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Archive through April 3, 2000

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In the world encyclopedia Akum is explained as meaning "Christian". Other than that the only sites where I can find Akum are those belonging to the Klan, Aryan something and Radio Islam.

Ku-ku boy, could you bring something fresh on board once in awhile? You really should not repeat yourself.

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Some info on this phony fellow. I was told that actually 2 different Earthlink accounts are posting under "Jake". One is - plain nazi doofus.

The second one is http:/, the guy who calls himself "California Knight". This one is, too, obsessed with jewish issues, he even styled the font on corresponding page to look like

Also, he posted his pictures on the web:

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Beware Laser you goy dog, do not trifle with the chosen ones. You are nothing more than a beast

The "Kol Nidre" Oath

Jewish prayer books hold the Kol Nidre, ("All Vows") to be the most solemn of all prayers of the Jews. We sing this in the synagogue three times as the first ritual of Yom Kippur which is the holiest day of the Jewish New Year. It permits us to disavow in advance all promises, oaths, or sworn statements they may make to Gentiles like you during the coming year. Here are the words of this - the most important prayer of Judaism.
"All vows, obligations, oaths, anathema’s, whether called 'konam,''konas,' or by any other name, which we may vow or swear or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this day of atonement unto the next, whose happy coming we await, we do repent. May they be deemed absolved forgiven, annulled, void and made of no effect; they shall not bind us or have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths."

The Jewish Encyclopedia states:

"The Kol Nidre attains extraordinary popularity through the gripping melody and the earnestness and solemnity of the hour and exercises a profound influence upon the proving congregation."

Laser you goy dog I should not have to repeat myself.

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Phew, Khighty-knights, you scared me. I thought you've gone, but you're better than ever. Web is beautiful. Apparently, this Kippur thing is not the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana is.

And another one - according to the encyclopedia, Kol Nidre applies to vows made between humans and God, not between humans, whoever they are, Jews, Gentiles, "Jakes" or Knights.

Thanks for trying. Let the fun never end.

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Okay Mask the dirty goy. You have asked for this. Now YOUR NAME WILL BE MENTIONED at the next Purim Feast

Foes Destroyed During the Purim Feast

The Jewish feast of Purim is Jewry's biggest celebration. Each year, the secret businessmen's B'nai B'rith fraternity selects two Gentile enemies of the Jews who are to be hanged in effigy.

Besides hanging "two enemies of Zion" in effigy, We make dolls and cookies which are called "Hamen." We then smash the dolls with hammers or stomp upon them with their heels screaming, "we have destroyed Hamen the enemy of the Jews. We break the arms and legs off cookies and eat them saying "we have devoured Hamen." All the while hissing and swinging noisemakers to drown out the name of the hated Hamen each time it is uttered.

Dirty goy like Mask and Laser will pay the price, as well as secularists/progressives traitors like abu Kissie.

We pray that this will be the fate of all the enemies of Zion.

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Just bring the sword, Knight. Care to provide anything originating from somewhere else than Ku... and ...slam?

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Bernstein if that is you then your are one puny little shite.You look like you do a bit too much amphetamine,I would stop if I was you..

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Here's one for Allam, Laser,Jake and anyone else who wishes to make a joke of the Holocaust on this page.
Have some respect for the dead and the survivors,
please your God this may never happen to any of you.


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The three victims mounted together onto the chairs.

The three necks were placed at the same moment within the nooses.

"Long live liberty!" cried the two adults.

But the child was silent.

"Where is God? Where is He?" someone behind me asked.

At a sign from the head of the camp, the three chairs tipped over...

Then the march past began. The two adults were no longer alive. Their tongues hung swollen, blue-tinged. But the third rope was still moving;
being so light, the child was still alive...

For more than half an hour he stayed there, struggling between life and death, dying in slow agony under our eyes. And we had to look him full in
the face. He was still alive when I passed in front of him. His tongue was still red, his eyes were not yet glazed.

Behind me, I heard the same man asking:

"Where is God now?"

And I heard a voice within me answer him:

"Where is He? Here He is--He is hanging here on this gallows..."

That night the soup tasted of corpses.

Wiesel, p. 72.

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Thank you KA

I grieve and pray for victims of ALL holocausts throughout recent history.

The genocidee of 1.5 million armenians by turks

The murder of 7 million Ukrainians (famine and starvation) due to Stalins collectivism of the 1930's

The murder of 20 million Russians under Stalin

The genocide of 5.8 million Jews under Hitler

The genocide of 4 million slavic people under Hitler.

The destruction of 250,000 muslims by serbs
The destruction of 100,000 croats by serbs

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Don't be so hypocritical...

Do you read what you write?

You are the one who is questioning the genocide in Yugoslavia ever took place. LOL.

Your messages hold an undercurrent of resentment for NATO, which you believe, has orchestrated the whole " fiasco " to legitimize interference in the conflict.

And like you I can go ahead and post some graphic pictures so you can have "some respect for the dead and the survivors, please your God this may never happen to any of you".

And unlike the Holocaust which happened during a different time, a different generation and a different era. The Serb Genocide is in the Here and Now. The Antagonists and Barbarians are living among us - So why don't you use all that anger and rhetoric on something that can actually MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

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In all due respect. In the short time I have been on this board. I have seem the most racism by Jews! Look at that Jake B. guy! he is insatiable!
and look at the hateful Kisako!

I promise as long as these two racist hateful individuals are on this board - I am going to give them a taste of their own medicine. I also am going to tell a few of my buddies about this message board. They can join in the fray!

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•••• off Allam.,


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To AllAmerican

Right on man! Those serbs are the most filthy depraved savages on earth. Thank goodness now serbia is destroyed and bankrupt, their lousy currency worthless. Thank God NATO put these barbaric bastards back in the stone age where they belong.

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By KA ( - on Monday, April 3, 2000 - 04:06 am:
•••• off Allam.,

Is that your response to him! wow! you are sooo intelligent and perceptive! I'm impressed!

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