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Archive through April 3, 2001

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Antonio, taking up as much Scrolling time as he can...we get through it-Sigh!

KimSmellyarse????? - my dear, you are really showing your mental age today!

Lighten Up?????? Sure, when you say something funny.

We keep trying to tell you, you're at your funniest, when you are trying to discuss things seriously ...apart from the Taste issue(which would be lost on you anyway), those jokes are so old and tired, most of us probably first heard them in first grade ---from some dumb kid who repeated something his dad said without understanding what it meant.

Stop trying so hard!Just be yourself- that's all the amusement we need.

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Submitted to the coherent people of DMS Russia:
maybe this entire page should be CLOSED.
Ansen Sligar has abdicated his responsibility here
and we have to endure the PSYCHO-TRASH of ignorant
scumbags like FARIS HOMOUD.
routine; mad, mad Marie would be glad to see him.

the Chechen conflict is virtually never discussed
on this page,
and _forget_ about any 'thoughtful debate'. what a

other pages of DMS serve a purpose, but DMS Russ
serves no purpose other than giving FARIS HOMOUD
an opportunity to be the LYING GROSS PIG that
he'll forever be.

Q: should DMS Russ should be SHUT DOWN, like the
old SC, and 'world news and views'?


Ohaya, Kisako!
mornin', mum!


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* LMAO...
Yep, he is dead boring recently with the stale repertoire.

* Israelis Use Cameras To Monitor Palestinians
Yep, helps a lot in composing an FBI-style mugshot "photo gallery". I bet, if some of the shots were released to the World public, it would rock with laughter and forget about intifada-schmintifada, and demand more clowns;o))

* [...] Intifada, broke out six months ago to protest Israeli transgression on Islamic holy sites, [...]
Repeating stale BS, while the facts go that, it started with killing of the two Israeli police officers, - one was killed while on a joint Israeli-Palestinian police patrol (talk of backstabbing), the other - at Netzarim, by a bomb, - several days before.
Actually, it is Israelis, who should have started some "intifada";o)

* Near the Damascus Gate (deliberately called Jaffa by the Israelis to stamp out its Arab character), [...]
This one deserves a special laugh:o)))))))), - the one, who wrote this, is either a clown, or a deliberate liar (maybe, it's the reason Satso omitted the source of this drivel), because those two are two different gates with two different names - Shaar Shchem and Shaar Yaffo.

* "Every move you make is watched. A youth just needs to be carrying a stone, and the police will know about it within minutes,"[...]
Perfect for crime-prevention.
Don't carry stones - carry falafel - much less heavy and "more" nutritious, and don't need a T-gas spice;o)

* The Old City lies in east Jerusalem, [...]
A dividing line.

* strongly condemned by the 52-year old Jewish state's Arab neighbors.
Some war-mongering "neighbours" ... .

* [...] international community [...]
What is it? Has anyone seen it? Does it look like an old Communist International? Where's Comrade Stalin?

* "I feel I am more closely watched than a prisoner in his cell," complains a young Arab - a third generation Jerusalem resident - angrily waving his fist at one of the cameras.
Waving his fist at Arafat's portrait might, actually, help more.

* But on special occasions such as the weekly "day of rage" called for by Palestinian movements every Friday, [...]
A stupid zoo show, a waste of time and mullahs' vocal cords.

* [...] terrorists [a term used by Israelis to describe occupation resistance activists]," [...]
Aren't they terrorists all the same?
The PA radio aired a pearl of the "news" that, Shalevet's mom deliberately killed her 10-month-old to blame it on Palestinians for a pretext to start military actions. Aren't they sickly sick too?

* Ariel Sharon, then leader of the opposition, sparked the Intifada with a controversial visit to the mosque compound, which sits on top of a site also holy to Jews.
Very good to remind Arabs of some history.

* "We have always been kept under close watch," says an old shopkeeper, "but this is like a movie. It's Hollywood."
What's wrong with Hollywood, eh?;o)

* maybe this entire page should be CLOSED.
Maybe this allBS clown should be put into the garbage can and CLOSED.

