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Archive through April 20, 2000

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Posts: 15

>> still can't believe someone would believe that, the Talaban won't even allow women to have jobs. <<

* Yawn. Nobody defended Afghanistan's "strict" policy in Afghanistan. A comparison was made.


I have yet to see you formulate an opinion.

Reputable Member
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Posts: 386

Things are well thank you, hope everything is going ok with ya... I 've just been extremely busy and can only pop in here every once in a while. I would like to chat with you more but when I get home your all in bed. Any more farm partiesand how are those workouts going? I still owe you dinner...

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Nice overview of Afghanistan's history. I enjoy your presence here. Ignore the naive participants of this board, ie. Dimitri, Igor, Chechnyaonok.

Noble Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518 AFGHAN WOMEN

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I gues I should have clarified that. What I ment by IPO (initial publis offering) is that I have the opportunity to purchase this stock before it realeased to the public. With the market up and down I guess I'm wondering if there may be a prediction that it is going to takle a major dump or I should take that "$100,000.00 and buy all I can get my hands on.

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518 more happy women??????????????

Noble Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518 better that thou get informed before you condemn

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Sorry last one for ONLOOKER

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>> He sees that women here are getting more and more power.<<

...and more and more raped. I understand Saladin's frustration at being hit by a constant barrage of rape and sexual harassment cases reported daily in news. But if you want to compare with Russia, then the US is a mile ahead in terms of women's status, rape incidents and prostitutes that have engulfed the Russian society.

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Landing Strip any Thursday ask doorman .Toronto airport.Get of on Airport Road go east two lights turn right on left side you GOOF.I hope you got the balls to show up because you will not regret coming here,you will be re-educated.

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Jake B. (bitch)
You need to take a break, is there anything else in your life you can talk about. Oh that's right you have no life. I'm going to celebrate passover with a BBQ, mmmmm roast pig over a raging fire fueled by the pages of the second book of Torah!

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check your email. demon4ya is at your service.

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Posts: 148

Igor - the BORING Russian.

I repeat once more

I need an exact location - home address

The Sephardic are going to teach you the lesson of a lifetime.

P.S Don't be wearing your urine stained pants.

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Posts: 1518

Bernstein is it not time to give your father a good arse licking?I heard he can take 2 at a time.Is this true moron.Is that vein popping out in that abnormally large forhead of yours.Hey looking at your picture I think you should pin those ears back.

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Posts: 1518

Bernstein you coward I will not give home address because I know you are a sneaky bastard and will try to do something unexpected so the bar will have to suffice.I promise you I will be there shitforbrains.

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