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Archive through April 18, 2000

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You won't get rid of me that easy...ya cockroach.

btw...just loved your wifes picture not to mention yours. HE HE HE HE. Must leave for several hours, but I promise I'll be back.

Understand that LASER is the new addition to your trapeze act. Please forgive me for thinking you were the world's one and only flying a s s h o l e. Homo LASER DORK is by far flying way, way higher than you. Not to fear however, I have every confidence that you'll quickly catch up to LASER and together you both will be entered in the Guinness Book of records as the world's highest flying A S S H O L E S.

"Tell me what does your son do for a living?" "Why he's the highest flying a s s h o l e in the world." Your parents must get goose bumps letting everyone know that they finally have reason to be proud of you both.

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YOU ARE ALL NOTHING BUT GOY here - You wild beast must know your place in the world. Even homosexual goy like Igor and Lmenexe have infested this board.

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Not everyone can grow to emulate his parents except you chasing your mother as she rides off yet again with a stranger in a Pink Taxi.

Ahhhhhhh, Your childhood memories!! Do tell us when we can expect your next offspring as to ensure continuation of 'family prostitution'.

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April 17th Update

Monday, April 17th, 2000

Special Operation in Vedeno Under the Command of Shirvani Basayev

The prefect of the Vedeno District, Shirvani Basayev, announces a successful military operation against the Russians in Vedeno.

Under cover of night, a Chechen unit went into Vedeno. Half an hour before dawn the Chechen mujahideen attacked the enemy's camp on the territory of the school of forestry in the centre of the town. For one hour our the mujahideen fired upon the Russians with flame-throwers, RPGs and light mortars. Several groups entered the school of forestry and in face-to-face fighting mowed down Russian soldiers having rallied in the building. The Chechen unit retreated without having suffered casualties.

For several hours after the raid, the Russian air force carried out heavy attacks on the surrounding mountains and forests. There are no exact figures about the Russian casualties, but according to the Chechen side, Russian transport aircrafts made more than 10 flights to evacuate the slain and the wounded from Vedeno to Khankala.

Russian Column Destroyed near Beti-Mokhk

The staff of the central front makes it known that near Beti-Mokhk in the Nozhay-Yurt District a Russian column, consisting of three BMPs and four Ural trucks transporting fuel and food supplies, was destroyed.

The mujahideen attacked the enemy with BMPs and machine guns. During the operation three trucks and one BMP were destroyed. Four mujahideen were slightly wounded, while the Russians lost 7 men. After 40 minutes of fighting four attack helicopters came to the aid of the Russians. The Chechen fighters retreated, having taken as booty nine infantry guns and several RPG-7s.

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"Not to detract from the 2 million fightersand civilians who died in the war against Russia in Afghanistan. But in the end it was
international power games that sent the Russians packing not the Mujahadeen. And since then things in Afghanistan haven't exactly improved, have they. Russian tyrants, islamic ones, tell me what's the difference."

Russia has tried other ways to reclaim its "influence" in Afghanistan by supporting the opposition (led by Ahmad Shah Masood) both financially and military. The West, Israel, and India have a hand too.

"Now Chechnia, yes the Mujahadeen have held out admirably against the Russian Army, but what happens now? The cavalry isn't coming this time.
Are you simply going to continue with guerilla warfare, in which civilians seem to be paying the ultimate price, or what is the plan? Negotiate?

This is probably the same thing you said during the 94-96 war. One thing you should note: There is no end to guerilla warfare. The civilians payed the price in the previous war, but nobody cared so why care now? The clock is ticking for Russia to start negotiating or continue this aggression which is an ingredient for an impending disaster.

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Could you post the link to your article above.


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All American,

You mean the April 17th update.

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QUOTE OF THE DAY -- "The Mujahideen take this opportunity to congratulate the family of our brother Abu Hamza on his martyrdom."

ALL AMERICAN, I'll reply to your post (maybe) later, right now my helper is not here and it is hard for me to type (being blind and all).

