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Archive through April 7, 2000

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Meat Grinder grinds on...

Russian Town Tires of Losing Sons in Chechnya

The New York Times
April 6, 2000

BEREZNIKI, Russia, April 5 -- When the Russian military roared into Chechnya in late September, most people in this factory town in the Urals were convinced that the Kremlin had begun a just and triumphant war.

But that was before the bodies arrived, the flags were draped with black ribbons and a local sports complex was turned into a hall of remembrance
for 16 policemen killed in an ambush in Chechnya last week.

Now lust for revenge, irritation with Russia's bumbling generals and
anxiety that the nation is enmeshed in an open-ended guerrilla war dominate the talk here.

"Until recently I thought we should fight until we win," said a 56-year-old pensioner named Yuliya. "But the way the military is running
things today, I don't think victory can be achieved. There is no sense
sending our boys there."

As the war against Chechnya, the breakaway region in the Caucasus, enters its seventh month, there has been a subtle but unmistakable shift in the public mood in Russia.

Most Russians still seem to think that the nation has every right to re-establish its control over Chechnya, and Russian enmity toward the rebels there seems greater than ever. But an increasing number of Russians worry that their nation has plunged into a military quagmire.

Public opinion polls show that a majority of Russians no longer believe their generals' assurance that the militants are on the verge of defeat. And there are growing fears that the military's approach is costing too many Russian lives.

The swing of mood is evident in Berezniki, an industrial town of 180,000 that is a three-hour drive from Perm, the regional capital. Surrounded
by forests of fir trees, frozen lakes and fields of snow, Berezniki seems as far from Chechnya as one can imagine. It is a town with a
history of quiet fealty to the state.

Berezniki may be the one place in Russia that is proud of its connection to former President Boris N. Yeltsin, who graduated from the local
secondary school, and his handpicked successor, Vladimir V. Putin, did well here in last month's presidential election.

As Chechnya dissolved into chaos after the first war there in 1994-96, there was a lot of discussion here about whether Russian troops should again get involved. But after Mr. Putin decided to take the fight to the
rebels, Berezniki did its part.

Along with other specially trained riot police -- a SWAT-like Interior Ministry force known as OMON -- from the Perm region, Berezniki's
militia was sent to Chechnya to take charge of areas that the regular army was supposed to have secured. The policemen were local heroes.

By March the militia was in Vedeno, the hometown of Shamil Basayev, one of the most notorious Chechen warlords.

Then the news broke last week that a convoy of militia from the Perm region had been ambushed on a road outside Vedeno and that 25 Russian
dead had been recovered.

The ambush was a terrible blow for the Perm district, which has lost 181 men in the two conflicts in Chechnya, compared with 142 who perished in the 10-year Soviet war in Afghanistan.

It was a catastrophe in Berezniki. Its small militia accounted for 16 of the dead in the ambush. And the toll is certain to rise, since 11
members of the Perm militia are still missing and Mr. Basayev asserted today that his fighters had captured and executed 9 of them.

Compounding the grief were accusations that senior Russian commanders had dispatched the lightly armed police convoy on a road that was not
under Russian control and then failed to provide a proper military escort. The ambush was a virtual repetition of a rebel attack near
Grozny just a month ago against an unescorted militia unit from the Russian town of Sergiyev Posad.

"The city is in shock, and there is a lot of talk that the war needs to be brought to an end," said Aleksandr Moshkin, Berezniki's mayor. "When
corpses arrive, it always sparks debate about what has to be done and why our guys died there. But at the same time, Russia's territorial
integrity should be preserved."

On Tuesday a violinist played a funeral dirge as thousands of the town's
residents filed past the row of bodies, which were laid out in an indoor
track-and-field complex here. The families of the dead policemen sat on
small wooden chairs grouped around the open plywood coffins, which were
wrapped in red fabric.

Some wives stroked the heads of their slain husbands, whose foreheads
were covered by paper bands bearing a Russian Orthodox prayer. A
gun-toting sentry stood at attention at the head of each coffin.

A senior Interior Ministry official gave a speech, proclaiming the men
martyrs in the battle against terrorism. But the governor of the Perm
region, Gennadi Igumnov, was closer to the public mood when he described
the deaths as the result of incompetence by Russia's military officers,
who had failed to protect the convoy. It was the first time that a
governor has been so critical of the military's conduct in the war.

"Some of the guilt for the death of our magnificent guys is the result
of our commanders' negligence," he said. "The names of these people will
be made public, and they will get the punishment they deserve."

