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Archive through April 5, 2000

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Turk must have joined the Jihad,I heard they were short of men.hahahahahaha Privet Dima.Yeah we have some real class acts on here lately.

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Igor, Slovak,
I wouldn't and won't get into generalization, but the dumbfuck (all Amer.) represents excatly just what Slovak described. I am pretty curious what part of US the dumbass resides at..

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I would bet the Midwest

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Nanana - he came up with his own li'l Jihad - he's taking on aboregenes of Australia nowadays. Someone told him they're Russkies who painted themselves in order to fool him.

A ti molodchina - tak s pidorami i nyzhno - esli nelzia dat' pizdi, togda nyzhno lozhit' na nix bolshoi Rysskii xui. That's right.
Kstati - ti videl poslednii boi Tito Trinidada, pary nedel'nazad? Ochen' dazhe neploxoi boi bil..

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in that case it'd be very ironic - cuz that's where Gonzo's from(MidWest)..ain't it funny, huh?

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Dima I am waiting to see who KOSTYA TSZU will fight after Chavez.Have you seen him in action?I think in that division it does not matter who fights who they will be great fights like in the days of Hagler,Hearns,Leonard etc.

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Have I seen him in fight???
Igor, I have his fight with Miguel Angel Gonzalez, when Kostya made a beef stake outta the poor Mexican. Man, 12 Rounds of pure joy for my patrotic soul! 😉 Gonzalez is good(no disrespect), but...whoops - just not this time..he..

BTW do you know who wants to fight Kostya? Arturo ••••••• Gatti! Now, ain't that mighty brave of a new-born "Rocky 3" this is from his winning speech when he won against another chUmp - Joey Gamache..Arturik musta had one to many fights if he thins that he has any chance agaist Tszu.

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Slovak, let's try it for the love of the game:

please don't think we fell from the trees. YES, we too have electricity, bathrooms, TV and other things.

Actually, we think that you are still on the trees and it's most amazing what you have there.

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My congratulations to the French and British for apprehending the Bosnian war crimes butcher Momcilo Krajisnik. May this set a precedant for the capture of the rest of these barbaric creatures.

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By Dimitri ( - on Tuesday, April

Lazer - you you going to smart up? Ever? If you wish to sound intellegent so badly, you should know that in Israel they don't speak Yiddish, that's Eastern European Jews..

Thanks for pointing that out to me Dimitri. I did not know that yiddish was only spoken by Eastern European Jews. I thought it was their main language.

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By Jake B. ( - on Monday, April 3, 2000 - 11:05 pm:
To Antonio

>You are nothing but a filthy armenian goy dog.

I am not Armenian. I am Spanish. And we kicked your Jewish harlot ass outta Spain. After you played the harlot for the Moors, Saracens, and Berbers in Spain, you then went and spread your legs for the Ottomans.

As for the Armenians, they are a noble race.

"Thou shalt eat bread and cover it with the dung that comes out of a man. Thus shall the children of Israel eat their bread all filthy among the
nations wither I will cast them out, saith the Lord." (Ezechiel 4:12-13)

>The Sephardic know how sort out beasts like you.

St. Bernard says: "O intelligence coarse, dense, and cow-like, which did not recognize God even in His own works! Perhaps the Jew will complain
that I call his intelligence bovine, but his intelligence is LESS than bovine: "The ox knows his Owner, and the ass knows his Master's crib, but Israel has not known Me, and My people have not understood" (Isaiah 1:3)
You see, O Jew, I am easier on you than your own peophet!"

>Israel has no desire to weaken her congenial
>relations with Turkey.

Speaking of Israel's conjugal relations with the Turks:

Jeremiah 9:24-25

25 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, and I will visit upon every one that hath the foreskin circumcised.
26 Upon Egypt, and upon Juda, and upon Edom, and upon the children of Ammon, and upon Moab, and upon all that have their hair polled round, that dwell in the desert: for all the nations are
uncircumcised in the flesh, but all the house of Israel are uncircumcised in the heart.

