My Congratulations to SFOR for the capture and detention of the serbian terrorist and war criminal Dragan Nikolic.
This filthy creature was apprehended on Friday in northern Bosnia and flown immediately to the Netherlands. The creature nikolic has been charged with crimes against humanity, violations of the law on customs of war, and grave breaches of the Geneva conventions.
Nato Secretary-General George Robertson said: "Nato is determined to play its role in helping to bring indicted war criminals to justice.
"Those indicted war criminals who remain at large have no permanent hiding place."
see? this is why i dont come around here much
these days, because pissants like you and the FAKE
aren't worth _any_ effort from me.
"regulate what everybody says and thinks"?
you think so?
i doubt it.
i knew kisako for months before i knew she was
jewish. why should i have cared?
but you, unimaginative dolt, toss around phrases
like 'bagel girl'.
say and think whatever the f*ck you want.
==>> hear that, homopsychoFAKE? <<==
but that isnt necessarily the case on this board.
abusive fascism and threats and downright
obscenity arent _supposed_ to be welcome here.
it aint _my_ rule.
You talk like you are the innocent hands across America abused kid. Give me a break. You are not winning any sympathy from anyone with your whining cop-out attitude. You are a spineless sewer rat who has neither the mental capacity nor inclination to take a stand on any issue besides defending other sewer rats on this board.
When was the last time you actually posted a message regarding any facet of political/economical significance. When? Never.
Your God given intelligence is wasted on a set of drums - what else do I have to say.
What can you expect from a guy who's only goal in life is to become a "ROCK-STAR"?
Should we expect revelations deep into subject matter bewildering society? Solutions to macro problems infesting the world today? Solutions to poverty, racism, neglect, pollution? I think not.
I'm not saying anyone on this board will do any of those things… but at least some are trying. Some are striving to reach a goal, which can improve life. In the meantime you are banging your head on the garage wall waiting for such people to improve you miserable life.
Ask yourself this question…if all humans are exactly as you are what would the worlds collective achievements be?
Besides really bad music!
The truth of the matter Lmenexe is that you are a waste of space. So therefore I do not expect an answer which you actually thought about. Because like I said above you are lacking the mental capacity to do so!
So everybody stand up and applaud lmenexe for his tireless motivation in wishing a good morning to all the people he wishes it for!
BRAVO ! lol
Wow!!!ALLAMERICAN..That's some pretty heavy dumping your doing on L'menexe today.
What with today being Easter Sunday does it not behoove you to be pleasant today? After all it's not L'menexe fault that the Easter Bunny only left you a bar of soap, mouthwash, foot powder, preperation H and an instruction booklet on personal hygeine. HA HA HA HA
Having a catered buffet in my home later today and will be busy with guests. Just wanted to take this moment to wish everyone a Happy Easter.
I suppose it's not the Easter Bunny's fault that you have a bad case of Herpes either. LOL.
Catered Buffet - LOL... Sorry but you butt naked spread eagle on the table with 25 Mexicans waiting in turn is considered a Service - not a catered Buffet!
Happy Easter!
Glad to see we are on the same page when it comes to arresting those sub-human barbarians some call Serbs. Believe it or not some people on these boards are utterly against such action - they believe it infringes on their right to freedom - Do you believe that!
Well let's see what basic human rights did Dragan Nikolic infringe & stomp on;
"""The 1994 indictment accused Nikolic of killing eight Muslim detainees and torturing or mistreating seven others. He is also accused of illegally imprisoning 500 Bosnians and of orchestrating illegal deportation"""
Hope the rat enjoyed his Easter!
This is a good day people - lets all stand up and applaud the tireless and thankless job NATO is doing in that part of the world to ensure that peace and justice prevail. Without NATO the world would be a much darker place!
But we must not rest on our achievements - although that would be the easy thing to do, but since justice is not easy, we shouldn't expect it to come easy. Therefore we must relentlessly continue hunting down those criminals still at large hiding in their basements like the Sewer rats they are. We have bigger fish to fry …
The bottle of Champagne and tickets for the Oyster meal in FIJI are waiting.
Best of luck.
>>When was the last time you actually posted a message regarding any facet of political/economical significance. When? Never.<<
Talking about yourself, AllAmericanAss?
Well, I am Serb and we don't celebrate catolic ester. Dragan Nikolic is proud of his contribution to our fight for liberty. As long as Slobodan Milosevic is leading our country there will be support for Serbs everywhere, especially for our national heros. And you, rat, think a little bit of 67 planes you lost the last year and start again your attacks. We are not afraid. If you are so strong, why don't you kidnap Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic.
Yes, I've heard the song American Pie. I tried the pie, it is one with vegetables, but then it made me breaking winds a lot. So, I decided for the health of my stomac not to experiment with your cuisine.