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By Kim Arx ( - on Monday, April 17, 2000 - 07:32 am:

Seriously do you have an opinion? Please don't allow us "losers" to prevent you from expressing it!
I won't waste space insulting you. We now know what you think of us. What do you think about the subject?


To Kim,

If you express support for a pathetic mentally deficient creature like HM, what do you expect to be called?

To Jake,

I am sick of hearing about the 'chosen' people. I hope nuts like you are in the minority. The internet thankfully is one of the few places where you Jews don't have full control of the media. If you persist in your trashy statements, I will have a few things to say about your 'chosen' people.

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I take it that you have no opinion on the subject of Chechnia you would like to share with us.....
Call me what you like, its all water off a ducks back. Just don't expect me to play.......

PS If you don't like what HM has to say, don't read it, but she is appreciated here.

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Hello Onlooker, thanks for your answer to my questions

"This is probably the same thing you said during the 94-96 war."

Personally, I wasn't really as into politics, last time around. But it seems the Russians were totally unprepared for that war. Putin has an awful lot riding on this one.

"One thing you should note: There is no end to guerilla warfare. The civilians payed the price in the previous war, but nobody cared so why care now?"

Are you saying we shouldn't care about the civilians? Actually the main message that came out of the media last time was that the civilians were stuck in the middle. That guerilla warfare can go on indefinately is not in question, my question is
what can be achieved by it?

The clock is ticking for Russia to start negotiating or continue this aggression which is an ingredient for an impending disaster."

Is that the answer to my question above? The mujahadeen will continue until Russia bows to pressure to negotiate. What will they seek to negotiate from Russia,do you think?

BTW: Do you support the Taliban?

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"Personally, I wasn't really as into politics, last time around. But it seems the Russians were totally unprepared for that war. Putin has an awful lot riding on this one."

Well, I could sum up for you: The war will last longer with the same results.

"Are you saying we shouldn't care about the civilians? Actually the main message that came out of the media last time was that the civilians were stuck in the middle. That guerilla warfare can go on indefinately is not in question, my question is
what can be achieved by it?"

I agree with you--civilians are struck in the middle and of course we should do something about it. But it doesn't seem like Russia cares, nor does it seem that the West wants to "further damage its relations" with Russia. The answer to your second question is that nothing can be achieved by guerilla warfare. But as you summed up nicely below, the war will continue until Russia gets back on the negotiating table.

"Is that the answer to my question above? The mujahadeen will continue until Russia bows to pressure to negotiate. What will they seek to negotiate from Russia, do you think?"

Yes of course. I think Maskhadov has said that all along, but the condition is that Russia should withdraw all of its troops from Chechnya.

"BTW: Do you support the Taliban?"

I think the creation of Taliban was the direct result of Soviet oppression in Afghanistan. For time I do support them (although they have disadvantages). I support their campaign against the northern-based alliance led by Massood, who is being military and financially awarded by Russia, the West, India and Israel.

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17 April (Chicago).."In retrospect, lighting the match was my big mistake. But I was only trying to retrieve the gerbil," LASER told bemused doctors ai the emergency room. LASER, and his homosexual partner JAKE B., had been admitted for emergency treatment after a felching session had gone wrong. "I pushed a cardboard tube up his rectum and slipped BACON, our gerbil, in" he exlained. "As usual, JAKE B. shouted out "GOY," my cue that he'd had enough. I tried to retrieve BACON but he wouldn't come out again, so I peered into the tube and struck a match, thinking the light might attract him.

At an exclusive interview with the Camel Nuts, a hospital spokesman described to this reporter what happened next. "The match ignited a pocket of intestinal gas and a flame shot out of the tube, igniting LASER'S hair and burning his lips. It also set fire to BACON'S fur and whiskers which in turn ignited a larger pocket of gas further up the intestine, propelling the gerbil out like a cannonball." LASER suffered second degree burns and a broken nose from the impact of tyhe gerbil, while JAKE B. suffered first degree burns to his anus and lowe intestinal tract.

