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Archive through April 25, 2000

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>> In 10 years Russian lost less than 14,500 (around 14,348) soldiers <<

Where did you get those figures? If I remember correctly the "official" toll was around 50,000. Times this number by 3 and you get close to 150,000.

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150,000/10 = 15,000 per year... Ouch!

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by All American:
"""People living in peace as apposed to war and calling the latter a mess hardly makes sense, even to fools like you. LOL""""

Peace in Yugo? I love, guy you are so dumb, you are making it too easy on me. WHAT PEACE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, idiota? Albanian Mafia Peace? Albanians killing Serbs Peace? Serbs killing Albainans Peace? Kosovar Albanians killing KFOR soldiers Peace?

You are one weak opponent. Look at the board, dumbo, and read people's posts if you don't believe me when I tell you, you're dumb. Weak ••••••• loser, stop whinning on how much you hate immigrants and, wait don't stop, we were just revealing the level of your stupidity. Tell me more about WWII.

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Those Russian figures are really accurate...based on what is happening in Chechnya of course. LOL..


You don't have a leg to stand on. You are being ripped apart like a tight A S S hole.

IMAGINE this for a second. You are a tight A S S HOLE - YOU picture that! Now imagine Im ripping you apart. loL.

Get the picture.


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where did you run yesterday? Tactical retreat?
How do you say: "I beat the •••• outta uzbek, yesterday"?

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by AllAmerican:
"""You took Berlin only after we ALLOWED you to come in you thickheaded Rooskie"""

nope, that's not how it went down. The Ally forces were thinking of helping Russians but...chikened out..or as they said - ther maybe too many casualities.

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You are the only true loser on this board and life. You are a disappoinment to the Russian Jew community. You are nothing but a low level order taker for a discount brokerage.

All you can do is project your own homosexual fantasies onto others on this board. The truth is Dimitri YOU have been jacking off to the photo's of Jake B. Admit it man, Jake turns you on.

I think you and Jake B ( aka faulkner, Berstein). would make an ideal couple, you BOTH are so similar! You both probably even look alike.

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All American Brownnose you had better watch those World at War videos and see who won what.Stalingrad 3000000 Germans =kaput, Leningrad 3 year seige=kaput, Berlin=kaput.

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Only a thick Rooskie would prefer war to peace. LOL.

What is better Dimi-BIIIIAAAATHC -LOL- Bosnia before NATO intervention or after?

As for WWII - the US won that war with little help. You Rooskies had the Nazi on your land - ON YOUR LAND - surrounding your cities and plucking you off like little Sewer Rats. How can you say you won the war???? Let me give you a tip jack A S S when a foreign army is occupying your land it means you are losing. Get it dumb f u c k.

What, you were winning the war in Russia? LOL.

Only Russians would consider themselves victors while an occupying army was f u c king their wives & deflowering their daughters while taking their land.

Apparently the Rooskies liked to watch Nazi sperm get injected into their daughters.

Btw are you a half Nazi ? Is your name Dimitri Wolfgang by any chance?

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Yeah and we took half of Europe after the war so who won?

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by All American:

"""IMAGINE this for a second. You are a tight A S S HOLE - YOU picture that! Now imagine Im ripping you apart. loL. """

looks like you really want it to be this way? the fact is that YOUR A S S isbeing ripped apart and laughed let's see:

you are sitting by the window, havin' a day dream -there's a picture of my a s s right before your eyes. That damn Russian tight hairy look at it with a mixed feeling of hate and...............desire! You want that a s s! You need that a s s! So you start drulling and all of a sudden you jump and start ripping that a s s! You ••••••• bite it, use you index finger to get as deep inside as you use your ••••••• tongue!!!

AND THEN YOU HOMOSEXUAL DAY-DREAM ENDS(end of working day),you go home and you take, TAKE that bastard lazer, wash his coaly cock, his faggity ass, pretend that he's me and finally rip that A s s..of his..

try again, biatch 😉

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You guys are all incorrect about why America waited a few years to enter World War II. According to US politicians, the conflict between the Germans and Russians was observed from an entirely political point of view. Russia became an ally incidentally and Molotov's speech before Germany's attack is direct evidence of anti-American sentiment. He stated that the Western powers were more of a threat to Russia than Germany. Anyway, the popular view of the eastern front was that the Nazis were fighting Communists. Both were viewed as enemies of democracy. With this rationale, one can easily see why America didn't involve herself with the Russians immediately.

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How 'bout you running out on Friday? If you really wanna know I didn't have time to listen to your sexual fantasies over this "Kazhak" Girl.

BTW, I saw you riding your bike with no seat. Is it because your "new" girlfriend is a loud voraciouse slime spewing meat trumpet?

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how is your working day in the coal mine going, ya black little guy with fat WHITE a s s?

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by Uzbekskaia pizda:
"""How 'bout you running out on Friday? If you really wanna know I didn't have time to listen to your sexual fantasies over this "Kazhak" Girl. """

Bullshite. You ran. The only reason you're actually typing something is because you see there's a good chance for you to team up. Chicken fuken shite.

As for you seeing me in your neighborhood - let's just say, I F U C K your own(kazashka), but I would never live with your own - too filthy.

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