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Archive through April 26, 2000

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Tigers were very good. Even great, but..not as maneuverable as T-34. Call it pride, if you will, but T's were pretty good damn tanks too. Good night, amigo.

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I know he won't respond, I ws just trying to bait him... He never responds to my writing, to much of a puss...

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in the words of the immortal james brown:
PHEW!! It's too funky in here!!

can't add nothin' here today.

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Russian casualties continue to mount...

Chechens claim 30 Russians dead, fighting returns to Grozny

MOSCOW, April 25 (AFP) -
Chechen rebels again staged a daring ambush on a Russian column in Chechnya on Tuesday as Russia faces new international trouble over the breakaway republic.

Rebels claimed they killed 30 Russian soldiers in the ambush at the entrance to the Argun Gorge near the foot of Chechnya's southern mountains, where most of an estimated 3,000-strong rebel force is now based.

Russia said only that one soldier was wounded. But it revealed that rebels had resumed fighting in the rebel capital Grozny, now under nominal federal control.

In a telephone interview with AFP, Chechen spokesman Movladi Udugov said "up to 30 soldiers and officers were killed" in the attack by 65 Chechen fighters from a group led by warlord Shamil Basayev.

Two Chechen fighters were killed and four wounded in the 90-minute battle, he added, while 10 out of 30 vehicles in the Russian column were destroyed.

Russian army number two General Valery Manilov said the battle involved a paratrooper division based in the central Tula region. It lasted just over an hour and only one government soldier was hurt.

The attack happened at Yaryshmardy, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the Chechen capital Grozny.

The raid came three days after Moscow admitted that a Chechen ambush of a Russian supply column inching through the mountains had killed at least 13 of their soldiers: the rebels claimed to have killed 80 Russians.

In a separate development, Russian sources also said 500 well-armed Chechen fighters were in the devastated separatist capital Grozny.

"We are seeing an increase in the number of bandits in Grozny," Manilov conceded. "Many are hiding like rats in underground communication routes."

Grozny's sniper attacks had now spilled over into daytime, having previously been limited to rapid night-time raids, said reports from Moscow.

On Sunday, Russian forces said Grozny had been cleared of mines and was ready for the return of civilians who had fled the devastated capital.

The Chechen capital fell to government forces in February after a four-month Russian air and artillery assault.

Rebel survivors have regrouped in the republic's mountains, where they are using the cover of the spring bloom to open a deadly guerrilla counter-attack aimed mainly at government supply columns.

Chechen fighters used similar tactics in their victorious 1994-96 conflict that saw Moscow sue for peace and leave the republic with de facto independence.

Russian forces returned last year after Chechens staged two deadly incursions into neighboring Dagestan and were held responsible for a series of Russian bomb blasts that killed almost 300 people.

President-elect Vladimir Putin has vowed that government troops will never again leave Chechnya until they have secured full control over the republic.

A Russia minister on Tuesday again dismissed an offer for talks by separatist President Aslan Maskhadov, whose rule Moscow no longer recognizes, despite strong Western pressure for negotiations.

"In order to hold talks with Maskhadov, he first must fulfil a whole list of conditions," Interior Minister Vladimir Rushailo told NTV television from the southern Russian city of Vladikavkaz.

They included the hand-over of rebel leaders and the immediate release of all hostages held in Chechnya, he added.

In Geneva, the UN Human Rights Commission on Tuesday passed a resolution calling on Russia to set up an independent inquiry into accusations of rights violations in Chechnya.

The resolution, calling for a "national, broad-based and independent commission of inquiry", was presented by the European Union and supported by the United States and several eastern European states.

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This is between me and the COWARD Igor. This has nothing to do with anyone else. The coward Igor has refused to give me his address. Instead he feels brave by calling me names from his stolen computer. In reality if he were to meet me and the Sephardic, Igor would dirty his pants in an instant.

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You clown I already told where you can see me.I am not stupid to give you my address you Goof.Do you know what a goof is.hahahahahahaha You do not scare anyone on this board you skinny fuuckin twit.

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By Nicholas Wood in Gnjilane
The trial of three Serbs accused of killing an ethnic Albanian has opened in the Kosovo town of Gnjilane, amid concerns about their chances of a fair hearing.

The human-rights group Amnesty International says evidence, which it believes could clear the defendants, has been omitted from the trial.

The case has also highlighted fears of growing ethnic bias in Kosovo's judicial system, which is dominated by ethnic Albanians.

It is the first trial of Serbs by Kosovo's courts and is being heard by a five-man team of Albanian judges and laymen.

Bernard Kouchner has the power to sack judges

Miroljub, Boban and Jugoslav Momcilovic, a father and his two sons, are accused of killing a former member of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and attempting to kill another Kosovo Albanian last July.

The two victims were seen along with two other men approaching a garage run by the Momcilovic family.

According to the trial prosecutor, a gunbattle then broke out in which two Albanians were killed and another injured.

The Momcilovices have testified that a group of men approached their house, producing guns and asking them to come out.

When they refused, a gunbattle ensued in which Nato peace implementation troops also intervened.

The incident ended with two of their alleged attackers dead and another injured.

Much of the incident was captured on the garage's security camera, but the prosecutors refused to accept the video as evidence.

US troops

Both Amnesty and UN human rights observers believe the tape exonerates the Momcilovic family of blame.

They also say there is no forensic evidence linking them with the killing.

A key part of the case is US troop involvement in the gunbattle.

The court has already accepted that one of the four Albanians was lawfully shot dead by a US soldier - a member of the Nato peacekeeping force in Kosovo - as he attempted to fire in their direction.

One of the Albanian survivors has since been charged with attempting to kill the troops.

