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Archive through April 3, 2000

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Cheers guys and girls
Luv ya too

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Mask, your ZMARTNESS won't help you! We will crush the bones of your stupid russian goy-slaves first and you will be the next one, you rabid zionist dog! The time is near, you filth!

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Job? What Job? You call beating away at your drums a job! LMAO AT YOU!

Check your mail - another one of those eviction notices no doubt! LMAO.

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refer to post ( - .


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NATO’s agreement with Yugoslavia last year to end the war stipulates in part, the introduction of Yugoslavian military personnel to commence in June 2000. Under the June 15, 1999 military technical agreement, and the subsequent Annex 2 of the UN resolution, an armed contingent of Yugoslavian soldiers and police is authorized to enter Kosovo. U.S General Wesley Clark Supreme Commander of NATO forces ruled out any return of the Yugoslavian army to Kosovo, General Clark went on to say that “if by chance it (Yugoslavian army) tries, it will be prevented”. Should we be surprised that NATO and the West is prepared to break the military technical agreement it created and forced Yugoslavia to sign? Considering the humanitarians reckless disregard last year for international law not to mention our own constitutional laws (there is no constitutional authority for the United States to wage aggressive war in absence of a direct interest to protect. The United States has NO constitutionally permissible role in Kosovo.) We indeed should not be surprised by the devious treachery being commited here by NATO.

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Back at the office means another day of abusing the computer privileges.

You're A vagabond! You know why? LOL.

One of these days your boss is gonna catch you in the act of writing one of your very feminine posts and boot your Hairy fat ass straight outta the window. HAHA!

Ya Vagabond!

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No Igor we shouldn't be surprised. And neither should the Serbs.

Ever since NATO troops entered Kosovo, the Serbian government has done nothing except attempt to undermine NATOs role and presence.

Military hardware infiltration from Serbia is continuing today and thugs and gangs have had the support and backing of the government to start unrest in the region I.E. Mitrovicia.

They have not promoted peace because they are not interested in peace.

Therefore they should not be allowed to enter anywhere as peacemakers.

Well Done NATO.

P.S. As if a signed peace of paper actually meant anything to those barbarians anyway! We are well aware of "past agreements" - precedence has been set for such actions.

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PSSS..ALLAMERICAN...a little secret for ya...I am the BOSS and as a Senior Partner, I OWN the office and everything that's in it. When your sound asleep (if your conscience permits)I am in the middle to the end of my work day. After which I have some fun and laughts at the expense of little boy nitwit dweebs like you, Jake B, Bacon et al. That's right you Alfred E. Newman look-a-like, MAKE FUN of you not you making fun of me. What with your weak, inferior, Bud Light drowning, pea-brained mind your no match for us nobel females of this board. Bow gracefully and eat your humble pie. HA HA HA HA

Now for the truth of the matter..your the one who is constantly looking over your shoulder to make sure no one catches you copulating with the keyboard. Now go and empty the trash, sweep the floor and get the ladies coffee. If you want to make a career move to being the Master of Ceremony in the mens room at Yankee Stadium, I might find a way to get you a good reference.

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Hairy, lmao -

"I am the BOSS and as a Senior Partner, I OWN the office and everything that's in it."

I.E. in praticle terms;

"I'm the Alpha female, mating partner of the Alpha male Ape - I own my cage and everything in it."

LMAO. HaHa! HeHe! HoHo! - seroiulsy LMAO!

LMAO - Applause people - another award winning story! BRAVO, BRAVO.... LOL

Would have passed it over, but you should have stopped at the NOBEL part - LOL. Now everyone KNOWS it's a lie.

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Your letting your mind wonder again little boy. I'll tell you again, don't let your mind wonder on it's own - its far to small to be let out on it's own.

May 500 nasty Mexican farm workers pick their noses over your burrito. Yummy, yummy, yummy your mother said "thats good for your little tummy, tummy, tummy." Enjoy your lunch.

Hows that for being original? HA HA HA

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To All American

I strongly urge you to resist replying to the person calling herself Hairy Mary.

This pathetic woman is clearly delusional and needs to seek medical attention immediately. I have to admit she has a great imagination with all those roles she 'creates' for herself.

To L'menexe

Its obvious to me that you are the biggest chump on this message board. Try to have some self respect and not crawl up that hateful Kisako's ass so much.


Yeah! KA, I'm only 'racist' 'caus I'm not a Jew! according to you it okay to be racist as long as you're a Jew. Jews may brainswash many people through the mainstream media, ain't gonna work here!

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Laser the Loser...looks like all those maggots are having a field day under your tongue again... must of crawled down from your cranium...How's things in the backyards, alleys and cesspools of your life?

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Hairy, lmao -

"I am the BOSS and as a Senior Partner, I OWN the office and everything that's in it."

I.E. in practical terms;

"I'm the Alpha female, mating partner of the Alpha male Ape - I own my cage and everything in it."

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Delusional is the understatement of the millenium!


In fact that is the reason she's on the message board - to use it as a canvass for her delusions! She has never - I mean E V E R - posted A N Y T H I N G pertaining to any facet of POLITICS & ECONOMICS.

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Posts: 26

Oh you 2 poor lowly DUNG BETTLES..just rolling each other's sh!t along with nothing better to do

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