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Archive through April 18, 2000

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Reputable Member
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Hi L'menexe,

Thanks for the email.
I didn't realise there were American forces stationed in the Arab Emirates. ;O)
Top o' the morning to ya.

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"Joke of the week"???????
Don't be so hard on yourself.

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Mr Aven, both of whose whose grandfathers died in
Stalin's gulag, denied that he was urging a return to the repression of the Soviet era. But he said rampant criminality and corruption could not be tackled by applying the law.

"You can't always fight criminals by staying within the law. You can't always do it peacefully."


The above is very nicely summing up the primitive state of Russian Minds.

What is a criminal?

A person who is using unlawful means and methods to further his interests. For example, if you rob a bank, you are a criminal, but if you borrow from a bank for a business, and if the business goes bankrupt and can't pay the money back, you are not a criminal. The end result is the same for the bank they loose money in both cases.

So what this smart Russian in fact is saying, to reach their desired goals, they need to ignore the law. So whatever they will do will become, unlawful, and they will become criminals.

So much for the elimination of criminals!

If the best minds in Russia proposing to act like criminals to eliminate crime, what chance is there for Russia to be a normal, functional democracy, where rule of law is uphold...

I wonder how Russians preserving their sanity in such a mad society?

Honorable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 616

hi kim!
yeah, it _does_ seem possible that all along the
so-called "allamerican" wasnt an arab but some
yankee on a military installation.
that might explain his awful "america uber alles"
tirade a couple weeks ago, and his [very lame]
imitation of andrew dice clay.

best of days, mum!

L'menexe has left the building..

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I see some people have been speaking about me. How naughty! Who else joins besides you two?

If you wanna know just ask! LOL

Lmenexe, listen to me - The thought of you thinking or speaking about me anywhere besides on this board makes me wanna puke my lunch all over your face.

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Why ALLAMERICAN Darlink....How are you this fine Tuesday? HE HE HE

Thought I would exchange pleasantries with you before I leave for the airport.

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Are those the types of pleasantries you had in mind? LOL.

Btw your latest edition of the Gazette is LAME. Especially since your first "story" has been going around the Email system for the past 1 year as a joke!!!

You are so stupid that you can't even make something up and instead have to PLAGIARIZE your way through…. How sad you are!

So were are you flying to… San Diego Zoo or is it BANG-COCK?

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FSB Holds Group of Alleged Chechen-Trained Terrorists
By Simon Saradzhyan
Staff Writer

The Federal Security Service has detained a group of suspected terrorists who, officials said, had been trained in Chechnya and dispatched to carry out a series of terrorist attacks throughout Russia.

An FSB spokesman said in a phone interview Monday that four alleged terrorists and five accomplices were arrested in Karachayevo-Cherkessia and Stavropol Territory.

Neither the spokesman nor the FSB press release that broke the news Saturday specified when or where the arrests were made; but Stavropol police said the arrests were made over a month ago.

The FSB spokesman said the security service and police seized 18 electric detonators, assault rifles, ammunition, grenades and a large sum in "foreign currency" during the arrests, adding that experts have determined that the detonators are identical to those used in the deadly explosions of three apartment buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk last fall, which killed some 300 people.

The FSB official said all four terrorists had undergone training at Chechen warlord Khattab's notorious Kavkaz camp.

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dip it in, bud..

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ALLAM Darlink....Not flying off to either, heading to Munchen. OH but you so dissapoint me, are you feeling ill today what with you pulling all your teeth out? Or is your brain in overdrive trying to better the posting of a by far intellectually superior female?

Speaking of which, the sewage department called and said that your new set of brains will be ready anytime after 9 am Thursday but call before you leave. HA HA HA HA

On a more serious note...truth be said...all though you haved filled in quite nicely during Bacon's absence, I'm not sure if you noticed but I somhow feel he's still amongst us. Do you see any similarities in the postings by a certain someone on this board and Bacon's?

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Which post I'm I trying to better - not the Plagiarized one is it? LOL

I understand your wishes to have a serious Chitchat this morning... but unfortunately I do not have the time or the patience to set there with you and try to figure out who's who on this board.

As far as I'm concerned who ever posts under another alias is pulling his Pud. Or in your case rubbing the holiest of holyies with a feather. LMOA.

Even KA-nemesis-and now KA has realized she would prefer it the "normal way".

Munchin you say… Is it good business this time of year. Shouldn't you wait till the Easter holidays?

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OK, Allam, are you an Arab or a Yankee in some military installation? You said I could just ask you. Speaking of prefering it the normal way, not much chance of that for you, either way.

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Cute name! Is that your boyfriends pet-name for you?

Why do you wanna know?
I'll give you the answer but you gotta give something up! 😉

And Ill ignore the final sentence only because it's from you and not from the likes of Hairy etc...

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I think I saw your Band on MTV last night, is it called the FOO PACKERS by any Chance? The reason I say this is because they had this scrawny little drummer smoking a dome.


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Posts: 128

You said we should ask you, I thought there was something you wanted to share with us.
I don't give anything up, I develop new interests.

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