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Archive through April 26, 2000

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Chechnya's Maskhadov Set to Surrender Says Moscow

MOSCOW, Apr 26, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Russian intelligence reports on Wednesday said separatist Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov was ready to surrender and might have already quit his war-torn republic.

Chechen sources issued no immediate comment on Moscow's claim.

The Segodnya daily and Moscow Echo radio both cited intelligence sources as saying the Russian military had been told that Maskhadov might abdicate within a matter of days.

"This option is being taken into account," one unidentified Russian security source was quoted as saying by Segodnya.

Moscow Echo reported that Maskhadov, whose exact whereabouts are almost never clear, might already be in the neighboring Russian republic of Ingushetia and preparing to depart for Moscow.

Segodnya's sources said that Maskhadov's surrender would be billed by the Kremlin as "an attempt to end the senseless bloodletting and genocide of the Chechen people."

The intelligence reports added that any criminal charges against Maskhadov would be dropped almost immediately upon his arrest.

The Kremlin has repeatedly stressed that it views Maskhadov, whose January 1997 election was recognized as legitimate by observers from the Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe, as a war criminal.

Chechnya has enjoyed de facto independence since defeating Russian troops in a 1994-96 war that claimed an estimated 80,000 lives.

"In case of Maskhadov's capitulation, Moscow will no longer have its hands tied," wrote the liberal Moscow daily, which along with Moscow Echo radio is part of a media empire built by MOST-Media chief Vladimir Gusinsky.

"It will be declared that a special operation is under way to destroy gangs which do not answer to the Chechen president -- this would include the use of all (military) means available," the paper explained.

Segodnya added that surrender would also work in Maskhadov's favor because he has long since lost control over field commanders who are now leading the campaign against Russian troops.

"Only one option is left for him -- to sell his presidential status to Moscow for a large price," Segodnya commented.

The reports come against the backdrop of an ITAR-TASS item Tuesday claiming that Chechen warlords Khattab and Shamil Basayev had threatened to execute Maskhadov's family should he engage Moscow in peace talks.

Maskhadov's abdication would represent a tremendous political coup for Moscow, although its immediate impact on the war itself is less clear.

The West has repeatedly stressed that Russia must engage Maskhadov in peace talks to end the brutal six-month offensive that has already sent more than 200,000 refugees fleeing Chechnya.

Yet the Kremlin insists that talks with Maskhadov are futile because he lacks any authority among Chechen field commanders.

"Maskhadov claims that he controls all of the illegal armed groups," Interior Minister Vladimir Rushailo told Wednesday's Izvestia daily.

"In fact, this is not so -- we have firm information that he has no control. (Shamil) Basayev, Khattab and others are taking their own decisions."

Rushailo ominously added: "Should we get him (Maskhadov), he will be arrested. Should he resist (arrest), you know what will happen.

"We have never made it our goal to kill" Maskhadov, Russia's interior minister said SALADIN IF THEY ARE WINNING WHY IS HE GOING TO SURRENDER???????????????????

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Thought I'd take the liberty of posting your baby picture that I came across.

{ }

In retrospect maybe I should not of shown it, for I think, for sure, that not only will faggot Bernstein be really haunting to come and visit with you, but now you will have to contend with that other HOMO ALLAMERICAN also wanting to come visit with you when LASER is not available. Just tell them both to eat their hearts out.


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The APN news agency quoted an unnamed source in the Russian Defense Ministry as saying that a large-scale war between Russia and Afghanistan should be expected in mid-June of 2000. Troops of the Taleban religious extremist movement in Afghanistan are preparing to invade Tajikistan - one of Russia's strategic CIS partners. Russia will be almost automatically drawn into the conflict. This creates a urgent need to resolve the Chechen crisis by June (at least to the point of a considerable reduction of financial and military commitment in the province), as the Russian budget will be struggling to finance two wars at once. A plan developed by the Russian military to repel a possible invasion of Tajikistan by Taleban troops places an emphasis on an overwhelming response using bomber aviation, ballistic missiles, and long-range MLRS in "area-coverage" style of attacks

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1)How do you define a "real genocide" from an "unreal" one - by nunbers or the manner of death?

2)Looks like the UN might have its uses after all.
(Anti-balistic shield).

3)Thanks for sharing your "vital statistics" with us, big boy! (>Grin<-Mary!!!)


