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Archive through April 4, 2000

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Be back...first going to get comfortable and maybe have a cup of tea. Shave in the morning HE HE HE

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hi Mary,
I bearly parisapate nowadays, but it's always good to see ya. Everything's cool more or less. Hope you're doing fine, girly :))))))

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I've heard many equal, yet opposite arguments made regarding the Serbs. I must say that I am a bit disappointed with some of the rash viewpoints made thus far. First, we cannot take one side on the issue. The volatile and confusing debacle has been mishandled by everybody. The civil war amongst the three sides (Croatians, Bosnians, and Serbians) is a difficult conflict to see from the outside. I concede that I am by no means an expert, but I have done some reading relating to the works of scholars who have devoted their lives to studying this conflict. The analysis below is geared towards achieving objectivity. The first passage is for all you Pro-Serbs, the second is for Anti-Serbs.
First off, Milosevic was not the most benevolent and diplomatic leader the world community has seen. Some members of this board seem to forget the notion that this leader had denounced and expelled several political rivals during free elections. This action is not the sign of a good diplomat, but rather a paranoid and power-hungry authoritarian.
Second, it does not matter which side began the genocide or who killed the greater amount of people. The fact remains that all sides participated in this "norm" of war and it is not an unyielding national duty to impose this "eye for an eye" attitude onto others. Especially when
innocent people become targeted out of convenience. The final question in this passage is that if these war crimes are committed by all sides, who do we punish?
I must also establish one more viewpoint. This follows the understanding and recognition that the bombing of the former Yugoslavia by NATO forces was not a reasonable solution to the problems of Kosovo. I cannot seem to detect an ounce of truth within statements that totally dispute the effectiveness of military operations in Belgrade and other areas. I believe in the randomness of mistakes, but some of you believe that almost all the bombs missed their targets and scores of American aircraft were destroyed. If many of you want to challenge a dispute, you must first challenge yourself in acquiring information from many sources and not only those which serve to function upon your initial impulses.

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Hi, Dmitry!

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By Kissie ( - on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 - 02:55 pm:
I already told you - I don't understand 1:34 or 12;11.
Learn proper English then, patch You "education" "holes", might be "helpful" for You trashposting.:o)))))))))))))

Please!! I've heard it all now! a bagel munching, cholent slurping Yenta telling others to learn English?!!

English isn't exactly your first language is it?!

Stick to Yiddish, bagel girl.

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What does a Russian girl get on her "WEDDING NIGHT" that's Long "N" Hard?

Why it's her new last name...HA HA HA fooled you, you bunch of one track minded perverts. HE HE HE.

Well, for a change it was a most uneventful day in the office with everything caught up for the most part. So with that I'm signing off and heading to bed. I bid you all a pleasant evening. Good Night

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11 US troops injured in clash with Serb army in Pristina(MSNBC)

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MSNBC? Thats just like CNN it just broadcasts propaganda thats filtered thru the CIA in order to put a good spin on it for the USA....uh wait.... nevermind.

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No wait its a conspiracy. Lets see MSNBC as in "MicroSoft-NBC" which just lost in court against the US government who said it was a monopoly and now MicroSoft might be broken up so in order to make Clinton look bad as a way of getting back at him MSNBC is now running stories in order to undermine his foreign polocies...yea thats it , thats the ticket.

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