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Archive through April 29, 2000

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MUSLIMS SAY THEY WILL CUT OF HOSTAGES HEADS. So what else is new.Seems like it is what these people do all over the place:take innocent people hostage then torture and kill them.

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MUSLIMS SAY THEY WILL CUT OF HOSTAGES HEADS. So what else is new.Seems like it is what these people do all over the place:take innocent people hostage then torture and kill them.

You're right Igor! they seem to be acting like Serbs now! (or Russians in Chechnya!)

Pretty cool the way you located that photo of 'Jake B.'
I would be careful about provoking him, he looks pretty unstable and possibly dangerous.

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Tribunal charges Bosnian Serb leaders with genocide
THE HAGUE, Netherlands - An international tribunal indicted the Bosnian Serbs' top two political and military leaders for more war crimes, charging them with genocide in the Muslim enclave of Srebrenica.

Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and army commander Gen. Ratko Mladic have already been charged with war crimes against Bosnia's Muslim and Croat populations, including attacks on the capital Sarajevo.

The new indictments come just days after Mladic and Karadzic agreed to relinquish power once a U.S.-sponsored peace deal is signed, in exchange for not being handed over to the war crimes tribunal.

The tribunal said the indictment related to "one of the bloodiest acts of the war in the former Yugoslavia ... involving crimes of an unprecedented cruelty against the Bosnian Muslim population."

Seems like it is what these Orthodox Christian people do all over the place:take innocent people hostage then torture and kill them!

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Christians flee as Muslims ready for jihad
By LOUISE WILLIAMS and agencies

Thousands of Christian families were hiding in jungle or packing ferries to flee Indonesia's Spice Islands, as police tightened security at the country's second biggest port, Surabaya, in an effort to stop Muslim fighters sailing to wage a jihad, or holy war, against Christians.

The Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jama'ah Forum, a loose grouping of hard-line Muslims, has given President Abdurrahman Wahid until today to end the year-long Christian-Muslim conflict in the Maluku province.

The Vice-President, Ms Megawati Sukarnoputri, who has been charged with ending the conflict, appealed against more violence, saying: "By lifting our arms and brandishing machetes and swords slicing innocent bodies ... if you keep on doing that it will only murder the next generation".

The forum plans a major rally today in the royal city of Yogyakarta before leaving for the Malukus, where thousands have been killed and injured and towns extensively damaged in continuing religious violence.

In Sydney today, Baroness Caroline Cox, of Britain's House of Lords, called for the immediate deployment of an international fact-finding mission to the violence-racked province, saying the Christian communities faced a threat of religious cleansing.

Last week an advance party of 300 jihad fighters was reported to have landed on the north of the island of Ambon, the provincial capital.

Baroness Cox, in Sydney after an extensive visit to the area, said Christian communities were deeply fearful of the new jihad army.

So isolated are many of the villages affected and so volatile is the security situation that first-hand reports are rare.

Baroness Cox, who is also president of Christian Solidarity Worldwide, said that on the island of Buru 20 out of 25 Christian villages had been razed, and in other parts big numbers of people had been displaced to camp in jungle where food was scare and medical supplies non-existent.

She had been told armed Muslim mobs were supported by Islamic extremists from the Middle East, as well as inside Indonesia, and did not reflect the moderate and inclusive policies of the Indonesian Government.

She said it was possible the conflict in the Malukus was being manipulated to discredit President Abdurrahman Wahid, who supports religious tolerance and opposes moves to formalise the position of the Islamic majority in Indonesia by adopting an Islamic state.

"I was surprised by the scale of the violence and the really dire conditions in which people are living," Baroness Cox said.

In several detailed case studies, backed by photographs, survivors of attacks told horrific stories of public beheadings, dismemberment and massacres of women and children in front of husbands and fathers.

The Malukus, a group of small islands about 2,300 kilometres east of Jakarta, have been relatively quiet since a massive military deployment in January.

However, the arrival of thousands of angry Muslims could reignite Christian-Muslim tension and renew the threat that the bloodshed may spread throughout the Indonesian archipelago.