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all Biatch,
by All Amer.:
"""Come out come where every you are.."""

and you were biatchin' about my English? LOL..stupid ••••••• illiterate biatch...bwahahaha..

"""I wanna stick it in you like I stick it in you yesterday""""

hehe..faggot..chiken shite faggot, WHO RAN are MY hoe, and today you will be learning lesson #2 - how to swollow Dimitri's cum
Click and learn, soska:

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All amer. biaaaatch

out of respect for other people of the board(look that word in a dictionary, a s s), I am going to ask you for you phone number/email address , so we can resolve things in prvate..but knowing that you a just a chump, I bet you will chicken what do you say, biatch?

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During their press conference of April 17, 2000 the "Working Group" for Affirmation" and the Society of Opponents of Genocide announced
that both organisations had forwarded petitions to the respective committee of the German Federal Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag), requesting German legislators to condemn the genocide of one and half million Armenians committed in 1915 in the then Ottoman Empire.

And, secondly, to call upon the government and parliament of the Republic of Turkey to admit the fact of the genocide which official Turkey denies until this day. In this context the petitioners recall the resolution of the European Parliament of 1987 which made the affirmation of the Armenian genocide a pre-condition of Turkey's
accession to the European Union.

In their appeal towards the deputies of the German parliament the petitioners stated:

"With your urge for affirmation of the Armenian genocide by the Turkish parliament you will at the same time support the process of democratization in Turkey as well as those citizens of Turkey who in their homeland are still persecuted by law if they attempt to study
the past in an objective way."

The petition "The time has come: Genocide must be condemned", written by the "Working Group for Affirmation" emphasizes that the Armenian genocide was the culmination in the nationalistic program for the turkification of Asia Minor.

Not only Armenians became victims of expulsion, deportation and slaughter during the period of 1914 until 1923, but also Greeks, Arameans and Assyrians. As a result only 150,000 Christians reside in today's Turkey, whereas in 1914 the total figure of Ottoman Christians was estimated to be nearly five millions.

The "Working Group for Affirmation" is a union of the Central Council of Armenians in Germany, the Institute for Armenian Questions, the Centre for Information and Documentation on Armenia and the
Co-ordinating Group Armenia of the international human rights organisation Society for Threatened Peoples. At the time of their press-conference, about 2,500 persons residing in Germany or of German citizenship had signed the petition, among them numerous Turks, Kurds, Arameans and Armenians.

Among the first corporate signatories of this petition is the "Human Rights Society Turkey/Germany - TODAY". Among the foreign
supporters of the petition are internationally known scholars of genocide and Holocaust research, for example, Professor Yehuda Bauer
(International Institute on Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem) and Professor Israel Charny (Executive Director of the Institute on
Holocaust and Genocide, Jerusalem).

The Society of Opponents to Genocide was founded in 1998 by citizens of Turkey residing in Germany. Their petition was originally addressed
to the great National Assembly of Turkey. "We demand", wrote the petitioners to the Turkish members of parliament, "that denials, threats and diffamation must end in the 21st century, that the
genocide must find affirmation as a historic fact and that Turkey stretches out her hands for peace and reconciliation with the nations concerned."

"The "sincere endeavour towards reparation" is considered to be "the most reliable guarantee for peace and friendship" as well as an enormous contribution "in order to save our human dignity".

After the Turkish parliament had refused to receive this petition signed by more than ten-thousand citizens of Turkey the petitioners
believe they have to address to the parliament of the country in which they reside and pay taxes. "Please urge your Turkish colleagues to lay the ghosts of the past, because the affirmation of the past is imperative for the democatization of our country", the Society of Opponents to Genocide wrote in its letter to the German deputies of parliaments.

For further contact:

Working Group for Affirmation
c/o Dr. Tessa Hofmann
Mainauer Str. 9, II
D 12161 Berlin
Phone: 0049/30/851 64 09 (Home)
8385 42 08 (Office)
Fax: 851 79 74

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Thought I might provide you with some clarification as to where and/or what ALLAMERICAN was UP to last night and why he did not respond to you. As you so rightfully assumed in your postings of yesterday, yes LASER is black, (Not covered in coal dust) Check this out as proof thereof..


Now we know why ALLAMERICAN:
1) was so fast to leave BACON
2) walks so hunched over
3) has such a big mouth
4) does not post in the evening
5) loves sticking his head in a fence with his pants pulled down
6) does not talk with his mouth full
7) is always in a daze

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Speech of Mr. Yossi Sarid, Minister of Education of Israel, at the Armenian memorial gathering in Washington D.C., morning of April 24, 2000.

