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Archive through April 20, 2000

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POP QUIZ FOR Saladin & Co.

Allah is on mujahideen's side right?

So, which mujahideen side is he?

Taleban mujahideen or Northern Alliance mujahideen. Funny how you alway says that Northern Alliance mujahideen (with the help of Allah) got rid of Soviet Army yet.. Allah had a change of mind and sent Taliban mujahideen to kill NA mujahideen. Hmm... or perhaps he on one side one day and on the other the other day? Though it doesn't seems like it since Taliban pretty much annihilated Northern Alliance.


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Recently a special program "Crime in Russia" aired on ABC stated that an amazing 140,000 police force is needed to curb crime in Moscow alone. In comparison, only 40,000 police force patrol New York City. This shows the enormity of crime in Russia. Nevertheless, crime has become a part of the American life.

I recall an incident in LA some time back when an elderly man was forcibly pushed into a washing machine and spun to death by some teenagers and the local radio announcer was appalled by the crime and inadvertently referred to 'shariah' as the "need of the hour" to combat serious crime. This may sound abhominable due to the media's negative portrayal and exaggeration of the "harsh" punishment of shariah.

There is no country in the world that implements the shariah in its correct form. Saudi Arabia has one of the lowest crime rate in the world although the shariah is not applied in totality. The Taliban is no exception, although crime has declined drastically since the implementation of the 'shariah' code. Yet the focal point of the media's attention is the plight of women in Afghanistan, which is grossly exaggerrated. The status of women in Afghanistan is far better than the west where the women is treated as a commercial commodity. The rampant rape and abuse of women in the West has increased dramatically in spite of so called freedom and equal rights.

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>> Funny how you alway says that Northern Alliance mujahideen (with the help of Allah) got rid of Soviet Army yet <<

Reread the message. It is perhaps not up to your IQ level. I never said the "Northern Alliance mujahideen" got rid of the Soviet Army. It was a united cause and a united victory. Unfortunately, some traitors, financed by the west and Russia, infiltrated the ranks of the Mujahideen to sow dissension. They are now being cleansed.

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damn, I missed you, Mask. Sorry, but at least it was funnier than Jake's. But something tells me that Jake's joke is the one that won your heart and soul. Let it be.

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OOF Saladin, I had no idea you are so ignorant. Communist mujahideen were killed off a long time ago, Northern Alliance was the one that faught Soviet forces and "won". Taliban are actually Pakistani who recruted "students" and deserters of Northern Alliance. So, once again tell me on whose side ALLAH is?

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To Igor

You are one incredibly stupid person. The barbarism and terror inflicted upon afgan women is NO LESS than the terroriam and barbarism inflicted by your RUSSIAN COMRADES upon the women of Chechnya.

Even MORE shameful considering Russia is SUPPOSED to be a sophisticated industrialized nation, unlike Afganistan which is a backward agricultural society


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Igor -

A man clutching at straws............

(like his sorry Russian nation)

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I know you are thick and slow - If you didn't know I was talking about Igors vids of people getting their throats slit instead of the nature pics then you are thicker and slower than I originally thought.

BTW - you going on and on in your message about name changes is probably the dumbest and stupidest post I have ever read.

Don’t hurt yourself thinking up a post. LOL.

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To everyone:

You most likely overlook the warning on top of this page - for your info here it is again

At DMS, we encourage an atmosphere of understanding and thoughtful debate. We understand that discussions can become heated, but remember to respect other DMS Board Members. Do not engaging in personal attacks on others,stray off topic,use fake names or impersonate others. """

Who is guilty? LOL.

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"who is guilty?", asks the most-despised
individual on the page.
why, more than anyone else, _you_ are, gross pig.

and you'll prove it some more today.

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What some guys beat you up becuase you were flaming at the local park?

Besides kissing A S S do you also lick A S S.
YA AIDS infested HOMO!