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Fire Away

By Robert Wright
Robert Wright is the author of The Moral Animal and the new book Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny. Posted Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 4:00 p.m. PT

Would anyone like to apply for a job as William Safire's fact-checker? All you have to do is verify a single sentence from his New York Times column this morning. The column is about building a missile defense system, which Safire favors. After conceding that the technology is unproven, he writes, "But many who insist it will never work were doubtful our technology could ever put a man on the moon."

Before you embark on this assignment, be advised of some problems you will face:
1) Finding people who "insist it will never work" is going to be hard. The skeptics of missile defense technology that I know of are more nuanced than that. They just question whether the technology will work soon enough to warrant proceeding with deployment now, as advocated by Safire and some members of Congress.
2) The last time anyone had the option of doubting that we could put a man on the moon was the 1960s. Many of the people who now have doubts about missile defense were at that point either a) a gleam in their father's eye or b) mere kids. What kinds of things did kids do in the 1960s? Oh, watch Star Trek.
3) Even for grown-ups, doubting that we'd put a man on the moon wasn't a big left-wing cause in the 1960s. Remember, it was a beloved Democrat, John Kennedy, who had inaugurated NASA's moon shot. And for those who opposed the program, the common complaint was not the impossibility of the goal but its frivolity and cost. You know: diverting money from the war on poverty, etc.

In recognition of these difficulties, I'll lighten up the assignment. Though Safire claims to know of "many" people who meet his criteria, I'll settle for one. All you have to do is find a single person, anywhere on the planet, who a) is on record as believing that missile defense "will never work"; and b) is on record as having doubted that "technology could ever [emphasis added] put a man on the moon."
Mail your entry to William Safire, c/o New York Times, 229 West 43rd St., New York, NY, 10036. The winner will be flown by space shuttle to New York, where he or she will be treated to a get-acquainted lunch with Safire. During the lunch, Safire will share such tips as, "Remember, the key to writing a column on deadline isn't getting things right. It's phrasing them in a way that makes them impossible to prove wrong."
Alternatively, you can e-mail your entry to me. If you can show that Safire's claim is even close to true, I will apologize in this space for my snide skepticism. Employees of Slate are not eligible for this contest, but William Safire is.

Speaking of wrong: In his column, Safire stresses that he's not trying to resurrect the discredited Star Wars missile defense, which was conceived in an era when the nightmare scenario was massive Soviet attack. A small missile defense system will do, since "today the growing threat comes from rogue states and terrorists." What follows is something that I (among others) have said before, but I'm going to keep repeating it until people like Safire come up with a reply.
1) As for terrorists: Suppose you're a terrorist and you want to nuke an American city. You've got the resources to build a bomb, and the question is how to deliver it: a) covertly build or acquire an expensive, complicated, and inherently unreliable missile that would in theory let you deliver your payload precisely; b) sneak the bomb across the border (by, say, concealing it in a van full of illegal immigrants), park it in a midtown garage, set the timer, then catch a cab to La Guardia. Duh.
2) As for "rogue states": Suppose you're a rogue dictator. Suppose that you want to nuke an American city and would just as soon avoid the discomfort of utter retaliatory annihilation. You are trying to decide between two options: a) put a return address on your nuke—i.e., deliver it via a missile launched from your soil; b) use the van method outlined above. Duh.

Of course, you could always posit that the leader of the rogue state wouldn't mind being annihilated. But that would mean he was literally crazy, pathologically self-destructive. And, from Qaddafi to Saddam Hussein, leaders of rogue states have proved time and again that they're not crazy. They're survivors.
Safire outlines a scenario in which "Saddam Hussein could build a nuclear bomb, buy a missile from North Korea and invade his neighbors on the presumption he could act with impunity—because he could credibly threaten to kill millions of Americans if we dared to intervene." Questions:
1) Would Saddam's threat really have any credibility, given that he would assuredly die if he launched that missile? (See above.)
2) If, as Safire proposes, we hypothetically grant Saddam's threat credibility, the question becomes: How much would our perception of the threat be reduced by a missile defense system that had never been tested under real-world conditions? (Remember how porous the Patriot anti-missile system turned out to be when its performance during the Gulf War was carefully assessed?) Let's say we're wildly optimistic and conclude that there's a 90 percent chance that a missile defense system would take out Saddam's missile(s). In other words: There's only a 10 percent chance that millions of Americans will die—or even 5 percent, since Saddam's technology may malfunction. Can you imagine the American citizenry incurring that kind of risk to save a small, far-off nation? Apparently Safire can. Then again, he's got a good imagination.

