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Archive through April 21, 2000

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Anybody save that picture of BernSWINE?

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Wow Jake your in LA, I'm in the next county over. If you want to have some fun we can meet and dance (Don't get me wrong I spelled that "meet" I know you were thinking "meat"). If you would like I can show up at the bar (I'd feel kinda funny going into your favorite gay bar though)you and Igor are supposed to meet at and video tape Igor kicking the crap out of you, and post it to a web site...

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BERNSWINE IS YOUR NEW NAME.You must be getting really pissed eh you dumbfuck moron loser.I nominate you for the Stupidest GOY on this board.You are in the same company as Turk Abfoolah and Bosna or Bark a laika.

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Landing Strip is a nudie bar with girls I do not think BERNSWINE would feel comfortable there.He has never seen a woman before.He likes that leather and bondage shite with the pierced nipples and stuff like that.I remember were I saw Bernswine before,he was in the movie Cruising with Pacino.

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i want you and your hilarious sephardic posse to see what i'm e-mailing to ansen sligar at DMS.
ansen, comrade
what does this jewish maniac SCUM have to do to get himsef BANNED from DMS?

check the russ page posts from 'jake b'. or 'jake berstein' today, thursday, beginning about noon.

in recent weeks he's threatened numerous people w/murder by his 'sephardic' posse, including me. it doesnt matter if he's capable of bringing any of these threats to pass, he's threatening VIOLENCE AND/OR DEATH, of late frequently to one poster named "igor".

_why_ is he still here?
_why_ cant he be gotten rid of?

and we'll discuss another creep named
"all american" real soon.

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L'menexe, it won't take much to get "Jake" blocked. It's fairly easy:

1. Spare 20 bucks;
2. Go to Earthlink web site and download their software;
3. Install it and subscribe for the service;
4. Choose dial-up number closest to Fort Roberts, CA;
5. Connect to the Internet, go DMS board and post tracing instructions or a trace to someone's server (for the fun of it you can even use the moniker Jake B., just like Jake does);
6. Disconnect and wait for 5 min;
7. Repeat pp 5 and 6 for a few times.

That's it, in about a day IPs of servers serving Bradley and Fort Roberts will be blocked from posting on this board.

Hope this will help. And don't forget to cancel Earthlink, of course.

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looks lie you effort to keep peace between K. and I wasn't wasted. Thank you for everything.

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It is no secret that charter flights loads of Russian women are flocking to the oil rich Emirates. I saw even working class women loitering in dinghi hotels. They couldn't afford to go to Europe or any other destination. Emirates is an ideal destination. No wonder the stupid ruler wants to turn emirate into Hongkong of Middle East. Uncle sam is propping up those corrupt rulers by selling billions of dollars worth of arms. They will never use those weapons. If things get rough they will 'invite' foreign forces to save their sheikdoms. This is outright robbery by the western powers who sell those idiots high tech weapons which will never be used.

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US Army on food stamps

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Saladin they are idiots for buying them.Consider it a form of payment for having US troops as guests.

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invest in ON Semiconductor (symbol is ONNN) IPO. It's coming out real soon - April 24th. It's a good one.

Or AT&T Wireless group (AWE) - coming out the same day..

Reputable Member
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I'm being offered IPO (stock)on attws at a discounted rate ( $26 to $32 a share) before it's released to the public. what do you think, spend the $100,000.00.

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MOSCOW (Reuters) - Chechen rebels have been ordered to halt attacks on Russian forces, separatist leader Aslan Maskhadov has told Moscow newspaper.
In an interview to appear Friday in Kommersant, Maskhadov insisted he was in control of the rebel forces and said he had also ordered the release of Russian prisoners as part of a peace plan he had proposed to Moscow.

Russian officials questioned the idea that Maskhadov is in command of rebels fighting Moscow for the past six months or can be an authoritative partner for talks.

The Russian military said Friday it had sent reinforcements to the south of Chechnya to swoop on rebels holding out in high mountain bases although the numbers of men in the region had been cut by around 20,000 from their peak of 100,000.

"The relative calm which has broken out on the frontline came about because I gave the order unilaterally to suspend military action," Maskhadov told the newspaper. "This was part of a plan for a peaceful settlement, proposed by me to Moscow.

"Apart from that, I agreed without preliminary conditions to free all captive Russian servicemen. All Chechen commanders have been given the order to take measures to find and free hostages.

"Practically all the Chechen armed units have centralized control and, of course, obey me as the commander-in-chief," he said. He added that some militia units might exist that he did not command but that these did not play a big role.

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WIRE:04/20/2000 16:24:00 ET
Russia doubtful over reported Chechen truce offer

MOSCOW, April 20 (Reuters) - Russia's main spokesman on the Chechnya war expressed doubt on Thursday about a report that Chechen leader Aslan Maskhadov had ordered his troops to start a ceasefire, but welcomed the possibility of his surrender.
"The current initiative, if it really takes place, shows the deep demoralisation in the ranks of the Chechen fighters," Interfax news agency quoted spokesman Sergei Yastrzhembsky as saying. He said the rebels were ready to do anything to secure a pause in the fighting to regroup.

Maskhadov was quoted as saying in an interview, due to be published in Kommersant newspaper on Friday, that he had ordered his forces to start a ceasefire with Russian troops as part of a peace plan he had proposed to Moscow.

Yastrzhemsbky said Maskhadov commanded around 300-400 troops, out of a total rebel force put variously by Moscow at 1,000 to 2,500.

"One can assume that if these 300 to 400 with Maskhadov at their head capitulate and surrender with their weapons then the federal side will take this into consideration," he said.

Yastrzhembsky reiterated earlier statements that it was Moscow's view that Maskhadov was not in control of the Chechen rebels and that he was just one of a number of rebel commanders

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"c'mon now, reply ASAP, I need an dumbfuck(you) to play with and Allam isn't here."

So you're admitting you lost the war of words with Allam! What a loser! You lost the little respect you had on this board. Go find a site suitable for your IQ level.

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