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Archive through April 5, 2000

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The spring and fall seasons are quite breathtaking in the Midwest. That's why I hate the summer and winter months. However, we can list the positive and negative factors of living in every region of the United States.

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all american,

just answer the question - is it your ass or your head I'll be shoving my foot into, dumbfuck?
no mo'LMAOs for you - it's time for you to start licking that

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All American those decapition pictures will be sent to OSCE so idiots like Mary Robinson can learn the truth about what is going on in Chechnya.Those are not isolated incidents but quite common.It shows just what this Chechen shite is all about.So instead of Mary Robinson yapping about human rights and atrocities they get the real picture>All the Chechens stuff is allegations, the Russians have video captured from Chechens.They have a job for you in Holland--Picking up dog shite for $6.25/hour.That is pretty well your capacity for work BROWN-NOSE Yankee.

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all american,
ok, ok, stop tickling my foot with your tongue - I SAID LICK it, don't tickle it, moronophon..he.

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US using cluster bombs against Iraq

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GAO finds military poorly training soldiers who handle radioactive ammo--

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Mandela: US, Britain Creating Chaos
The Associated Press
Tuesday, April 4, 2000; 10:40 p.m. EDT

LONDON –– Former South African President Nelson Mandela criticized the United States and Britain for their handling of conflicts in Iraq and Kosovo, saying they are creating chaos by ignoring the views of other nations.

In an interview published Wednesday by The Guardian newspaper, Mandela said the United States and Britain were wrong not to seek explicit permission for military action from the U.N. Security Council.

"The message they're sending is that any country which fears a (U.N.) veto can take unilateral action," Mandela was quoted as saying. "That means they're introducing chaos into international affairs: that any country can take a decision which it wants."

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan along with Russia and China criticized NATO for not seeking approval from the U.N. Security Council before its 78-day air campaign against Belgrade.

While there was also a wide consensus that the swift NATO action was necessary to avert a humanitarian disaster, Mandela said such actions set a dangerous precedent.

"It's a totally wrong attitude," he said, noting that U.S. and British officials "must persuade those countries like China or Russia who threaten to veto their decisions at the U.N.. They must sit down and talk to them. They can't just ignore them and start their own actions."

The issue also came up when the United States and Britain were accused of unilaterally going ahead with bombing Iraq in 1998 after the failure of U.N. arms inspections.

Turning to African issues, Mandela said the foreign armies involved in Congo's civil war must honor a pledge and withdraw their troops, or risk reducing the country "to ashes." He said the United Nations will not consider sending peacekeepers to Congo until the violence has completely halted.

He was also confident of a brighter future for war-stricken Burundi where he is leading peace talks: "A breakthrough is in the offing," he said.

Mandela, 81, is frequently sought out as a mediator, but is now turning down invitations. "Three other countries have asked me to sort out their problems," he said. "But I'm not going to do so

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Re: earlier msg...

Bad things happen in War!

Second Msg...

I think you are destined to the same fate as your 'Russian police' in Chechnya except on a mental not physical level.


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by Gonzo;
"Dimitri..MidWest rules.."

??? Rules, like how? A holy land of a New World?

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all american,
reg. your second msg. - you sound like you

you are destined to leave this board..sooner (preferably) or later. And I'll stick around.

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Interesting that those videos have been around for months but no western news has carried them,instead they show Russian convoy being ambushed and Russians burying dead Chechen fighters under caption of atrocities.For anyone who has not seen them #21:49:36

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Igor Ivanov received on April 4 the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson who visited our country, including the North Caucasian region, at the invitation of the Russian leadership. The Special Representative of the Russian Government for Ensuring Human Rights and Freedoms in the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kalamanov and the Mufti of the Chechen Republic Akhmad-Khadzhi Kadyrov also took part in the conversation.

Various aspects of developing international cooperation in the field of human rights and the tasks of the High Commissioner in organizing a constructive and effective interaction in this field within the framework of the United Nations Organisation were discussed at the meeting.

Igor Ivanov dwelt in detail on the efforts of the country's leadership to ensure full observance of the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens. The Minister stressed that the elections of the president of the Russian Federation had confirmed society's full support for the policy of democratic transformations.

Mary Robinson informed Igor Ivanov about the results of her trip to the North Caucasian region and her meetings. She expressed concern in connection with reports of human rights violations in Chechnya and urged the Russian authorities to thoroughly investigate them.

The Russian Foreign Minister spoke about the situation in the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation. He noted that the purpose of the anti-terrorist operation is to preserve the territorial integrity of the country, restore constitutional law and order and liquidate the criminal regime that had formed in Chechnya. Igor Ivanov informed Mary Robinson about the measures taken to restore the rights and freedoms of citizens living in the Chechen Republic.

The Minister stressed that the campaign of misinformation, actually an information war, launched against Russia aims at undermining the authority of the federal bodies of power and interfering in our internal affairs. In this connection he refuted charges of systematic human rights violations by federal troops and noted that Russia was capable of thoroughly and objectively investigating the occasional incidents itself. Igor Ivanov again confirmed the readiness of the Russian Federation to have an open and honest dialogue on the events in Chechnya and its refusal to tolerate threats and blackmail.

During the conversation the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry drew the attention of the High Commissioner to the tragic situation in Kosovo, the problem of discrimination against the Russian-speaking population in Latvia and Estonia, human rights violations in the Western states and expressed hope that she would pay proper attention to these matters.

The High Commissioner said she shared the Russian side's concern about Kosovo and confirmed her intent to further actively increase the attention paid in the United Nations Organisation to human rights issues

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The Mid West...

It rules because it's the backbone of the most powerfull nation in the world.

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blah, blah..

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You're good.. the Nose IS from Midwest

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