War hero

The accused were arrested immediately after the shooting and have remained in jail ever since.

The two surviving Kosovo Albanians were arrested but are now free.

They are due to testify for the prosecution at the next court hearing.

The case has aroused huge local interest since the man allegedly killed by the three members of the Momcilovic family was a known KLA war hero, Afrim Gagica.

UN court observers say there is clear evidence that Serbs are being treated more severely than Albanians.

Moreover, Albanians accused of crimes against Serbs are more often than not released.

Ultimately, the head of the UN mission in Kosovo, Dr Bernard Kouchner, has the power to sack judges and prosecutors accused of abusing the law.

None has been dismissed so far.

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Russia dismisses talk of peace in Chechnya
By Elizabeth Piper

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian general has dismissed talk of peace in Chechnya, saying the "best bandits are dead bandits", while the main U.N. rights group has increased pressure on Moscow to investigate atrocities.

Russia's Foreign Ministry denounced a resolution by the U.N. Commission on Human Rights in Geneva calling on Moscow to investigate alleged violations in the breakaway republic. The Ministry said it reflected the views of members of the NATO alliance and took no account of Russia's fight against terrorism.

"It is obvious the resolution, drawn up long before the vote in the best 'Cold War' traditions, does not in any way reflect the real situation in (Chechnya)," a Ministry statement said.

The resolution, it said, amounted to an attempt to "create a means for international interference in our internal matters and submit Russia to 'control from without', dictating to us how we should run our affairs".

Russia was backed by allies including China and Cuba in opposing the motion, presented by the European Union and co-sponsored by Canada, the United States and others.

In Washington, State Department spokesman James Rubin said: "We think that this vote...indicates that the Russians are severely isolated on this issue." Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov was due to meet U.S. President Bill Clinton in Washington later in the day.

The resolution was presented shortly after it was reported that a column of Russian soldiers was ambushed near a key gorge in breakaway Chechnya's southern mountains. Rebels said they killed 30 soldiers, but Russia said none of its men died.

The latest attack put paid to fresh talk of a truce or any swift moves to a negotiated settlement with Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov.

"We cannot and will not sit around the negotiating table with bandits," said Colonel- General Valery Manilov, first deputy chief of the armed forces' general staff. "The best bandits are dead bandits," he told a news conference, adding that Russia's soldiers had killed more than 13,000 fighters.

Manilov said the reconnaissance convoy had come under attack by rebels while moving south down the Argun gorge, but only one soldier had been wounded. Helicopter gunships were sent to the scene and "the majority of the bandits were destroyed".


Rebel spokesman Movladi Udugov said rebels had killed 30 Russian soldiers in the attack, part of the rebels' "mobile defence" tactics. Udugov, speaking by telephone from an undisclosed location, said up to four rebels had been killed and two wounded in more than an hour of fighting.

Each side regularly exaggerates the other's losses.

Russia's forces, fighting separatists for more than six months, have been hit by a series of ambushes like those which helped force troops out of Chechnya in the 1994-96 Chechen war.

Manilov's words were harsher than those of Interior Minister Vladimir Rushailo, who said Maskhadov would have to meet certain conditions before talks could start.

"In so far as we understand that these conditions are unrealisable right now, the issue of talks with him simply is a non-starter," Rushailo told Russian television. The conditions included the surrender of the field commanders.

Rushailo was shown on RTR state television inspecting troops and interrogating detained rebels.

The field commanders, believed to be holed up in the southern mountains, have directed rebels to launch lightning strikes against the troops. In the last such strike several days ago, 15 soldiers were killed near the village of Serzhen-Yurt.

The onset of spring has also provided the rebels with leafy cover to help them pursue their guerrilla war.

The rebel Internet site said fighting was raging in the Argun and Vedeno gorges, still littered with the burned-out hulks of Russian tanks from the last

Estimable Member
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once more Igor bores us to death with his boring posts

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By the way Igor, at least I am skinny and healthy You probably are an overweight, pig eating, vodka drinking COWARD.

all you do igor is drink cheap Vodka and urinate into your cheap Russian made pants

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Skinny? You are a rake clown.Come and see me,I am 45,six foot one and 245lbs rock hard muscle and would knock the crap out of at least you and a half dozen of your wimpy faggoty friends you GOOF.I might add I have 27 years of training so bring your best chicken shite.

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By the way I do not drink at all and am a health freak.So come on Bernswein give it an All AMERICAN try.I told you where to come,now it is up to you and your queer Sephardic friends.

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would knock the crap out of at least you and a half dozen of your wimpy faggoty friends you GOOF.I might add I have 27 years of training so bring your best chicken shite.

Really? Igor!

Brave words from Mr. tough goy. If you are so TOUGH, Then why do YOU REFUSE TO GIVE ME YOUR ADDRESS?

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Come out come where every you are... LOL..

I feel like playing with my Little Biaaaaatch.

I wanna stick it in you like I stick it in you yesterday...

But that Coal Miner thing was HILARIOUS. LMAO..

I miss all this talk about how great Russia is especially coming from a thickheaded rather Large pale faced Rooskie like you and your rimming partner I-have-0-brains-get-your-thumb-outta my A S S Igor.


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Igor & Jake B.

Would you stop this idiotic wrestling from a distance! Who cares who's bigger than whom, or better trained, etc. If you were just facing each other that was another matter, but since you are not, and since no one will give their address, it is pointless.

Unless this is your kind of having fun, please stop being idiots.

Igor is not dumb, and he is a reasonably honest person. However his open support for war criminals, and one-sided value system (Russians and Serbians are good, everyone else is bad!) is placing him among the most predictable.

By the way Igor did you read

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