Ezechiel 16

1 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
2 Son of man, make known to Jerusalem her abominations.
3 And thou shalt say: Thus saith the Lord God to Jerusalem: Thy root, and thy nativity is of the land of Chanaan, thy father was an Amorrhite, and thy mother a Cethite.
4 And when thou wast born, in the day of thy nativity thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed with water for thy health, nor salted with salt, nor swaddled with clouts.
5 No eye had pity on thee to do any of these things for thee, out of compassion to thee: but thou wast cast out upon the face of the earth in the abjection of thy soul, in the day that thou wast born.
6 And passing by thee, I saw that thou wast trodden under foot in thy own blood: and I said to thee when thou wast in thy blood: Live: I have said to thee: Live in thy blood.
7 I caused thee to multiply as the bud of the field: and thou didst increase and grow great, and advancedst, and camest to woman's ornament: thy breasts were fashioned, and thy hair grew: and thou was naked, and full of confusion.
8 And I passed by thee, and saw thee: and behold thy time was the time of lovers: and I spread my garment over thee, and covered thy ignominy. and I swore to thee, and I entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord God: and thou becamest mine.
9 And I washed thee with water, and cleansed away thy blood from thee: and I anointed thee with oil.
10 And I clothed thee with embroidery, and shod thee with violet coloured shoes: and I girded thee about with fine linen, and clothed thee with fine garments.
11 I decked thee also with ornaments, and put bracelets on thy hands, and a chain about thy neck.
12 And I put a jewel upon thy forehead and earrings in thy ears, and a beautiful crown upon thy head.
13 And thou wast adorned with gold, and silver, and wast clothed with fine linen, and embroidered work, and many colours: thou didst eat fine flour, and honey, and oil, and wast
made exceeding beautiful: and wast advanced to be a queen.
14 And thy renown went forth among the nations for thy beauty: for thou wast perfect through my beauty, which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God.
15 But trusting in thy beauty, thou playedst the harlot because of thy renown, and thou hast prostituted thyself to every passenger, to be his.
16 And taking of thy garments thou hast made thee high places sewed together on each side: and hast played the harlot upon them, as hath not been done before, nor shall be hereafter.
17 And thou tookest thy beautiful vessels, of my gold, and my silver, which I gave thee, and thou madest thee images of men, and hast committed fornication with them.
18 And thou tookest thy garments of divers colours, and coveredst them: and settest my oil and my sweet incense before them.
19 And my bread which I gave thee, the fine flour, and oil, and honey, wherewith I fed thee, thou hast set before them for a sweet odour; and it was done, saith the Lord God.
20 And thou hast taken thy sons, and thy daughters, whom thou hast borne to me: and hast sacrificed the same to them to be devoured. Is thy fornication small?
21 Thou hast sacrificed and given my children to them, consecrating them by fire.
22 And after all thy abominations, and fornications, thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, when thou wast naked, and full of confusion, trodden under foot in thy own blood.
23 And it came to pass after all thy wickedness (woe, woe to thee, saith the Lord God)
24 That thou didst also build thee a common stew, and madest thee a brothel house in every street.
25 At every head of the way thou hast set up a sign of thy prostitution: and hast made thy beauty to be abominable: and hast prostituted thyself to every one that passed by, and hast
multiplied thy fornications.
26 And thou hast committed fornication with the Egyptians thy neighbours, men of large bodies, and hast multiplied thy fornications to provoke me.
27 Behold, I will stretch out my hand upon thee, and will take away thy justification: and I will deliver thee up to the will of the daughters of the Philistines that hate thee, that are ashamed of thy wicked way.
28 Thou hast also committed fornication with the Assyrians, because thou wast not yet satisfied: and after thou hadst played the harlot with them, even so thou wast not contented.
29 Thou hast also multiplied thy fornications in the land of Chanaan with the Chaldeans: and neither so wast thou satisfied.
30 Wherein shall I cleanse thy heart, saith Lord God: seeing thou dost all these the works of a shameless prostitute?
31 Because thou hast built thy brothel house at the head of every way, and thou hast made thy high place in every street: and wast not as a harlot that by disdain enhanceth her price,
32 But is an adulteress, that bringeth in strangers over her husband.
33 Gifts are given to all harlots: but thou hast given hire to all thy lovers, and thou hast given them gifts to come to thee from every side, to commit fornication with thee.
34 And it hath happened in thee contrary to the custom of women in thy fornications, and after thee there shall be no such fornication, for in that thou gavest rewards, and didst not take rewards, the contrary hath been done in thee.
35 Therefore, O harlot, hear the word of the Lord.
36 Thus saith the Lord God: Because thy money hath been poured out, and thy shame discovered through thy fornications with thy lovers, and with the idols of thy abominations, by the blood of thy children whom thou gavest them:
37 Behold, I will gather together all thy lovers with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all whom thou hast loved, with all whom thou hast hated: and I will gather them together against
thee on every side, and will discover thy shame in their sight, and they shall see all thy nakedness.
38 And I will judge thee as adulteresses, and they that shed blood are judged: and I will give thee blood in fury and jealousy.
39 And I will deliver thee into their hands, and they shall destroy thy brothel house, and throw down thy stews: and they shall strip thee of thy garments, and shall take away the vessels
of thy beauty: and leave thee naked, and full of disgrace.

> This may happen if filthy
>armenia gets its way.

"Woe to the sinful nation, a people loaded with iniquity, a wicked seed, ungracious children. They have forsaken the Lord, they have blasphemed the Holy One of Israel, they have gone away backwards. And when you stretch forth your hands, I will turn away My eyes from you, saith the Lord; and when you multiply prayer, I will not hear, for your hands are full of blood." (Isaiah 1: 4,15)

> I will write to Baroness
>Cox myself to oppose your dirty letter.

I think Baroness Cox will give your letter all the attention deficit it deserves.

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Who else thinks Antonio is a nutbag?

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You dummy,

I'm not the one who wrote the article concerning Yugoslavia during WW2.

Pay attention you rather large faced Rooskie knucklehead. LOL.

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Since this has turned into a Boxing board... I would pay to watch you and Antonio go a couple of rounds... LOL.

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Get your info right....

The clashes with American troops were with civilians and the "Serb Army".

Good thing for the Serbs because we can't use our overwhelming Military might against civilians.
I'm not sure if they'd want to tangle with our Armed Forces again.

What do you think - would you like to dance with us again?

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