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How you doing little B I T C H.

come out come out were every you are..LOL

I wann stick it in ya like I stick in before.

Trickle.., trickle...trickle... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

All over you and your Welfare Russian family.

Who's Yo daddy? WHO'S YO DADDY?

That's right Biaaaatch...All American is Yo Daddy!

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There seems to be a lot of misconception as to the word "Roosky". In contrast to what most of you think this is not a slang word for Russian, or a racial slur aimed at deeming human beings. After all Russians are human beings and that would be wrong.

But the word "Rooskie" has a long History behind it based on actual events that took place a long time ago.

During the 2nd World War Military factories were popping up quite frequently in the heartland of the U.S to sustain our Military Machine as it fought a long and treacherous wars against dark and powerful enemies. One factory in particular located just outside of Kansas city was specializing and producing military fatigues including gloves, socks, hard hats and Boots. The factory was operated and half owned by an Old French family named the "Rousvouelts" who settled there many years ago. Well it goes without saying that many of the locals loved and admired this family. And as a show of gratitude would stamp all the accessories produced in the factory with a label used by many as a nickname to call the beloved family; "THE ROOSKIES". This became a trademark of the factory and would later become the unofficial nickname of the Rousvouelts factory.

As our great Army and Marine Corps were closing in on the now defeated Berlin, they often came across German Soldiers who were surrendering. Upon the confusion that soon followed those fateful final hours, a Marine corps came across and surrounded what they thought was a small German platoon defending their Capital till death. Well the Surrounded troops as it turns out were actually not German at all but young Russian conscripts sent in hastily with out sufficient backup by their Regiment leaders.

Upon the raising of the white flag to show good faith and to be given an opportunity to prove there true identity to the Marines. The young conscripts were made to kneel down on their knees while An American Marines outfitted with fatigues produced from the Rousvouelts factory would approach and question the young lads. Well the story goes that none of the Russian soldiers were able to speak English and a lack of communication gripped the already strained situation. During the commotion and Pandemonium, A U.S. Marine kicked one of the Conscripts with the heel of his Heavy duty Rousvouelt boot knocking the Young Russian on his back and out of his wits. Only there and then did all the U.S. Marine Corps break into uncontrollable laughter. The Young Russians wondering what was so funny about their comrade being kicked in the head by a supposed "ally" came and took a look at the sprawled soldier, when they too broke out into uncontrollable laughter along WITH the Marines!

As it later turns out the Forehead of the young soldiers had been prominently imbedded with the Rousvouelts Logo which had been stamped on the heel of the Marines boot, and which read "ROOSKIES". Apparently the Logo remains imbedded in the Russians forehead till this day !

And that ladies and Gents is how the name Rooskie for Russians was coined.

No joke...LMAO...

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>>>>By AllAustralian ( - on Saturday, April 29, 2000 - 07:08 am:

Blah, blah, ... and more blah. Who gives a •••• on what you are saying you DICKLESS moron. You are such a joke, an uneducated one that is.

Did you ever expressed an opinion about anything? I don't think so. You don't have brains for that. Just keep barking, maybe oneday they will notice you. Ha, ha, what a stupid moron, and a scum of the earth.

A second thought, actually I am sory for you. You obviously don't have much life, and this is the way you are screaming for help. Why aren't you trying to talk with somebody who can help you with your problems. A trusted friend, a teacher, an older relative, your parents. Please go and get some help.

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