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Archive through April 20, 2000

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you menatally defunct individual,


I do not support Taliban's treatment of women. I was referring to Saladin's previous post on Afghanistan, where I thought was a decent comparison being made and where he referred to women here as "sexual commodity."

"...field of expertise..."

* Pornography seems very fitting.

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By betterthanyou ( - on Thursday, April 20, 2000 - 06:08 pm:
Jake B.,
I'd be more than happy to give you my address!

To betterthanyou

This is nothing to do with you. Go back to your work. This is an issue between the Sephardic and the useless goy Igor.

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Every sick word you say against the chosen people will magnify the intensity of the lesson that the Sephardic will teach you, you understand?

Accept your fate, you are a NOBODY, nothing but a two bit russian immigrant goy who managed to escape from a poor nation. You are now a parasite who exists upon the generousity of the Canadian taxpayer.

Apologise for your insolence and we may still forgive you, as this is the time of Passover

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Bernstein how much crank did you do today 2ooamps.Too much that is way you keep going back and forth .I told you I want to learn come over and teach if you can or got the balls otherwise shut your face GOT IT GOOF.

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depends on IPO's, but if you have an opportunity to get your hands on'em - I say buy'em all. Even if you don't make profit on one, the other will compencate for it and more. My suggestion is - follow the hi-tech software and pharmasutical companies IPO's.

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AHH shucks Jake I wanted to play...

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GIVE ME YOUR ADDRESS. Just give it up, or I'll come to LA myself and find you by your last name. But it will be worse on you. YOU CHICKEN ••••••• ••••...everyone here knows it.

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Definatly high tech, probably the worlds largest communication company, or it will be... T.
It's not something dumbass like Krispy Creams Doughnuts...

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Ok, it is pornography time, then,(as you wish) Uzbetskaia pizda!!!

Rated X..

How's your boy John, is doing? Do you guys share the room? It sounds like he forgot to take his •••• out of your mouth - You don't sound very clear. Or are you using it as a toothpick, uzbetskii gomosek?

c'mon now, reply ASAP, I need an dumbfuck(you) to play with and Allam isn't here.

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One way to prove it Bernstein show up and the people on the board will know that you had balls.You know why?--they will not hear from you again I will give update on your recovery.I will not even use my hands -just feet.OK

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