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Archive through April 6, 2000

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Chechen field commander, Salaudin Khumaidov, was detained in Mesker-Yurt, Shali district, on Monday.

The Interior Ministry department for the North Caucasus told Interfax on Tuesday that "the detainee is believed to be a member of the so-called council of field commanders."

The 37-year-old gunman has been federally wanted since 1998 for armed assault and theft in Malgobek district, Ingushetia.

Khumaidov offered armed resistance during detention and was wounded in the right shoulder by return fire. His 22-year-old nephew Salakh Khumaidov was also detained as a suspected member of an unlawful armed group.

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Two slaves were set free in the Itum-Kale district of Chechnya, who had been in slavery for 11 years - since 1989, RIA Novosti learned on Tuesday from the press service of the Joint Grouping of federal troops. The men released are M. Gipatov, 52, and V. Shushpanov, 45.

The operation was carried out jointly by the military commandant's office and the district interior affairs department, said the press service.

The taking of hostages to work as slaves or for ransom reached its peak and acquired a mass scale during Aslan Maskhadov's rule of Chechnya. Practically the entire leadership of Chechnya, including Aslan Maskhadov, leader of the Chechen separatists, were involved in this criminal activity, which for some reason neither the European parliamentarians nor the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights prefer to mention. Slave trade had become the norm of life in the republic. A slave market openly existed in Urus-Martan, at which hostages taken in other regions of Russia, including also foreign citizens, were sold as slaves.

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They did this, so Russia is justified(Chernokosovo?)
Hey Igor.

A bit like you can't blame the Serb Army/Irregulars for what they did,'cause the Croats did it first...and anyway they were on the right side 50 years ago. Can't say I remember the British and American armies responding like that.
The Russians- well 40 years or so of oppression and they still have a taste for it.

Ask the Chechen civilians.

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Putin needs conflict to stay in power. Resurgent nationalism is the only weapon he has against disintegration.

"During the conversation the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry drew the attention of the High Commissioner to
the tragic situation in Kosovo, the problem of discrimination against the Russian-speaking population in Latvia and
Estonia, human rights violations in the Western states and expressed hope that she would pay proper attention to
these matters. "

Hyprocrites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't want the Baltic states to join Nato.

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>> Chechen field commander, Salaudin Khumaidov, was detained in Mesker-Yurt, Shali district, on Monday.<<


By your count how many commanders are still active? The bottom line is Russia payed a price for refusing to hand over the scumbag. 14 less terrorists to worry about now.

Igor, there are thousands of rotten Russian corpses still lying around in Chechnya. I think its about time you go there and start collecting them (& "counting" them).

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It is good that the filthy Russians goyim are dying by the bucketload. This is the best news I have heard all week.

I hope this will soon be the case in Israel too.

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Dear Suleyman,
what's wrong with Midwest, you ask? I don't know. Never been there. You tell me. Could it possibly be more redneck-ish than South?

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More than 6 months have passed, and the Russian armay could not defeat the mujahideen. Every day, the mujahideen kill and capture some russian soliders. Today in the morning, 9 russian officers were executed, as Russia refused to hand Budanov to the mujahideen -the officer who raped and killed a chechnyan woman-.

Look at Basiav and Khatab, they ordered the execuation of those russian officers with no hesitation or fear. They are brave and great men, who can fight for more than 6 months against Russia, without planes, without enough weapons, and in such a cold weather ?

Can any militay expert analyze something like that ? 5000 solider face the second power in the world without any fear or despair. Grozeny now is nothing but ashes and destruction, but the mujahideen never surrender or feel despair. On the contrary, they promise they will carry out many operations in summer and when the weather gets better.

I remember here a situation from Islamic history, when AL Moatasem was the Khalifa, and a muslim woman had been persecuted by the romans, she creamed "Wa Moatsemaah", it means help me Moatasem, he preparerd his troops and fought against the romans till they surrendered. It is true that history repeats itself, but this time on the hands of Maskhadov,Basiav, Khatab and their men.

There is no doubt that Islam will come back, but alot of people ask, where will it come from ? Will it come from Arabian countries ? Will it come from Europe ? or Will it come from USA ?

It seems that Islam will come back from Qokaz, from Afganistan, from Azeribigan, Dagistan and Chechneya.

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Info about OMON

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Nour El Deen,

Well said. There is not a slightest doubt that a powerful Islamic state will rise from the ashes of the Chechen land which is being fertilized by the sacred blood of the Mujahideen.

Basayev and Khattab have said all along that an Islamic State will be established based on Sharia. This statement sent alarm bells through out the western and eastern world from US and Europe to Israel, India and China who know very well the serious implications of an Islamic state on the so called new world order or the neo- colonialistic agenda of the modern day crusaders.

No power on earth can stop the Mujahideen from proclaiming the law of God in the land of Qoqaz and beyond.

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And here is another one.
This one discribes the problem in Chechnya and total unreadiness of federal forces. When will this "do it to report it" end?

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Stop dreaming and get real.
Screw this islam/nonislam ••••. It is all about power. It is just in children stories you have beautiful thing to come out of ashes. In real life only crap comes out of ashes. (but I guess even something is better than ashes, so technically you can call it beautiful.)
Chechnya is a land which is drowning in blood (fertilized?? why do not you fertilized the bread you eat with a blood and tell me if anything grows) of innocent people catched between power hungry chechen mafia and russian leadership. How is it blood of Mujahiddeen is sacred and blood of regular people are not. You just full of it. Do mujahiddens/terrorists/freedom fighters have blood of different color or what. Or is it just because some of them say "allah akbar" hundred times.
And do not you start me about israel. (arabs/muslims attacked israel on the first day of its independence without any provocation).
If you want to find a crusader why donot you look in the mirror. I am sick of all this religious crap. Where a hell do you get any prove of all this Islamic state ••••. Majority of chechnya voted for A. Makhadalov instead of Basayev. They did not vote for totally islamic stated and this is a FACT (before arguing on this one just read the news). Afganistan is an Islamic State for almost 10 years. So please, please show me how does it benefits its people????
Also, how a hell do you know and for that matter any one here what is going on in chechnya. Who is fighting for what. All you can relay is on news (western, eastern, russians, islamics). Every one is always tells story with him/her benefit in mind. So, please unless you are actually figthing in Chechnya (and taking right now time off to enlight all of us) stop a hell your dream and look around you in the real world.

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Chechen guerrillas skills are indeed impressive. Just like the skills of many other people who fought their way to independence. However, an execution of 9 people for the crime they did not commit can hardly qualify for the religious renaissance. Or, for that matter, for anything other than cold-blooded murder.

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Interesting form of justice in Kosovo wonder how it is in the Hague.

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