Then, after prayers by several priests, there was a clatter of hammers
as the coffins were nailed shut.

Each was loaded onto the back of a light truck, which carried a
tombstone bearing the likenesses of the slain policemen and a red
five-pointed star. A long procession of shiny government Volga sedans
and humble Lada compacts then snaked its way to the cemetery.

Although such setbacks have not led to a substantial drop in popular
support for continuing to fight the rebels, polls show a growing
skepticism about the claims of Russia's generals that victory is

A nationwide survey of 1,500 adults by Romir, a Russian polling
organization, carried out before the ambush of the Perm militia, found
that about 60 percent of the Russian public thought the war would go on
for a long time, if not forever.

In Berezniki the percentage is probably far higher. Many people here appear to have conflicting thoughts. They want the war to be finished as soon as possible. They do not want to make concessions to the rebels.
And they do not want any more Russian casualties, especially among their own friends and relatives.

Viktor Seryodkin, 50, a chemical equipment operator, represented one pole in the debate. He said the only hope was to gather the Chechen population and deport it, much as Stalin did in 1944.

"They should be divided up in groups and gradually sent to different
parts of Russia," he said. "We have so much land in Siberia and in the north."

Oleg Malyavkin, 44, has been in a wheelchair since he was wounded when he served in the Soviet Army during the invasion of Czechoslovakia in
1968. He said too many Russians had died in Chechnya to pull out now.

"Revenge is not the solution to the problem," he said. "But this has to be completed."

Oleg Ryashev, the deputy commander of the Berezniki militia, has a different view, perhaps because he has been chastened by experience. He
has served in Chechnya, though he was not there at the time of the latest attack.

He cautioned that the Russian authorities would not succeed if they depended entirely on military force. Moscow, he argued, needs a
political strategy. And he said it would have a better chance of success
if it managed somehow to forge an alliance with one of the Chechen clans. Even so, he doubted that doing do would stop all the fighting.

"There are just too many weapons there," he said, "and all the kids have been taught to hate Russia since childhood."

But what everybody seems to agree is that the war is not going according to plan and that Russia's strategy needed to be changed.

"Something is wrong in Chechnya," said Mestnoye Vremya, a weekly newspaper in the region whose name means "Local Time."

"Everybody feels it," the paper said. "And the death of our guys, or to be more correct, the way they died, makes this feeling stronger."

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So more Russians are dying by the bucketload! its a shame that brainless bore Igor is not amongst them. Poor man, do you have any idea the kind of money the Sephardic have? The kind of power we have? Stay in Canada and peddle your wares. In Canada you'll at least make enough to feed yourself. We spare a miserble goyim like you.

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***** THEY FOUGHT LIKE LIONS *********

In 1996 Salman Ibn Rado lead the attack on the military russian airport in Dagstan, Salman attacked it with only 245 soliders, but sooner Russia send about 12000 soliders including commandos.
12000 supported with planes and heavy artilery.
The russian forces could detain Salman and his soliders in a village called Premaskoy. The russian planes, canons, rifles and artilery startd pouring its fire on those 245 soliders for a long time.The russians thought that those soliders have been teared out, but suddenly those 245 soliders came out of the places they were hiding in, started attacking the russian forces and killed a lot of russian soliders, and could get out of the siege and cross back to Chechneya.

It was something unbelievable , how could such a small group of soliders stand against 12000 russian soliders supported with planes, canons and heavy artilery ? How could they get out of the siege and kill a lot of russian soliders ?

When Gall Carlotta – an american journalist – asked one of the russian officers about that, he only said one statement, “They fought like lions”.

Now, Salman has lost one of his eyes, and suffered an injury in his skull. He is now a captive in russia. He was captivated while he was bleeding and deadly hurt in the borders of chechneya, May Allah set him free, he is the only one who can do that.

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Mask wrote:
Unlike killing in a battle, execution of the prisoners of war is the war crime.
And as far as we know those 9 had nothing to do with "camps", they were field soldiers.

The "war crimes" definitions of "powers" who, when it is convenient for them prosecute whom they will, and when it is inconvenient to them, turn a blind eye on whom they will, is self-serving for those powers at best.

We are all, however, accountable to a Higher Power
to Whom we will all be accountable, and He has His own definitions that we mortals had dare not tamper with. It is up to each of us to seek out what His authentic definitions are, and we will each be judged accordingly

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Jake Burutshatian: ha chilul hashem, ni'uf v soteh mushchat. ata chazir v-yatzeket. abba shelach sarsur zenut v imma shelach zonah.