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...and then she comes back as Nemesis..after what she wrote. Listen, L-chan, I am very well aware that
you, Kim and Kissie communicate off board. Maybe after insulting Kissie, Kim decided to appologize, and
that is why Kissie was so tolerant to her afterwords. She said "goodbye" for the
2nd freakin'time. And then she comes back again( two-faced creature)..AGAIN..after announcing her
departure..with no guts..under a different name(that I can understand - it's not that easy to spit on
everyone and come back like nothing happen). And you expect me to just swollow it. I WAS BEING YOU,
SIR!!! Defending Kissie! And what do I see? After I confront Kim, Kissie(!!!) seems to get along with Kim
just fine. I understand - off board communications and all - but did Kissie say anything about that to me?
No. And that, my friend, is the price you sometimes pay for being a chevalier. So Kim shitted on Kissie,
than made up with kisses and hugs, and I, the noble fool, am all along with my ******* honesty that
nobody needs.

Do you get my point? If not - it's too bad. I as for your assumptions of possibilities of me insulting you -
do not worry - as long as you're being the way you are right now, I won't dare to be little with You:) But do
not ask for me to look at the KA/Nemesis from a diferrent point of view. I don't think she is honest
ENOUGH to come with an honest answer ON this board as for WHAT made her write such post. Among
other things. Dixi.

First of all I owe no one an explaination! Considering the level of abuse one gets regularly from all sides on the board and the flagrant disregard for the rules above- so kindly pointed out by Allam-it seems that there is no such thing as fair play on this board.
You say I don't have the guts to give the real reason for changing my name to Nemesis. Well as you have already guessed, I did inform Kissie that it was me I also apologised for losing my temper with her.
Someone's Nemesis is their oposite and opposing force. To face your Nemesis is to be put in a position of defending yourself.
The reason for my angry outburst was that I had spent the preceding two days, defending Kissie's right to her point of view and attacking quite a few folks for their use of the holocaust to attack her. I found that extremely distasteful and could see that Kissie's perfectly reasonable arguments were being countered with abuse and that certain people were simply ignoring everything she said.
Having reached some sort of conclusion on that, you, Kissie and Igor reemerge and simply hurl abuse at the people in question.
My feeling was that this was a missed oportunity for some real debate on this board.My question to the three of you is: "If you are constantly baiting others, why are you so surprised when they attack you?"
Having had a go at your opponants for such behaviour, you put me in the position of defending the same behaviour in people I considered friends.

Yeah,Dimitri, Kissie never asked me to defend her, it was all my own decision, but she and others left me looking pretty stupid. Thanks alot!!!

Nemesis was an attempt to make you defend your points of view in a way you normally don't have to, because as I have said before there is no-one here with the capability to make you do so.
Therefore we end up with a load of spurious web-sites posted here as evidence, that are based on half truths. I'm tired of having my intelligence insulted by the use of such sites.
You, Kissie and Igor are better than that, stop being so lazy.

It was never my intention to make anyone look stupid, just to make them work harder. Who knows then some more intelligent and thoughtful people might be enticed into joining this board, rather than bored teenagers with nothing to say.


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did i say the gross pig w/his homosexual fantasy
projections would prove me right?

how totally _predictable_ he is.

guilty as charged.

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Posts: 272

"The status of women in Afghanistan is far better than the west where the women is treated as a
commercial commodity. The rampant rape and abuse of women in the West has increased dramatically in
spite of so called freedom and equal rights."

Saladin, I have heard that often, also from Muslim women. I think it is simply a case of different cultures and expectations. Not passing any judgement there.
You do however overlook the fact, that in both cases, women are complicent in the social structure.

Thanks for your detailed explanation above on Afghanistan. I do see your point. I think the only satisfactory solution from an Afghan point of view is a strong force to unite the country, whether that be a leader or a group. Is that the attraction the Taliban has? Unfortunately as you have said, they have their disadvantages. They seem to be creating more problems for the future.


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