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Archive through April 2, 2000

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Kim, just learned that the Red Cross is there and is going to work on the "safe" territory of Chechnia. RF's FSB got hold of the six volumes of the investigation into the murder of the Red Cross crew.

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Free lessons on how to eat with utensils, drink out of glasses and eat off of plates

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AllAm.. Would simply love to continue this dialog with such a real live loser as you. But I'm attending a formal reception this evening and must get ready. You know, shave, shower, wear shoes lol

gotta go

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Your hatred to all Jews is making you say the most stupid and idiotic things.

You also keep repeating yourself.

Any word on my post?


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Hi Kissie,

Where is this "Safe Zone"?

Do you have any links? Cheers.

Re Chechen Ambush post, it also seems there will be a permanent RF military presence in Chechnia.
Does that include the Georgian Border?
And Rule by decree????


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If old Ludwig isn't a bit long in the tooth, I believe he has some hearing problems, and has to hammer on the old ivories, poor love.
yes I'd love to.

Glad to hear you are taking things easy for a change. BTW He has been wonderfully behaved.
I bought a strimmer today... to cut the grass with, you know. ;o)))


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just a test, don't click

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But that`s exactely wath I mean by stupid and decadent. Don`t you?

They didn`t find out the right solution despite all teyr top analysts and so on...

Yes, tea time is more important

I will never forget Schartzi asking Bush the right to nuke Iraqi troops.

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Ultra Russian Nationalist

I can agree with russian communists on this [but on this ONLY ].

Putin issued a decree shortly after Yeltsin's surprise December 31 resignation granting all retired Russian presidents immunity from all forms of prosecution and tsar-like perks.
The decree was seen as the decisive factor in Yeltsin's decision to retire as both he and his family had become the focus of a corruption investigation that stretched to Switzerland and its banks.
The decree also assigned Yeltsin a mansion, a country estate, personal guards, a bulletproof stretch limousine, pensions for himself and his family, and a string of other privileges.
But Yeltsin's communist enemies in Russia's parliament protested Putin's decision.


Communist won a great victory on march last elections.
They got a stunning 30 percent of the vote and succeeded in keeping Putin under the 50% level in East Siberia were the gulag economy was once flourishing under the Soviet Union.

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don't have links - it came over TV. By "safe" I meant the territory under the Army's control.
There will be permanent Army bases for sure.
The Duma is working on the legislative basis to the rule by decree there. Why? I think to provide for the local authorities as well, since the State of Emergency law exists, but it's not implemented.

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Been looking at the Map,

apparently the Chechen fighters are holding out around Vedeno, would this mean they still have links through Dagestan?


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But why the facts you explain in your `By Kisako ( - on Thursday, March 30, 2000 - 08:15 am:` post was not depicted clearly and denounced earlier?
I mean before the end of the bombing?

I thought Yougoslavia was largely pro serb under Tito...

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About Kosovo split

By Suleyman ( - on Thursday, March 30, 2000 - 12:17 pm:

But the Balkan has never been a united state. That` s why Gonzo and me and others think Kosovo should be `distributed` among different nations.

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Nato somewhat respected this resolution in both Yugoslavia and the Gulf War in not invading {agressing} Serbia main land and Iraq.
But this `somewhat` means that I agrree that nato went too far in Serbia.

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Kosovo should be distributed?

By whom, to whom?

Where in the UN chater is there provision for distributing a part of a country?
What about the Albanian population in Greece, should they be redistributed too?

Just think in another 50 years, when that part of Kosovo given to Albania falls out with the central
government and decides to call for an independent
Kosovo. (Think the Curds, the Palestinians,etc.)
Are you sure?


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