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Archive through April 5, 2000

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Since when English became the subject on this board? Oh, wait, I know - since a Brown Nose of the Board came here. I know the ••••••• has a big motive for all the cheap jokes: he hates Russkies!
Big ••••••• deal! Before the ••••••• came around people here did express a lot of anger - but that anger was mostly based on political issues. The all-american Brown Nose just loves getting personal, sexual, pervertive..anything goes..accusing people of bad English, sexual perversion(LOOK WHO'S TALKING)..buddy, you're a chump. BIG one. Small Brain though..small everything..what kinda american are ya anyway, bud? Now this is a TRUE LOL..
Get off the Jewish subject, all american, US has, is and will be helping Israel..upset much?
You seem to have a very clueless follower.I gotta logo for you two, birds - MORONS OF THIS BOARD - UNITE.

Lazer - you you going to smart up? Ever? If you wish to sound intellegent so badly, you should know that in Israel they don't speak Yiddish, that's Eastern European Jews..

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whasszzuuupp, Kissie,, wait let me refrase it and become a target for the putzes - SHALOM, dear Kissie..there.

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MSNBC now says it was with clash with Serb civilians when they tried to arrest Serb.

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Well just stopped by to see whatttzzz-up. Later.

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Stick to Yiddish, bagel girl.
* You swear, You'd understand it?:o)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
BTH, what about my "anti-semitism" You were so fuming Your ears off recently, heh?

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Same old shite, you all deserve each other.

Thanks for your post Suleyman, I think there is a sliding scale of the board members from the right"all Serbs are murdering bastards to the left
" the sun shines out of the Serbs backsides".
I whould place myself one step to the left of you, and several steps to the right of Kissie and Dimitri.
However its all wasted on these idiots.
Kissie you're your own worst enemy- how the hell do expect anyone to listen to you? don't bother answering, just carry on with your silly game.
Had enough,

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Kim, BS. IMO, it's a dirty attempt to leave the issue for the few "humanity-oriented" ones to "find/develop" excuses (on elses' behalf unwittingly) and impose, through easily-available means, of those excuses based on the universal presumption that a corrupt govt. still can't be that corrupt (sh.t! It can, as any "decent" govt. of nowadays.).
BTH. Thanks for calling me an idiot, now, laser-guided all americans are at Your feet, some good taming.:o)

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Some interesting articles to read and a new source for info.

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This board is infested with the most stupidest goyim I have ever seen. As well as traitorous secularist/progressive trash like KA and Kisako.
The biggest filth of this board are L'menexe and slovak 88. These depraved sick homosexual men are an abomination to even the goyim. Both commit the dirtiest, sickening sex acts together. Both carry the worse diseases imaginable.

I would not even touch anything that has come in contact with these filthy goyim.

Abodah Zarah 67b: "The vessels of Gentiles, do they not impart a worsened flavor to the food cooked in them?"

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getting verrrrrry ugly..happy, all american?

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it's not him (a variety, though), but look closer into the post as of 07:14 - quite interesting.:o)

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at least you are the smartest mother •••••• on this board. and what you said was extremely funny.
typical american slang(about sex and ••••).
you know, people say, that those who talk about the sex the most, are the ones who have biggest problem with that and THEY(that means you) are having dirtiest, sickening sex acts together.
you don't know me, you don't know anybody. what the •••• do you know about anything??
americans suck.....

PS. YOU have no opinion about the world, you are told who is good and bad through you ••••••• CIA propaganda, CNN and the rest of media. you were, are and always will be the dumbest people on this planet. all of you will soon weight more than 400 pounds. would like some donkin donuts ????


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it's american way of talking (about sex). they think it's as funny as hell, that's why they will never understand that there is no nation on this earth that has people more dumber than them.
and people, especially americans: please don't think we fell from the trees. YES, we too have electricity, bathrooms, TV and other things.
now, i can hear you saying: WOW!!! COOL !!! AWSOME !!!! THAT'S FANTASTIC !!!!!!


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For once I agree with you 88

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I know it's not him, who came out with pretty cheap statement. Not that I give the allAmerican too much credit, but the dumbfuck did his share of distructing people from the subject of this board..all of a sudden Turk doesn't sound too bad, ehh?

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