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By Jake B. ( - on Thursday, April 6, 2000 - 03:26 am:

>Filthy Spanish goyim. You are an evil anti
>semitic devious man who has no place in society.

The ravings of evil bigot pro-semitist Jewish Supremicists...

>Do NOT question the Talmud and DO not question
>the chosen people.

Chosen? Chosen by who? Chosen for what?

On whose authority does the Talmud rest?

>Sanhedrin 59a: "A goy who pries into The Law
>(Talmud) is guilty of death."

Poor ignorant Jew doesn't realize that the Torah, not the Talmud, is the Law. "Torah" means law, but "Talmud" means learning, or study. Poor Jews - always learning, but never coming into understanding. Your Talmud is really just so much mental retardation and the ravings of self-appointed leaders of a race of unclean children.

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It is amazing that Mary Robinson sees herself in a position to condemn Russia for supposed crimes against humanity, when she herself is a pro-abortion politician.

Go Rooskies!!!!
Kick that Chechen Mohammedan terrorist butt!!!
Nuke em!!!
Get out the mustard gas!!!

Go Serbs!!!
Right on Radko!!!
Run 'em over Radovan!!!
Kick their cans Arkan!!!!
Slam 'em down Slobodan!!!!

Kick that US/NATO butt outta KosovO!!!

Screw the EU!!!
Put 'em out Putin!!!

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Posts: 240

Looks like the conjugal relations between the English and the Turks is getting a little out of bounds. A little domestic violence now, eh?

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Posts: 240

By Gonzo ( - on Thursday, April 6, 2000 - 06:21 pm:
>Antonio , do you really think there is some kind
>of evil doings behind the census? If you think
>so, do you know the census has been asking the
>exact same questions every ten years since 1950.
>Plus you got to love the congressmen who
>complain about specific questions now when they
>all were able to pre-view the forms something
>like 10 months ago. There is no dark conspiracy
>behind the census.

Read 2 Kings (2 Samuel) chapter 24.

The census has been used to serve evil purposes since its inception. An example is the Japanese residents who were 14th Amendment "U.S. Citizens" rounded up and herded into concentration camps
in California. The U.S. regime used the census data for its evil purposes of ethnic cleansing.

And what it has done before, it can do again. Big Brother is watching. Time put Big Brother out of his misery.

Stand up All you peoples!!! Rise up and overthrow the U.S.A. regime!!!!!

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Posts: 240

Plea to the Serbs and the Russians: Please consider the humanitarian intervention and invade the U.S. occupied territory and liberate America from the evil Illuminati/Masonic regime. Pazhalsta!

The residents of the North American continent welcome the liberating armies of Serbia and Russia and Nagorno Karabakh!

Nuke Washington D.C.!!!!!!!

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Posts: 240

Where are Mary Robinson and Radio Liberty and Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to condemn Chechnya and Maskhadov for war crimes? Where is NATO with the Tomahawk missiles to take out Osama Bin Laden-financed, trained and sponsored Chechen Extremist Mohammedan Fundamentalist terrorists?

Go Rooskies!!!!

Eminent Member
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Posts: 34

Igor, Does Europe need Russia?
It already has Eastern Europe.

No more German investment then.
Shame about the pipelines- electricity on ration next winter- No more internet?

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Posts: 240

Turkey, Denmark settle in torture case 04/05/2000

STRASBOURG, France, April 5 (Reuters) - Turkey and Denmark have reached a friendly settlement in a case alleging that a Danish citizen was tortured during questioning by Turkish police in 1996, the European court of human rights said on Wednesday.

The court said it dropped the case after Ankara apologised and agreed to pay Copenhagen 450,000 Danish crowns ($58,000). The court did not name the Danish citizen and did not state the
circumstances of his arrest. The individual has alleged he was tortured while being detained for five weeks in mid-1996.

In a statement released by the court, Ankara said it regretted ``occasional and individual cases of torture and ill-treatment despite the resolute action of the government and existing

The statement said the Turkish criminal code had been amended to increase punishment for torture and prosecute medical staff charged with drafting false reports to conceal torture.

Human rights groups have long charged Turkish security forces with carrying out systematic torture, mainly in their fight against Kurdish rebels or leftist urban guerrillas.

14:07 04-05-00

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Turkish troops maintain push into north Iraq 04/03/2000

ANKARA, April 3 (Reuters) - Turkish troops backed by air power continued their push into northern Iraq to hunt Kurdish rebels in a spring offensive, newspapers said on Monday.

