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Archive through April 5, 2000

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Is today another sunny day in Geneva?

I see you have finally realized that Kissie shares some of the blame for yesterday by enticing some posters.

I think she needed that from a friend.


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My office hours are: Whenever I can be bothered to check my email.
If anyone is interested, come talk to me.

One last piece of councelling for this board:
You are playing a game called "kick me, please"
hardly the actions of the intelligent, self-confident and reasonable people, you would like to think you are.
Kissie, the only reason Allam. or anyone else would be "at my feet"(b'sh1t!). Is that for once we listened to each other, and didn't end our posts in "nana-ne-nana!!"Allam. there may be a message in there for you too.

I've decided to spend my time more constructively.
Take care of yourselves, and see you around.

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It was nice "knowing" you ... Too bad some of your class didn't rub off on some female posters.

BTW, I totally agree with you but I am not about to leave this board because of some clowns.

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Kissie, re 7:36/ 8:43

I got through in part, did you?

I notice another "friend" has left-~The one eating •••• on your behalf.
Stop sulking.

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The vile military media manipulations are made obvious when KFOR 'spin doctors' turned the discovery of an abandoned infant in Kosovo into international news this week but remained silent last month when they discovered the body of a 65 year-old Serbian woman who was impaled with a wooden stake driven through her vagina and exiting out of her back that pinned the murdered victim to the floor of her burning house. Apparently KFOR has the stomach to pretend that Serbs deserve to be liquidated in this abhorrent fashion.

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Nice pic

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You Sick F U C K -

Are you demented or what?

Something is wrong with you because you keep posting the most vile and repugnant sh!t, while hiding it under unassuming titles.

Tell me, what is the point of posting a picture of dead people under a title like "nice pic" (above)! Are you tricking people into reading your messages? You nauseating sewer rat!

You are the same sick freak to post the link to videos of people getting decapitated and stabbed in the neck while on film.

Take your s h I t and find go find the Geffory Dhamer fan page.

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Something is wrong with you because you keep posting the most vile and repugnant sh!t, ...
* Disprove it, then.

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Oh, Jesus this again.

You are back and not making any sense! AGAIN!

"Disprove it"? LMAO

PS one needs to read minds to understand what you are trying to say?
There must be some medical group out there itching to get at you! LOL

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Something is wrong with you because you keep posting the most vile and repugnant sh!t, ...
* Just disprove it. With some real info to the contrary.

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For the longest time I have been waiting to see someone explain why the US would bomb China's embassey on purpose. No one could answer this question because it did not make any sence. Now according to one of Igors links someone has an answer and here it is. According to this link the US hit the building because the China stole some kind of plane tracking radar from the US and it was being used in the embassey in Belgrade to track US planes so the USA blew up the embassey. Wow, now thats a conspiracy theory.

oh yea Dimitri...the midwest rocks.

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Really, thanks for clearing it up? You should follow all your messages with such words of clarity. LOL

I "think" you are trying to say prove he's a sick dog? And not disprove - Is that it…. LMAO

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By All American ( - on Wednesday, April 5, 2000 - 11:16 am:
LOL...Really, thanks for clearing it up? You should follow all your messages with such words of clarity. LOL
I "think" you are trying to say prove he's a sick dog? And not disprove - Is that it_. LMAO

* Shut up, then, if You have nothing factual to counter the post. Redirect Your attention.

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Im not surprised there are a lot of conspiracy theories going around about the Chinese Embassy bombing. Some might even be concocted by the CIA or China themselves to get an upper hand. Some stories might be concocted by Hairy-like people. LOL. Who knows...

But the Americans and the Chinese both know the real reason why the Embassy was leveled.

The real reason is simple ... to show that we can!

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