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Archive through April 3, 2000

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To Jake B.

You can believe in all that hocus pocus about making effigy dolls. I don't care about your dumb behaviour. But if you keep going on about how you guys are the chosen people. I'll have a few things to say too.

Same applies to your buddy Kisako.

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Do you see the level of hypocrisy on this board that some face!

We can go ahead and shine light on the Holocaust and get applauded. But do otherwise and get a "•••• off" for it.

So are you basically telling all those people who perished to •••• off - their story deserves no attention.

That I expect from Kissako not from you KA.

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"I also am going to tell a few of my buddies about this message board."

You sick sick bastards

"You are the one who is questioning the genocide in Yugoslavia ever took place. LOL."

Its all a ••••••• joke to you, isn't it.

"I have seem the most racism by Jews!"
Jake Berstein isn't a jew you thick sh1t, he is an antagonist who's only purpose on this board is to incite people like you to attack someone who is intelligent and insightful and just happens to live in Israel!!! And you fell for it, you idiot.

Tell me, apart from Allam's posts accusing her of being racist, where has KISSIE SAID ANYTHING THAT IS RACIST?
You in fact are the racist!!

"hateful Kisako!" Based on two days on this board you make that assumption????

"And unlike the Holocaust which happened during a different time, a different generation and a different era. The Serb
Genocide is in the Here and Now. The Antagonists and Barbarians are living among us - So why don't you use all that anger
and rhetoric on something that can actually MAKE A DIFFERENCE!"

This from someone who spends most of his time hurling Sexist and racist comments at people who are trying to build up a true picture of what is going on in that part of the world.
You just accept the propaganda fed to you by CNN and your government, without thinking, without questioning. I've got news for you it's a big bad ugly world out there, and your government like every other plays by the "big bad ugly rules".

If you had your way we'd be nuking Russia- you reactionary arsehole!!!

Don't ever accuse me of hypocracy - tell me do you actually give a f@ck about the poeple who have died in Yugoslavia or weather they ever get their lives back?
No you'er nice and cosy in your Barracks somewhere in the Arab Emirates, dreaming of the chance to be a Hero.

Now shut the f@ck up, the lot of you.


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"You just accept the propaganda fed to you by CNN and your government, without thinking, without questioning."

Wrong! Although it is better than getting it from you hypocrites.

"Tell me do you actually give a f@ck about the poeple who have died in Yugoslavia or weather they ever get their lives back?"

Why should that matter! Do I have to be emotionally attached to have a correct reaction. Do I have to lose close ones to have a right to speak my opinions.

Right is right and Wrong is wrong... You don't have to be emotionally tied be on either side.

In the US a jury of the people by the people is chosen to decide the fait of their peers. they must be completely objective in order that prior vies may not cloud their judgment so they can make a fair and correct ruling.

Emotion is a handicap under such circumstances…. Just look at Kissako views.

"This from someone who spends most of his time hurling Sexist and racist comments at people who are trying to build up a true picture of what is going on in that part of the world. "

Hurling abuse ONLY at RACISTS like Kissako and Lmenexe (who's had his head up her ass for so long he doesn't know if he's coming or going) and Hairy is a completely different story… I enjoy making fun of her!

I have never attacked anyone else on these boards with racist remarks… not even you KA - so what the •••• are you talking about?

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Laser, this then is your idea of an intelligent response, is it?:

Racist Kissie (aka bagel girl),How long did it take you to come up with that? is totally full of hate for non Jews. based on what other than ALLAm's say so? She happens to live in Israel and disagrees with you, therefore she hates all non-jews? please!! I can't believe the one sided crap she comes up with!!she has a different perspective to you-Aren't you one-sided in that respect?, Aren't we all. God help anyone around here who tries to understand someone else's perspective, you are immediately accused of Treason!!

In her last post she lieswhere's your evidence then? about serb kids going hungry 'caus Elizabeth Dole (a noble woman) wants food to go to muslim kids!the point was that Serbian Children were not reciving aid-I disagree with Kissie's point of view, but would try to provide evidence, rather than attacking her with racist slurs
Bagel girl is SICK SICK SICK to the core, how low can she sink ??? that of course is an intelligent, thoughtful response- right!!

As for that Jake, he sounds like bagel girls brother. who happens to call Kissie a jewish traitor

If people really want to know the truth about chechnya.where did Chechnia suddenly spring from, I thought we were talking about Kissie and Jake? I suggest they check out Amnesty International's web page or Human Rights Watch. HRW is a politically motivated think tank of university professors? - Why not the UNHCR?

Listening to bagel girl is like eating trash from a garbage dump.Now that really was an unintelligent conclusion to your post- and you were doing so well.


The ONLY reason I am applying racial epithets to Kissie, is caus she is doing it. Now yid is getting a taste of her own medicin Now lets be truthful, the only reason you are applying Racial epithets to kissie is that you are a racist little oik, with nothing better to do

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Now that was a more thoughtful response, well done!

"Why should that matter! Do I have to be emotionally attached to have a correct reaction. Do I have to lose close ones to have a right to speak my opinions."

Firstly, isn't Anger and calling for the decimation of all Serbs an emotional response?

Secondly, as you haven't lost close loved ones, aren't you therfore able to look at the conflict around Serbia with you eyes open and make a balanced judgement of what went on, and also able to read my posts properly rather than jumping to conclusions after the first line.