17 April (Trailerpark USA)..AllAmerica, the oldest person to ever attend elementary school made international news yesterday when he went crazy at school and pulled out all his teeth with a pair of pliers. The toothless imbecile claimed he executed this act because Hairy Mary continues to belittle him in front of his peers and classmates.

The goon has been sent to the local psychiatric clinic for observation and clinical tests. Because he's over eighteen, Allamerican has been expelled from school. AllAmerican's former teacher Brenda Halitosis, informed the CAMEL NUTS that the troubled geek was nothing but a negative disruptive influence on the other students in the class. "In addition," said Halitosis, "I'm glad he's been expelled. The jerk was so stupid he wouldn't know to take a sh!t when nature called. In fact, from the smell that emulated from him,I suspect he sh!t his pants regularly by being put down by HAIRY MARY, KIM, L"MENEXE, KISSIE, IGOR and DIMITRI.

ALLAMERICA'S father said he has had a lot of trouble with his ignorant son. "I've beaten his ass many times, and when he's released from the nuthouse I'm gonna pound the sh!t out of that fool again." ALLAMERICA'S mother was not available for comment as she was reportedly drinking heavy at the local pub and strip joint, where she works full time.


17 April (CAMEL NUTS GAZZETTE) LASER has always been a most cautious person since arriving on the shores of the US. Employed as a full time urinal scrubber at a local high school he can be seen wearing his heavy duty industrial gloves with sleeves that go up to the elbow and rubber galoshs. It's not that he read this in his official urinal scrubbers handbook...."it's just commen sense," said LASER. In addition, " I always make sure that I have my United Urinal Scrubbers Local 69 union card with me on the job, just in case a problem arises that I cannot take care of myself," quipped LASER.

LASER is highly educated, having received his GED diploma after dropping out of high school 10 years ago. His academic credentials are something he's quite proud of and he actually utilizes his vast knowledge everyday on his job. After all, not everyone can move a brush in the proper sequence so as to optimize the sanitation process. LASER further uses his "people skills" he gained through years of experience. For example, occasionally, a teenaged student will come into the restroom and attempt to pee in the urinal that LASER just cleaned. He knows this kid is doing this intentionally but, rather than confront the student, LASER uses his expertise. He simply asks the teen to go piss in the nearby floor drain.

Some students contend that LASER is a queer because he frequently is seen looking at the boys urinate all over his freshly cleaned urinals. But even then his cautious habits kick in. When LASER masterbates, he utilizes not one but two latex rubbers and a heavy duty rubber glove. He does not want to give himself Aids!

LASSER has had his share of problems on the job. The worst was when, after a football game that the team lost, he came into work on saturday morning only to find every urinal in the school filled with fecal matter. Now this really upset LASER. He called the Headmaster and complained, and the Headmaster merely told LASER "get the job done, you ignorant twerp." LASER immediately called the United Urinal Scrubbers Local 69 union steward and the representative told LASER, "get the job done, you ignorant twerp." Our hero LASER cleaned up all the fecal matter, working until 8 pm that night.

LASER dosenn't have too many friends and is basically a loner. He is not only not healthy mentally, but he has some physical problems as well. He drinks a lot and he likes to smoke even more. Countless times he has smoked a carton of cigarettes on his urinal scrubbing shift. He has been warned that he cannot smoke on school property yet, he still does it because he carries his Local 69 card. At least once the students saw him drinking booze by the liter in the restroom. On that occasion LASER was taken to the local jail where he spent the night.Following day, hangover and all, LASER was back on the job scrubbing away with his Union card tucked away.

Good help is hard to find.

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I think I must have got to the little scrubber!

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It is normal for a low income female like yourself with a limited education to fantasize and project her reality onto others. I have to commend you upon your progidious imagination.

Joking apart, I really DO BELIEVE you are a junior typist/secretary (you don't make spelling mistakes - bosses do!) in an office somewhere.
I really hope you don't get caught misusing company property. I WOULD HATE FOR YOU TO GET FIRED. I know you badly need the income.

Good luck.

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