* an opportunity to be the LYING GROSS PIG that
he'll forever be.

It's his favourite occupation;o)

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L'menexe, isn't that cutting our noses off to...?

Unless we start a new page, new topic...

I vote we moderate it ourselves...If Ansen Sligar is busy elsewhere. (uni-cycling her arx off:0).
In fact I wouldn't mind having a go at being Moderator. I spend enough time and energy on this place.

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KIM, I'm sure you'd make an excellent moderator. However, once the Diaperheaded URiNal boy finds out there's an opening here, WATCH OUT, he'll come a running. You know an EGO left over from a very isolated childhood that needs massaging.

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I second that motion kim...

Go get tiger!

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Ansen Sligar is a she???

but she's so aggressive... what a Prude!

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Konichiwa, folx....
Capt. Info: buzz off. 'kay?
in addition to USC, URN has his own page. He wont 'come a' runnin'.

more to the point,
he aint takin' over _nada_ around here, either way.
...yeah i was pretty pist yesterday; wrote a furious note to Sligar, and later i thought "heck with it, then. shut the [expletive] Russ page DOWN"
but i thought i'd toss such a notion out to the gallery, for feedback.

over a year ago I had the chance to be the moderator of this page; after too long a wait i declined [maybe that's why mr.Sligar frequently no longer seems to listen to me -_-].
lately i wish i _had_ become moderator, if only to get rid of FARIS HOMOUD once and for all.
he has been banished from here _twice_ but i couldnt kill him dead enough....dammit.
golly mum, what a terrible conflict you and i had over my getting rid of St Tony the Annihilator last summer. remember? "Freedom is not License" etc etc.

but until only recently, w/the arrival of saxto menasko [maybe], he stayed the hell away from here.
but maybe you _could_ become moderator, mum. drop Sligar a line...
lolol and oh, what a _reference_ for you i'd be...
yeah, i wondered about a hypothetical DMS replacement page for the Russ page; I thought of
"Middle East Crisis"....
um....perhaps not. [wink to K-san] talk about putting out a fire with gasoline! oy....

"Crisis in China"?
Kisako, again,i mean it, great stuff from you; you've dealt all along w/FARIS HOMOUD in a less-kinetic manner than moi. and i dont think you can be hurt by the wretched likes of FARIS HOMOUD, BACON, TONY SAXTO,etc. so much as i'm _infuriated_ that Sligar stopped deleting such shite.

close the garbage can, indeed.

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* In fact I wouldn't mind having a go at being Moderator. I spend enough time and energy on this place.
I wouldn't mind it, just make sure You have limited operator privilegies, - it might come necessary to clean the MB of the Emirates garbage from time to time:o)

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Thanks guys!

I noticed a touch of Schizophrenia from the ALL / american lobby there(??)

Informer, are you still waiting for URN to show up?

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Hi, L'menexe, "freedom is not licence".- Not to get back into that ugly debate, again.

I wouldn't want to censor views opposed to mine, i think that's the last thing this place needs, but I think the attacks on individuals,based on their racial origin, disguised(very poorly) as debate should be monitored.. At the same time, everyone here enjoys a laugh, its knowing when to call time out!

I guess Antonio had to be seen to be believed....the more I see of him the worse he seems to get.(However Delene felt that his post was worth responding to)

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.....St. Tony _earned_ his Banishment from here.
and i'm just waiting for him to tip his hand now,
if in fact he's returned in costume.

the FAKE was banished Twice! get rid of FARIS
HOMOUD,like the 2 previous times...
I enjoy zero 'laughs' with the SCUM i've squawked


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Yeah come and see USC and what the camelhumping arse smelling skanky muslim pig is doing there.bloody fuucking muslim garbage

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* (However Delene felt that his post was worth responding to)
Unfortunately, almost all "informational" BS has to be responded to this way, or another. That video surveilance issue is a sorry excuse for a serious article, but here it was useful to push and cover an additional drivel.
BTH, shall we wait for a follow-up, in which "an angry Palestinian" waves his fist at the supermarket, mall, airport and train station security cameras in NY, Moscow, Heathrow ... ?;o)

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