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Archive through April 17, 2000

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""Damn, your post was scary! NOT A SINGLE INSULT""

Don't get used to it! LOL

""I almost fell out of my wheelchair when I heard that from chechen semi-supporter!""

Fact is fact…Just because you support something doesn't you do it blindly!
Wheelchair??? LMAO

""Hmm, according to Chechen sources (in USA) it's 20,000 Russians vs 55,000+++ rebels.""

Hmm, chenchyan sources in the U.S. -- LOL.

If I were you I wouldn't put any stock in any figures coming out of either side.

55,000 civilians maybe - but rebels??? Very doubtful.

"Expected by ???"

Did you expect them to hold out against the Russian army for this long? Or holding Crozny for over a month? Or embarrassing the Russian military on a consistent basis?

So my answer to you is "YOU". LOL

""5,000 before or after over 10,000 rebels were killed by Russians? Once again, according to Maskhadov himself, he got 55,000+++ soldiers.""

How about some of those independent figure chief? You should use them one in a while.

""Bwahaha. If you were sitting in anti-nuclear soviet era bunker while your slaves dig trenches and construct barricades and mine everything around you .. you would hold out pretty good too.""

You obviously know very little about strategic urban warfare. Wake up - If you think a few mines and a couple of bunkers can adequately defend a city, then you should consider joining the local circus! LOL.

How about the retaking of villages, of costly ambushes! Wake Up. LOL.

Be careful of this argument because the other side of the coin means the Russians have been beaten up by a bunch of idiots who know nothing of war, have no planning and basically play with themselves all day long. But yet manage to slap around the Russian Army with a couple of mines!

BTW "Slaves for digging trenches"??? Were they black by any chance. LOL.

""Oh I doubt Russians would have to worry about not bombing civilians or not using nifty destruction weapons then.""

HAHA! The icing on the cake…LOL

Have you seen pictures of Crozny? Are you following this conflict? There is not a single structure still standing in Crozny! Yeah, the Russians were REALLY worried about those civilians! LOL.

"Nifty destruction weapons" LOL…

Thanks for the laugh!!!

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the BIGGER loser:
'stand by what you say' all you want, but that
doesn't mean you know what the hell you're talking

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"yeah, but as long as they've got PEDRO, the sox
can go 22-140 this year."

Why because he looks cute in those tight pants?


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yo, FAKE:
"cute in tight pants"?

that's your opinion, you realize...
i hadnt noticed.
see, kim?
some things cannot/will not change.

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So you like Pedro -
You are so freaking gay!

you probably have a 5 foot flame shooting out of your @s">a@s !

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seems to me it was _you_ saying mr martinez was
"cute in tight pants", not _me_.

FOAD, homopsychoFAKE.

that's it.
this nonsense is exactly why i now avoid posting
on this page.
i'm outta here.
L'menexe has left the building. -_-

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"Let us wait till the end of this epic and see who will win. No one in the world expected that Afgainstan could vanquish the russian army, Any one here thinks that Russia can vanquish the mujahadeen?"

Not to detract from the 2 million fightersand civilians who died in the war against Russia in Afghanistan. But in the end it was international power games that sent the Russians packing not the
Mujahadeen. And since then things in Afghanistan haven't exactly improved, have they.
Russian tyrants, islamic ones, tell me what's the difference.

Now Chechnia, yes the Mujahadeen have held out admirably against the Russian Army, but what happens now? The cavalry isn't coming this time.
Are you simply going to continue with guerilla warfare, in which civilians seem to be paying the ultimate price, or what is the plan? Negotiate?

Interested to know your thoughts on this matter:

Omar, Saladin, Onlooker??????

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Seriously do you have an opinion? Please don't allow us "losers" to prevent you from expressing it!
I won't waste space insulting you. We now know what you think of us. What do you think about the subject?


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Who's being nice? Just rise above it.
If you can't beat 'em, don't join 'em, be yourself!!!

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 463

Good riddance

Lmenexe could not hack it anymore and has left. For good hopefully...

It's not as if he will be missed for his deep and always informative opinions. ... All he was good for was some cheerleading and a good laugh. Not even his dearest friends could deny this.

Good Riddance - and your welcome everyone!

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