staff" and "brigadier general" was captured on 04-13.

Russians only say that they are talking to Maskhadov so the West can take a break from whining.

START-2 passed, meaning Russia will get more money from US to dispose of nukes, in reality they will use it to develope better ones. (And maybe sell their old ones to Iran.. not. Heh.)

Life is good, ALLAHU AKHBAR!

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