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Archive through April 21, 2000

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To Dimitri

I had a good laugh after reading your pathetic diatribe against Saladin. Sometimes I agree with Saladain, sometimes I don't, nothing complex.

On the other hand you, Dimitri you come across to me as a pathetic, broken down excuse for a man. Maybe you're fustrated as you're not paid much as a discount broker (order taker). You sound like a faliure within the Russian jewish community.

Maybe Dimitri it would be more profitable for you to join with your Russian mafia friends operating against the west? think about it. There are pleny of Russian terrorist, drug dealing, money laundering networks operating from New York to the West coast. How much 'dirty' russian money is already in the brokerage house where you work?

On this board (& in life)Dimitri you are the REAL LOSER, you and that loony jew jake guy.

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Posts: 2

By just bored Chechnyonok ( - on Friday, April 21, 2000 - 09:21 am:
CRIME RATE in Germany is about to go down. READ HERE WHY.

Why 'just bored Chechnyonok'

Is your family leaving Germany?

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Posts: 15

Will be leaving for a while.

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Topic starter site.Parody of George Bush JR

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I have consulted with the Sephardic and because
this Passover,we are prepared to offer you one more chance. You can not help how you were born. You will be forgiven, provided you publically apologise on this message board.

This is your last chance

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