Thirdly, yes you do have the right to express opinions, so does everyone else. But with freedom of speech, comes responsibility for the consequences of what you say. If there is a deliberate intention to damage others, then you are likely to reap what you sow. Is Laser a friend of yours, or just someone jumping on your bandwagon? He has without question accepted what you have said about Kissie and L'menexe. Whereas you are just trying to get at them, to rile them. There are some nasty pieces of work out there, that mean those things seriously. Do you really want to be their "Grand Wizard"? No, I don't think you really intended that, did you.

"Right is right and Wrong is wrong... You don't have to be emotionally tied be on either side."

Would that that were true in the world of politics. I mean that sincerely, but then again you don't like my sincerity do you.

Can we now please leave the 2nd World War to RIP.

No posts from me, if no slurs from you.


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IM not into making "deals" - especially when Im right! I speak my mind, If people follow it's their doing. Although I choose to believe there respective views are based on what they see and experience and not what I post.

I have another take on the situation; that your friendship with Kissako is clouding your judgment.

More&more are becoming exasperated and irritated by her.

You want a deal? I'll make you a deal

No posts from me, if no slurs from you! And Only if it's a bilateral agreement.

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If I had a $ for every time Kissie had exasperated or irritated me,.....
It's nice and comfortable to think you are right(I include myself in that), then someone comes along who appears to turn everthing on its head. Sure its exasperating, you could even say it hurts sometimes. But I think the dissenters keep us on our toes, make us think about our beliefs more carefully. Its all about learning and growing. In the end we all want peace, its about how we achieve a consensus. And you can't do that by ignoring those who disagree with you.(One of the reasons, I continue to express my thoughts to you, knowing that you will probably come back and kick six bales of shite out of me).

Regarding bilateral deals. How about we both post and both try to avoid slurs. (jokes aside). Can't speak for anyone else though, you understand.
This does not mean I will always agree with you, of course.>G<


PS regarding Laser, I think you are overestimating him. And if you think Kisako and I agree on everything, just go back about two weeks. The thing is I try to let the argument win, I find that with me she does the same because she is not expecting personal attacks from me.

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Are you still around?
I would be intersted in your thoughts...

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I wouldn't want it any other way...

And trutst me, I would never want you to speak for anyone on this board. 🙂

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Joined: 26 years ago
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the greetings of the 0539 for you!

Honorable Member
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oh, we're so BAD...
all these things they say we are, and now we're racists to boot.
shut the f*ck up _still_ ain't worth the effort.
especially if you're listening to FAKE the chameleon. semi-articulate one minute, disgusting gross pig the next minute.
you chumps call kisako 'hateful' etc etc because she doesnt just lie there and take your SH*T; i've seen this for months. one chump after another.

and there'll likely be chumps to follow you, just as there were chumps _before_ you.
wishing the best of days for them to whom i wish it, i remain...

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Something entirely unrelated to Chechnia...

What's new?


Freedom fear on
website closure

Matt Wells, Media Correspondent
Monday April 3, 2000

A radical internet magazine has
become the first victim of a libel case
which has been seen as a threat to
freedom of speech on the web.

Outcast, which branded itself a "queer
current affairs" publication, had its site
shut down by its internet service
provider, Netbenefit, after a complaint
about material posted there. Netbenefit
said it had acted "with great

Last week, Demon Internet agreed to
pay £15,000 damages and £230,000
in legal costs to Laurence Godfrey, a
physicist who said he had been
defamed by two anonymous messages
posted on the net.

Internet firms are concerned about the
implications of the Demon case. If it
had not been settled out of court, it
would have established whether ISPs
are subject to the same libel laws as
other media. By settling, Demon
appeared to concede it was unlikely to

Outcast expressed disappointment at
Netbenefit's decision. Its editor, Chris
Morris, said: "What we do is hard
hitting but it is carefully written not to
be defamatory." He believed Netbenefit
had overreacted, and said the
magazine would continue to be
published in print.

Netbenefit acted after a complaint by
the Pink Paper, another gay
publication, about the Outcast site.

Alison Sparshatt, the managing
director of Netbenefit, said: "We have
no wish to get involved in monitoring
websites. We are interested in
providing and hosting web services."
She added that the Demon case had
"far-reaching implications" and the
government needed to clarify the law.

Ms Sparshatt compared the role of
ISPs to that of a telecommunications
firm, saying the latter was not
responsible in law for slander over the

Mike Ross, the Pink Paper's publishing
manager, denied stifling free speech
and defended his firm's actions.

He said: "Chris Morris contacted us
with a range of statements on which
he sought comment. We felt they were
defamatory and libellous.

"All we did was to send a legal letter to
the ISP and his printers. We said that
if he printed anything libellous or
defamatory, we would take legal

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Posts: 83


I see the nitwits are out in force this fine Monday. Poor fools, they must of had a most boring, lonely weekend. One would think that they would of worked off all their frustrations masterbating with their dogs.

Kimmy, check out MASK's posting, Sunday 11:06 pm, the 2nd sight. I can't believe how close that picture is to AllAmerican's yearbook picture. What with those giant wingnut ears, boney white complextion, nerd / geeky haircut and all those zits on his face. Simply remarkable.

Luv YA
ps: Like a Wolfpack of U-boats, I love the way you consistently blow those second rate, mentally challenged idiots out of the water. Nice job

Honorable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 616

oh and by the way, FAKE.....
dont presume you know anything, repeat ANYTHING, about kisako.
because in regards to her you know NOTHING.

so spare me, AND kim, AND anyone/everyone else your absurd conjectures.

because in regards to kisako,
you know NOTHING.

and take your new pal laser with you as you leave.
and i've gotta go to work now, so any further impotent flailings on your part will go unread.

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