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Archive through April 17, 2000

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Hi L'menexe,

thanks for the vote of support.
As ever you seem torn both ways.
~but then that is as it should be if you really
want to distinguish fact from fiction.
Retaining one set point of view is probably
a lot easier, but who wants an easy life, anyway.

speak to you off-air

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For everyone that's wondering what AllAmerican looks like here's a recent photo:

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YO ALLAMERICAN you piece of fecal matter...come on tell us who's paying the demurage fees. You can't because there isn't any.. the tanker was released numbnuts.

Don't despair..Jesus loves you...The rest of us think your an A S S H O L E...and you really are.

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Hi Mary, still aggitating for common decency?
How are you sweety?

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Hi ya KIM:

I sure am..and you know what...I really struck a nerve by showing that picture of his wife. HE HE.
Did you get to see it?

Had a great several days, and today just relaxing, no just releasing HA HA HA. On a more serious note, all is well with me and I trust all is well with you and yours..

Luv Ya HM... maybe I should convert the HM to Her Majesty.

btw. Did you know that the Ardvark breath, towel headed, homo taxi driver AllAma also does a solo trapeze act in the Moscow circus and is billed as the world's one and only flying A S S H O L E.

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To Hairy Mary

You really are pathetic. You don't even have the brains to voice an opinion on this board. All you do is say silly things like that loony Jew guy jake or that nutcase antonio.
Who are you anywhy? some cleaning lady who sneaks into the bosses office to use the computer? be careful you may get caught one of these days.

To All American

HM is just plain dumb! Just ignore her. People like Kisako etc are the real sicko's consumed by hate.

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"You really are pathetic. You don't even have the brains to voice an opinion on this board. All you do is say silly things like that loony Jew guy jake or that nutcase antonio."

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How about a new addition of camel nuts.
we need some light entertainment.
How's about putting us all in perspective, though


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you want "sicko consumed by hate"?
look in the mirror!

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It really makes me laugh to see the 'little' losers come to the aid of the 'big' loser!

By the way losers, everything I say still stands!

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is not AllAmerican's wife. It's a picture of Balalaika. Unless... it's the same person. (Which would explain a lot of things).

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Brave Mujahideen battle provess should not be confused with "stories". They are not fighting so that idiots like you read them as "stories".

They are just stories so (insert the names people who always cut & paste stories here) could cut & paste stories here. And feel good about it .. or something. I mean, why else would they post stories here?

The war will continue until the last Mujahideen is killed and there are still plenty and They are not fighting

Yeah, they are sitting at home looking at the computer screen all day.

If I'm not mistaken, there were more than 100,000 troops alone around Grozny during its "siege".

You are VERY mistaken, or just smoking hashish.

There are no less than 250,000 Russian troops stationed in Chechnya.

DEFINATELY hashish. The number never exceeded 93,000 soldiers/militiamen/servicemen/military doctors/etc.

P.S. Pretty soon Russia has to beg NATO and UN to come to its rescue. Already Albright has answered the call of Russia and is helping the
beleaguered Russian Army with massive military and financial "aid". But the "might" of Russia and its supporters is no match for the might of the Almighty.

Damn, must be very good hashish. You gotta tell me who is your supplier.

Indeed God is Great.

Allahu Akhbar! HolyCowu Akhbar!

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NB: Damn, your post was scary! NOT A SINGLE INSULT!

The reason you haven't heard any 'brave mujahideen' stories lately is because they are nearly wiped out. LOL.
I almost fell out of my wheelchair when I heard that from chechen semi-supporter!

Unfortunately the Russians still have an army - a poorly trained and equipped one - but nonetheless one, which can do battle that is able to inflict heavy losses upon any enemy. Due to their sheer sizeable advantage they are able to withstand much more severe setbacks than what
the rebels ever could.

Hmm, according to Chechen sources (in USA) it's 20,000 Russians vs 55,000+++ rebels.

We have seen the best days of the resistance and now can only look forward to small ambushes that will rarely make the evening news. The Chechnyans have done much more than was/is expected of them.

Expected by ???

Don't forget that at the height of their power they numbered a mere 5,000 only!!!

5,000 before or after over 10,000 rebels were killed by Russians? Once again, according to Maskhadov himself, he got 55,000+++ soldiers.

Albeit 5,000 consisting of the fiercest and highest quality of Urban warfare fighters.

Bwahaha. If you were sitting in anti-nuclear soviet era bunker while your slaves dig trenches and construct barricades and mine everything around you .. you would hold out pretty good too.

Them holding out against such odds and indeed inflicting major military damage upon a superior army were just short of a miracle.


If anything this conflict should make it clear to the Russians just how far they would have to get to match up against an actual army with an
airforce, mechanized units and Navy. (not to mention a Marine Corps)

Oh I doubt Russians would have to worry about not bombing civilians or not using nifty destruction weapons then.

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The conflict in Chechnya is just the tip of the iceberg of the real battle that has pitted Russia and its supporters against the upholders of freedom and justice. The battle has just begun and will soon encompass the entire Caucasus and other parts of Russia, where the oppression and injustice is rampant. The oppressed masses will soon welcome the thud of the gallant Mujahideen that will liberate the masses from the clutches of the evil vodka Army.

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Those who talk about the russian army and Russia in a proud way, do not they feel shame to talk about an army who can not beat 5000 soliders ?

Indeed, truth will never die, and truth must win. The chechneya Mujahadeen are about 5000, but more than 100000 russian solider equiped with modern weapons can not defeat them !!!!!!!

There are alot of nations in the world that struggled hardly to gain its independce, Alegeria offered 1000 000 martyres to get its independence from France, Afganistan offered more than 2 million martyeres to kick the communistic filth from its land, but the chechneyan people are showing a great and mighty example of sacrifices that can not be seen easily in any place on the earth. They are fighting against the second army in the world with no fear or hesitaion. They do not have enough or modern weapons, they just have faith and men, great men, Maskhadov, Basayav, Khatab and Salman Ibn Rado.

Let us wait till the end of this epic and see who will win. No one in the world expected that Afgainstan could vanquish the russian army, Any one here thinks that Russia can vanquish the mujahadeen ?

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