I join you, members of the Armenian community, on your Memorial Day, as you mark the 85th anniversary of your genocide. I am here, with you, as a human being, as a Jew, as an Israeli, and as Education Minister of the State of

Every year, Armenians gather in Israel and all over the world to remember and to remind the world of the terrible disaster, that befell your
people at the beginning of the last century.

For many years, too many years, you were alone on your Memorial Day. I'm aware of the special significance of my presence here today along with
other Israelis. Today perhaps for the first time you are less alone.

The Armenian Memorial Day should be a day of reflection and introspection for all of us, a day of soul-searching. On this day, we as Jews, victims of the Shoah should examine our relationship to the pain of others.

The massacre, which was carried out by the Turks against the Armenians in 1915 and 1916, was one of the most horrible acts to occur in modern times.

The Jewish ambassador of America to Turkey in those days, Henry Morgenthau, described the massacre as "The greatest crime in modern
history." Morgenthau did not predict what was in store later in the 20th century for the Jews, the Shoah, the most terrible of all is still in front
of our eyes.

The person who was most shocked and shocked many people was the Prague-born Jewish author, Franz Werfel, with his masterpiece The Forty Days
of Musa Dagh. The idea for writing the book was born in March 1929, when Werfel visited Damascus on his way to Palestine. He wrote: "The pitiful
scene of the starved and mutilated children of the Armenian refugees gave me the last push to redeem the cruel fate of the Armenian people from the abyss of oblivion."

The book that appeared in German in 1933 shocked millions of people. Adolf Hitler was then in power. The Forty Days of Musa Dagh was thrown into
the flames along with other forbidden books. The book was translated into Hebrew in 1934, and influenced many young people in Eretz Israel including me.

For me and for many youngsters my generation in Israel, The Forty Days of Musa Dagh had a formative effect on our personality and our world

Today in Israel very few youngsters have heard about Musa Dagh, very few know about the Armenian Genocide. I know how important the position of
the Jews, and especially the attitude of the State of Israel to your genocide, are for Armenians in the world. As Minister of Education of the State of Israel, I will do whatever is in my capacity in order that this monumental work The Forty Days of Musa Dagh is once more well known to our children. I will do everything in order that Israeli children learn and know
about the Armenian Genocide. Genocide is a crime against humanity and there is nothing more horrible and odious than Genocide. One of the objectives of our education- our main objective- is to instill sensitivity to the harm to the innocent based on nationality alone. We, Jews, as principal victims of murderous hatred are doubly obligated to be sensitive, to identify with
other victims.

We have to evoke among the young generation natural and deep indignation against manifestations of genocide in the past, in the present and in future. Genocide is the root of all evil and we have to make supreme political and educational efforts to uproot and extirpate it.

Whoever stands indifferent in front of it, or ignores it, whoever makes calculations, whoever is silent always helps the perpetrator of the
crime and not the murdered.

In 1918, Shmuel Talkowsky, the secretary of Chaim Weizmann wrote with the approval of Weitzmann, an important article entitled "The Armenian Question
from a Zionist Standpoint."

Among other things, he said. "We, Zionists, have deep and candid sympathy for the fate of the Armenian people. We do this as human beings, as
Jews and as Zionists. As human beings our motto is: I am a human being. Whatever affects another human being affects me."

"As Jews, as an ancient exiled people we suffered in all parts of the world. I dare say, they made us experts of martyrdom. Our humanitarian
sentiments are so sharpened that nobody matches us. The suffering of any nation no matter how foreign to us or how far from us, affects deeply the chords of our souls, and created between us and the suffering nation a profound sympathy which we can call the "brotherhood of affliction." Among the nations who suffer in our neighborhood there is no nation whose martyrdom is more similar than the Armenian people. As Zionists we have several reasons to sympathize with the Armenian Question. As Zionism by its
essence is nothing but the Jewish expression of the demand for national justice, it is natural and logical, that the struggle of a nation for
emancipation arouses in us a profound interest. We are convinced that in that region of the globe--the Middle East--the birthplace of our nation- Eretz Israel, is only a small part of it, will secure peace and prosperity when the well-defined national aspirations will be fulfilled (to the maximum extent possible.) In our view, a free and prosperous Armenia, free and prosperous Arab land and free and prosperous Eretz Israel are the three pillars on which will be built peace and calm in the Middle East."

