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Archive through April 27, 2000

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This board does seem to be full of aggressive homosexual men,

Faulkener..Dimitri..antonio..etc etc

Looks like Yahoo must have not labelled it properly!

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Just a thought

Are there any more homosexuals(other than you) who hide their sexual preference by blaming others on this board?
Don't bother answering, queer.

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By Uzbek ( - on Wednesday, April 26, 2000 - 06:17 pm:

Antonio you fuckin' assho1e,

*Sound like someone's nerves have been struck.
Uzbeks are, of course, one of the Turkic hordes.

Nobody cares or gives interest to what you

*Except you apparently.

You're a no-no here jacka$$.

*All straight men are a no-no where you hang out. You will just have to find someone else to join you in your Turkish male belly-dance club.

By kim Arx ( - on Wednesday, April 26, 2000 - 11:45 am:
Dear Antonio,

*"Dear"? Why Kim, if I didn't know better I'd think you had some genuine affection for me!

I'm tired of scrolling through your lengthy
posts-too long to bother reading btw.

*Why Kim-San, I never realized you felt such devotion to me as to read all my posts at length.

Please post links as the original sites are more
reader friendly than you are.

*Consider yourself challenged.

On second thoughts don't bother with the links

*Can you muster a third thought, or has your mind quit for the day?

By Just a thought.. ( - on Wednesday, April 26, 2000 - 08:48 pm:
To Antonio

If the turks are fags, then maybe you should be on the next flight to Turkey?

*Maybe, as pilot of the Enola Gay.

By Just a thought... ( - on Wednesday, April 26, 2000 - 08:50 pm:
This board does seem to be full of aggressive homosexual men,

Faulkener..Dimitri..antonio..etc etc

*",Faulkener..Dimitri..antonio..etc etc". So everyone except Faulkener..Dimitri..antonio etc. etc. on the board are aggressive homosexual men?
Of course there are females on the board too. Why didn't you include yourself in the list of people not among the homosexual males?

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Unlike you I am not here to be accepted and liked. LOL. Unlike you I do not have to dig around message boards to find close friends you loser. Go kiss some more A S S.

I post my views and if that's what people don't like its just tooooooooooo bad. So when I say that you are a queer who likes to be fudgepacked at least a couple of times a week - that's what I mean. Understood you rather large thickheaded pale Rooskie.

BTW I like the way you just "ignored" the Rooskie message above. Is it your father who had the "Rooskie" Logo imbedded in his head from the boot of a U.S. Marine?

You Queer!

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More Rooskies killed in Chechnya;


MOSCOW (Reuters) - At least 10 Russian troops were killed in a new rebel ambush on Wednesday in the breakaway Chechnya region, Itar-Tass news agency quoted the military as saying on Thursday.

A military spokesman at the Khankala military base outside the Chechen capital Grozny told Tass that up to 60 rebels attacked a Russian reconnaissance group near the village of Serzhen-Yurt in southern Chechnya.

A rebel spokesman Movladi Udugov told Reuters by telephone late on Wednesday that between 18 and 20 Russians were killed in the Serzhen-Yurt ambush while the rebels suffered no losses.

The Russian spokesman said the detachment struck back at the rebels and killed at least 20.

``We pursued them in the bush down the Argun gorge until darkness fell,'' Tass quoted him as saying. ``Then the fighters managed to disperse.''

Rebels are using hit-and-run attacks against the hugely overwhelming Russian force. Last weekend the rebels attacked another Russian convoy near Serzhen-Yurt killing 15 servicemen.

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Why don't show real patriotism and go fight for you country...

Maybe one of those mean chechians will slice off your testicles and send you home crying.

Like I thought - You are a chicken S H I T COWARD! Acting all tough on the board while too scared to go fight for your cunt.. LOL....

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My, my,
Antonio seems to be developing a sense of humour.
I see you took my advice, re posting links.
Good on you, boyo.
Igor, I wasn't being funny. Are you saying that not enough people died for it to have been Genocide? Tell me next time should we wait until "enough" people die. I was in this instance refering to Bosnia, not Kosovo,since you were talking about Croatia.

So you claim you're a Hells Angel from the States, No offense, but you seem to have bailed out on Russia, and now you are cheerleading from the comfort of the west.
And now don't get angry-I might be wrong.
Tell me about it.


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To All,
")gunshot in the air("

The Russia board once again resembles a brawl in a bar. It occurs to me that none of you are listening to what anyone else has to say, you are all reacting to abuse with abuse.
I understand that some find this enjoyable, but it doesn't leave much room for those of us that don't.

Whether or not you agree with someone else, they have as much "right" to express their point of view as you. Who knows you might learn something.
As some of you are well over 30, maybe its time to stop behaving like teenagers with rampant testosterone.

Just my opinion, of course.


")OK,continue where you left off- "NANANeNANA"("

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Igor is a Hells Angel? HEHE,,,.

But could you be a Hell's angel with a moped?

It's either he is one which speaks volumes, or he want's to be one which also speaks volumes.

A Russian Hells Angel. Could he find a helmet that would fit his large round Rooskie head! LOL


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>>>By AllAustralian ( - on Wednesday, April 26, 2000 - 12:48 pm: >>>

Hey you idiot, whoever you are, you are not Australian. Go and use your real name, which must be DICKLESS RUSSIAN.

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>>>By Dimitri ( - on Wednesday, April 26, 2000 - 01:11 pm:
All Sweet Ass American:

ok, ok I'll ask nicely,

dear girly(I am assuming you're the BOTTOM),
please provide me with your tepephone # or an email address, so I can send you >>>

Dimitri is acting more stupid with the passage of time. Hey, when did you post your telephone #, or your email address? Unless you already did so, isn't it a bit rich for you to ask others?

What a looooser!!!!

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Nice video on NWI of the F16 that was shot down in Kosovo last year.

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Then do not come here you faggoty imbecile BERNSWEIN

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