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Archive through April 18, 2000

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"HI, WE MISS COMMUNISM" - Moldovan student.

Police in Moldova clashed for the second day running Tuesday with up to 12,000 students protesting against an end to their right to free public transport.

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Is it just me or that bank example by dumbfucked Turka has no relation to what the old man said, whatsoever?

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Hey, when NATO is going to bomb Zimbabwe? At least Britain ... please ... pretty please? We here believe CNN is just a big video game. Yeah! Wee.. bomb 'em farmers! Oh wait, bomb them vets. Whatever, we just want to see some blood!

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Food for Thought - Mousolini's granddaughter's NAZI party gaining more and more supporters and power in ITALY. Recent contacts with Astrian president made them smile. P.S. Did I say NAZI? Of course I meant National or 'whatever they call themselves' party.

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So some students were protesting there "right" to free public transportation. You would think since they were students they would know something about economics. There is nothing "free" about transportation, someone has to pay for the gas, upkeep, salaries, vehicles. So while the students want free rides someone else is paying taxes to help run the system.

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