This is what the secretary of Chaim Weizmann wrote more than 80 years ago, things that are important and just, that stress the value of
human life, no matter who- Jew, Arab, Armenian, Gypsy, Bosnian, Albanian or Rwandan- and I want this lofty message to be imparted to all our students in our school history curriculum; a new program which is now in the process of
being written.

I would like to see a central chapter on genocide, on this huge and inhuman atrocity. The Armenian genocide should occupy a prominent place in this program, which does justice to the national and personal memory of every one of you, to the memory of all the members of your nation. This is our obligation to you; this is our obligation to ourselves.

Now we are on the eve of our Feast. It is the Feast of our freedom and we emerge from slavery to redemption. From slavery to freedom.

This is what we wish to every nation and also to the Armenian people- Freedom and Redemption- Redemption and Freedom.

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The guys think their the only ones that can get naughty. HA HA HA

How have you been and how was your Easter?

Luv YA


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The Jerusalem Post
April 25, 2000

Armenian genocide to be taught

By Gil Hoffman

JERUSALEM (April 25) - Education Minister Yossi Sarid yesterday announced plans to introduce a chapter on genocide in the national history curriculum, which would include references to the Armenian genocide.

Sarid was speaking at St. James Church in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City, at a memorial ceremony marking the 85th
anniversary of the day Armenians say Turkey began to round up and systematically murder 1.5 million of their countrymen.

"We, the Jews, the main victims of murderous hatred, are committed - with a twice-fold sensitivity - to identifying with other victims,"
said Sarid, the first minister to attend the event since absorption minister Yair Tsaban (Meretz) in 1995.

"The Armenian memorial day must be a day of self-examination for all of us, sort of a personal soul-searching. On this day, we, the Jews, the victims of the Holocaust, test our attitude to the pains of others."

In response, Turkish Embassy Counsellor Hidayet Bayraktar, speaking in place of the ambassador who was out of town, said that his country's
official position is that there was no Armenian genocide, and that Sarid's speech would be forwarded to Foreign Ministry officials in

Sarid has gotten himself into diplomatic hot water in the past. When he met with the Dalai Lama five years ago in Eilat, and again last
November in the Knesset, he was accused of jeopardizing relations with China.

In an interview with Israel Radio, Sarid emphasized that his statements were his own opinion and that he is not the foreign
minister. He added that he did not think Israel's good relations with Turkey would be harmed by what he said, just as, ultimately, relations
with China were not hurt by his meetings with the Dalai Lama.

Armenian United Committee of Jerusalem vice-chairman Serop Sahajian said he hoped the Sarid speech would be the first step toward Israel
recognizing the genocide. He accused Israel of delaying recognition because of "political considerations with Turkey."

"Israel should have been the first country to recognize the genocide because of our warm ties and because of the Holocaust. Instead it was
Uruguay, " Sahajian said.

Sarid, speaking in front of a picture of Armenians in a concentration camp, said the new curriculum would "provide historical justice to the national and personal memory of the Armenian genocide."

Former education minister Amnon Rubinstein (Meretz) first attempted to add the Armenian tragedy to the history curriculum five years ago, but was prevented by a committee of history professors who rejected the textbook.

Sarid, who in the past has led aid missions to Rwanda and Bosnia, also singled out the Rwandan, Bosnian, Cambodian, and Albanian genocides as
tragedies that should be taught.

At the memorial ceremony, leaders =07of the Armenian community in Israel, which numbers about 2000, called upon Turkey to admit its role
in the Armenian tragedy.

Many of the 500 Armenians at the event wore T-shirts with the slogan: "Until Turkey admits the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians, the world
will continue to turn its back on other genocides."

Sarid attended a candlelight memorial mass at the church. Then, to the accompaniment of drums and trumpets, a procession of Armenians carried
a wreath to a memorial to victims of the genocide in the Armenian cemetery near Zion gate.

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Antonio.....Idiot...go get a life

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Hi there, baby-Mary 😉
Well, you are right on the money about Allam -reasons #3 and #6 about him having a BIG mouth and about mouthful explain a well as facination with black things.."ju nou" what I mean?
Anyways, today is a good day..How are ya? Any trips for ya anytime soon? Hope you're doing ok..I won't be available for most of the day, but it is always good to hear from you, mam :)))

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