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Archive through April 3, 2001

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Konichiwa, Kisako!
evenin' mum!
Kim, the phrase "the implications of playing god"
vis-a-vis moderatorhood...
I wish there _was_ more volleying of opinion here.
and it has _never_ been that way, but for the
anamolous exchange.

here, it is predominantly
ATTACK = repeat = ATTACK = repeat = ATTACK = etc.

I fail to see why the least bit of mercy should be
spared for whatever you want to call those CREEPS,
as embodied by FARIS HOMOUD.
to name the most-despised example.

your approach, is as if this was a reasonable

but it's not.

I had/have no agenda to advance. never did.
only a very broad/philosophical approach.

yeah,FARIS HOMOUD and St Tony the Annihilator
would have been permanently deleted. game over.

not so sure about BACON; he's only a clown, though
he has experienced some degeneration of late.

note "political differences" had naught to do
w/these theoretical
bannings of mine, and i would have conducted
myself accordingly with _those_ sort of
but it wont be me, babe.

yesterday, when i mentioned a "middle east crisis"
page here, and 'putting out a fire w/gasoline'...
for one thing, this page _is_ the "middle east
crisis" page.
but then a DMS page called "middle east crisis"
struck me as a flashing-neon invitation to the
mad, mad marie and her transvestite 4'10"
boyfriend and
see, mum? intelligent debate not even being a
consideration there...just another sh*tstorm.

so what kind of segregation is _that_?

i dunno, i'm askin' you [wink]

and freedom _still_ isnt license, cheri

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darned incomplete-at the bottom AOL posts....


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Hello All! How do things fair?

Somebody need my help on here?

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LOL! Hi URN, Igor.....

L'menexe, I might surprise you,who knows...
Playing god? I'm an Atheist! Why would i want to be something I don't believe in?

I'm not sure a Neon sign isn't what we need here,though.(although the side effects you mention would be unfortunate).

Kisako, I understood why you responded, sometimes people(other than the original poster) need to have the BS pointed out to them as well. And you make such a good job of it....(I can't wait for the next dumb post).......:o)

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i know yr. atheist.
figure of speech.
you know that, too.

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Wink! (just kiddin', L'm.)

It's OK! - catch your mail- oops missed:o)

Igor, my sympathies, but what goes around.....
Common admit it, you all have given the guy nothing but shh-itt since he first appeared,
now he won't go away just to spite you.
It wasn't like he was ever going to agree with you!

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.........just ban him,do you want his blessing too?
(I don't think you really want to somehow...)Wink!

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"c'mon, admit it, you all have given the guy
nothing but shh-itt since he first appeared..."

of whom do you speak, mum?


i must have misunderstood you, because in addition
to the masquerade his existence here is founded
upon, not to mention being banned from here TWICE,
he has similarly given the rest of us "nothing but

ask ms mary
or d-san

not to mention moi, toi, etc.

and it's gone for 13 or 14 months now! whenever he
wasnt _banned_.
and any =koff= 'mercy' shown to him would=not=EVER
be 'appreciated'.
otherwise, best of week's end to ye...

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* Playing god? I'm an Atheist! Why would i want to be something I don't believe in?
Gods come in different shapes & sizes;o) This particular "deus ex machina" wouldn't hurt anyone "law-abiding", hadn't it always been so;o)?

* just ban him, [...]
(I don't think you really want to somehow...)

... Those Japanese rubber dolls in a corporate environment come to mind ...;o)

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No, L'menexe, that was the continuation of the post to Igor.
in response to his complaint about Osmanli - see USC- if you have the patience to wait for it to load- the traffic's heavy today.

By Chorny Volk ( - on Thursday, April 5, 2001 - 03:37 pm:

Yeah come and see USC and what the camelhumping arse smelling skanky muslim pig is doing there.bloody fuucking muslim garbage

In that case the page belongs to Toyman, I think, so it is really up to him to decide,
howeverI think they would miss their "Rubber Japanese doll"?:o)

Do you see so much simularity between the two situations - I don't credit our "doll" with the same brain capacity as theirs- there is no justifable cause to ours!!!:o)

Delenne, errr, - I - think so???;o) Do you? (or maybe.....)

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afternoon, mum!

oh, IGOR vs Osmanli.

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Just for you Antonio

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We already have 16 votes to ban that muslim monkee even the Americans want him gone .It's a done deal once Toyman comes back from Moscow. Tazhole will be next on the list his posts are similar to ferriswheel hamoud except his target is the Serbs and Russians.They hamoud and Tazhole are like two peas in a pod.The rest we can deal with actually the other day was really good lots of differnt debates going on and no bitching.You guys should come over there sometimes.Except now we have the catholic clown Antoni there

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* I don't credit our "doll" with the same brain capacity as theirs [...]
Neither of them have;o) with the Japanese variety bearing only an "accidental" similarity to the corporate boss - great for stress management, they say, - bite the boss, kick the ...;o)) See, - both useful ... ;o)

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Them muslims are all the same remember abdullah the foolah that we had here.That one was a lobotomy that went seriously wrong.

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