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Archive through April 2, 2000

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What I know is that we really got into the "All American"'s "head" (or that used to be a head, or never was a head). This desert Hollywood born clown, "educated" in trash-posting, needs "audience" badly, and knows that we don't need him, so he keeps developing verbal diarrhea frequently aggravated with masturbation bouts to keep himself afloat in his own crap. Heh!

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...splitting up the admittedly imperfect but viable Yugoslav Federation would be virtually impossible without drastic and brutal political and economic surgery, which at best could not fully satisfy any of the separated parts. Every conceivable divorce between Serbia and Croatia would of necessity involve not only a painful partition of Bosnia and Herzegovina but also the explosive question of the ethnic identity of the Yugoslav Moslems and nightmarish exchanges of hundreds of thousands of uprooted Serbs and Croats from the disputed territories...
Anthropology Professor George Vid Tomashevsich (University of Buffalo) pleaded for non-interference in Yugoslavia by foreign powers and issued this warning in a letter to the New York Times (April, 1980).

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Your hatred to all non Jews is frankly are a Racist and harbor those views on anyone because of what happened to the Jew during the holocaust.

No other acts of mass Genocide and Rape have ever occurred before or After the Holocaust, so noone can steel your limelight ... there do you feel better now?

I've told you before... The Nazis raped and killed your uncles, aunts and grandparents not anyone else. So stop hating everybody and come to grips with the family tree.

Or maybe you just need the local Arab to give you a long and hard pounding to make up for lost time, maybe give it to you up the AsZZZZZZ without the Vazzzzzz~ LOL.

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Good post,

An Anthropology professor! HAHA if that's not enough get this…

From The University of Buffalo! LMAO.


I, myself, prefer Sociology professors at lesser Universities to dictate American Foreign Policy.

Yeah but any lesser than Buffalo University … LOL

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I really got into Your sorry head, All Clownamerican, ha-ha!
Or maybe you just need the local Arab to give you a long and hard pounding to make up for lost time, maybe give it to you up the AsZZZZZZ without the Vazzzzzz~ LOL.
* Is it that what You've been subjected to during all You life, darling? You seem to be so-o-o expert in it. Heh-heh! Call the NASDAQ (he-heh) and and make some $$ of it.

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There is a difference between getting in my head and giving me head. LOL.

And Don't call me darling? You Nazi Cum Bucket.

Having fun yet?

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this'll be the last 'straight' reply to you, at first anyway.

i didnt say i _managed_ a band; i'm the _leader_ and _drummer_ in the band, whose name will go unspoken here. kisako and kim know the name.

and yeah, i know all about them red sox; don't you worry yourself about that. i'm the one who lives around here, remember?
other than that, though, you still take pleasure in being the biggest F*CKING CREEP on the board.
i see kisako's gotten the situation in hand [wink];
not a lot for me to say. you deserve every last bit of it for the cruel, idiotic SH*T you say to her.

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but the FAKE just wont quit...
she musta nailed you _good_, blood, for you to respond w/ "nazi c*m bucket".

oh and it sucks for a he-man like yourself to get ==repeatedly= NAILED by a _woman_, huh?

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Get over with this ostrich attitude. Or is it Nero fiddles while Rome burns.

Column after column is decimated in Chechnya and you have nerves to discuss Yogo which is chop suey compared to what Russia is having to face in Chechnya.

You should now concentrate on bringing 'your' boys back to the laps of their mothers in Russia before it is too late.

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GONZO here is some background on Kosovo.Note the dates in these articles

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You are hurting my feelings - give me a second to gather myself. LOL

A Drummer eh , Do you have groupies with syphilis?

It would be a pleasure not speaking to you again. Since all you do is wine and b!tch around this board anyway.

Unlike you, acceptance is not something I strive for on this board. Especially from the half Nazi Racist cum bucket and the local yard Ape.

So from atop the Green Monster I bed you and all you RedSox fans the mighty middle finger.

Good riddance!


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There is a difference between getting in my head and giving me head. LOL.
* Coming to grips with Your Gulf familty tree "lollipops", darling? Heh-heh.
Buy a pair more of "boxing gloves".

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You have it all wrong...

She should concentrate on bringing the Jew soldiers back from Lebanon to their mothers!

Because the God damn Local Arabs are venting years of sexual anger on the unprotected female Jew.

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Unlike you, acceptance is not something I strive for on this board.
* Yeah, the crap-posting championship Super Toilet Bowl goes to You, dear All Clown of Arabia, he-heh!

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You didn't like that family tree comment. HEHE!

It had to hit you deep for those nasty Nazi Genes to take over you.

Tickling your brain with a feather - typical American weather!

How do you like it?

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