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Archive through April 15, 2000

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seems we've returned to the place where we

but offhand, i was wondering if it was a matter of
"neglecting to inform the american public" or if
wallace etc were ignored/disregarded by their
superiors for not submitting the hoped-for
atrocity stories...

today's paper speaks of 10-12,000 people in an
anti-milosevic demonstration yesterday; not
commenting further than that....lolol i cant
believe the newspaper anymore...really, i just
read the paper for the comics...[wink]

a mysterious lady explained this milosevic in/out
business to me last year on a different
page...yep. and that "explanation" has yet to be
sufficiently 'countered' anywhere else, IMO.
certainly not via yankee media.
wishing the best of days to them for whom i wish
it, i remain...

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Bernstein you COWARD I already told you I am in Toronto and where I will be.The bar is around the corner from airport,maybe 5 minutes.If you want a piece of me show up.You are just yapping because everyone on this board knows that you are a COWARD.You son of a crack infested prostitute.

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THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) -- A Muslim witness told a U.N. war crimes tribunal Friday how two brothers hugged -- then shot -- one another, rather than be killed by Serb executioners in the July 1995 Srebrenica massacre. HARD TO BELIEVE IF THEY ARE GOING TO DIE WHY DIDNT THEY KILL SOME SERBS INSTEAD OF EACH OTHER

The man, identified as "Witness P," lived through the massacre by pretending to be dead in a field of corpses. His testimony came in the genocide trial of Bosnian Serb Gen. Radislav Krstic, which began last month. WITNESS P COULD BE ANYONE SAYING ANYTHING.I HAD INCIDENT WHERE SOMALI WOMAN SCRATCHED HER OWN CHILD AND SAID MY DOG DID IT.SHE PUT FOUR SCRATCHES ON KIDS ARM ,HOWEVER MY DOGS PAW IS SO BIG THAT ONLY 2 NAILS WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO DO THAT,THE OTHER TWO NAILS WOULD HAVE BEEN AT LEAST 2 INCHES ON EITHER SIDE OF HER ARM.COPS CHARGED HER

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Berstein I heard you were related to PEE WEE HERMAN.That would account for your reluctance to show up, because if I looked like I would hide out too.

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There you again... I was waiting for your angry tirade that barks out every time the scale of the Holocaust is challenged.

No people died in Bosnia, it was all a big concocted story by Hairy... LOL.

BTW do you have any more of Hitler's quotes.... Quite the figure to quote especially from people like you. LOL.

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Come on now....Berstein is not related to Pee Wee...HE IS PEE WEE HERMAN. His reluctance to show up in Toronto is attributed to his bike being stolen by AllAmerican coupled with the fact that, he's a spineless, gutless, piece of dog sh!t. I can't speak for everyone, however, I for one feel that he has, on a number of occassions, proved to this board just what he's really made of.

Granted, everyone's entitled to be stupid, but in Bernstein's case, he's completely abusing the privilege.


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Understand your wife bought a shopping cart from the grocery store....She wants to teach you how to walk on your hind legs... HA HA HA HA HA

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Chalk up another good, original one for Hairy on AllAmerican. HE HE HE HE.

Gotta go. Be good.

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is back! LMAO.

How many times did you get your snatch rubbed today.


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No wonder Putin has started begging Aslan to end the war. Time for Chechen fighters to obliterate bandits in Russia to save the children from the clutches of a wrotten system run by Putin and his cronies.

Russian Kindergarten Head Arrested for Alleged Child Smuggling

MOSCOW, Apr 15, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) The principal of a Russian kindergarten and her adult son were arrested Friday in the southern city of Stavropol on suspicion of smuggling children abroad, news reports said.

The two were detained at the airport as they attempted to hand over a child to an American couple, Igor Trubitsin, Stavropol Federal Security Service (FSB) spokesman told ITAR-TASS.

The FSB believes that the pair were working with accomplices both in Russia and abroad and is now questioning staff at orphanage number 58 on the edge of town, Ria-Novosti reported.

An investigation has cleared the American couple of any wrongdoing and they have been set free.

"The Americans were innocent victims of these offenders who were asking to be paid 8,500 dollars for the child," Trubitsin said.

Officials believe it was not the first time the principal had taken children illegally out of the country and that she received 8,000-16,000 dollars per child.

"She had targeted children from problem families which regarded children as a burden," Trubitsin said.

Russia has heard many cases of illegal adoptions due to the heavy demand from Western couples wanting to adopt Russian children.

Last year, the Russian government declared it had 620,000 "social orphans" -- children either abandoned by their families or removed from irresponsible parents. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)

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