Could I just ask.....ahum............
....What the F@CK are you talking about???
Is that some sort of outback (outhouse) dialect you have there?:o)
You better watch out... we've got a filthy vagrant Russian with no manners crawling around like a Cocka-Roach!
check yr mail.
by All American:
"""Getting a lot of HOMO thoughts.."""
yea, your thoughts are sure very HOMO..ehh, homo. So, am I to understand that lazer's black?
Or is he just a coal miner?
It's all that inbreeding with the local Kangaroos! LMAO
Good Morning,
What a flury of activity so early in the morning! I see you all have had your coffee this fine day. Jake B. how are those big muscular arms holding up this morning?
yeap - I've just got the email. Was actually in a process or writing ya back but there's too much fun here, that I got carried away. Gimme 10 minutes or so - I am writing ya back right now.
Allam,The absolute gentleman,I pressume.
What's up with you boys, anywho?
Turn my back for five minutes, and the whole
damned place gets trashed.....
Your Mom.
Coal Miner...LOL
Listen to the dumb Rooskie - Coal miner!!!!! HAHA...
Coal Miners like you've got in Russia !!! LOL... You must have fond memories of mines and coal miners - made for a good childhood playground eh? LOL.
You see, that goes to prove you can take a Rooskie out of Russia but you can never take the Russia out of a dumb Rooskie.
Thanks again for the info on the stock. Let me know next time your are in the area, So. Ca. and I'll buy you a drink.
Ahhhh, Allam,
that was almost poetic.
you express yourself so well.
Must be all that desert air.
Ps. Do you mind if I call you Lawrence.
Coal miners!!! LMAO...
Hilarious...we've got "Russian Jargon" here people!
by All American:
by All American:
"""Listen to the dumb Rooskie - Coal miner!!!!! HAHA...
Coal Miners like you've got in Russia !!!"""
Ok, ok - I fogot that I am speaking to a moron, so let me ask you once again - do you have facination with black cock's because Lazer's black, or did he forgot to take a shower last night( I am guessing, if he's not black, then he must be a coal miner)?
Baby, you can call me anything you want! 😉
Seriously though, No thanks - that's something Lmenexe would be called. LMAO...
There he goes again with that "russian Jargon"! LOL
Coal Miners... Hillarious stuff - D. give it another shot.