Turkey, with limited numbers of troops routinely based inside Iraq, regularly mounts such operations to hit mountain hideouts of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which has fought since 1984 for self-rule for Turkey's 12 million Kurds.

The Radikal newspaper said artillery and armoured units had crossed the border at three points and were pushing towards the towns of Haftanin and Khwakurk. It said Turkish fighter jets had bombed rebel camps in the area.

There were no reports of casualties from the remote region which has been run by two Iraqi Kurd parties since they slipped from Baghdad's rule at the end of the 1991 Gulf War.

A military source told Reuters at the weekend that up to 7,000 soldiers were involved in the offensive against the PKK rebels who were regrouping in northern Iraq after an order by their leader, Abdullah Ocalan, to stop fighting and leave the country.

Military observers say about two-thirds of the PKK's forces complied with the order leaving some 1,000 rebels inside Turkey. Most rebels are thought to have joined forces with other PKK units already in Iraq, bringing guerrilla numbers there to roughly 3,000.

Turkish leaders have ignored Ocalan's peace overtures, calling them a cynical attempt to save himself from the hangman's noose.

Ocalan, condemned to death for treason, is now awaiting an appeal verdict from the European Court of Human Rights.

A senior PKK field commander warned they would fight back if attacked, whether in southeast Turkey or northern Iraq, called north and south Kurdistan by Kurdish nationalists.

``The war will grow if we are attacked. The war will develop in both the south and the north,'' the pro-Kurd Ozgur Politika newspaper quoted PKK chief Cemil Bayik as saying. ``PKK militants
have fought, worked and been martyred for years, they will not be led like lambs to the slaughter.'' More than 30,000 rebels, soldiers and civilians have been killed since Ocalan's PKK began its armed campaign for self-rule. Ocalan now says all he wants is cultural rights for Kurds in Turkey.

A leading Iraqi newspaper blasted Turkey on Monday for the new incursion, saying the offensive came after a U.S. official praised Ankara as a key NATO ally.

``Turkey always makes mistakes in its policy and calculations towards Iraq,'' said Babel, the newspaper of President Saddam Hussein's eldest son Uday.

The paper said that Turkey's attack came after U.S. Defence Secretary William Cohen praised Turkey on Friday as a key NATO ally and bridge between East and West and urged even closer ties
between Washington and Ankara.

The paper urged Turkish rulers to end their ``haggling and fluctuating'' policy toward Iraq and instead improve bilateral trade ties.

Last month Turkey signed a trade agreement with Iraq under which it would sell Iraq more goods under its oil-for-food deal with the United Nations. The deal allows Baghdad to sell unlimited
oil over six months to buy food, medicine and other humanitarian needs for the Iraqi people.

03:55 04-03-00

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Posts: 240

Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1996 (not 1776)

Whereas the Government of the United States of America, bound by Social Contract with the people of the land under the 1789 Federal Constitution, having breached that Contract through uncountable voluminous violations of its provisions - that is through failure, negligence, and premeditated intention and design - and making no good faith effort to come into compliance, indeed, resisting all reasonable calls for compliance and refusing to honor the terms of the contract,...

... and Whereby in American legal tradition, and in natural right, in case of Breach of Contract the injured party may sue at law for money damages, or in equity for recission or for specific performance if money damages would not compensate for the breach,...

... and Whereby in American legal tradition the essentials of a contract include 1) mutual assent; 2) a legal consideration which need not be monetary; 3) parties who have legal capacity to make a contract (preventing insane, intoxicated, or minor underage signatories); 4) absence of fraud or duress; and 5) a subject matter that is not illegal or against public policy,...

... and Whereas the Contract, The Constitution of the United States of America, was entered into by the Government with bad faith and fraudulent intentions, and has been routinely and grieviously breached by the Government,...

...It is the right of the people, indeed it is their Duty to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

The history of the present Government of the United States and its subset State Governments is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, fraud, deception, manipulation, betrayal, extortion, racketeering, corruption, and murder, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over all humanity - often referred to as the New World Order. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

The Preamble of the Constitution states "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America".

Yet the record of the Government is one of arrogant perpetuation of injustice, instigation of unrest, defense of criminals, and abandonment of the common citizen to the hands of killers, rapists, and robbers, and the wholesale plundering of the life, property, and energy of the people, and the impoverishment and ruination of the land.

The Government has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to the Constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws - the United Nations; the Government has given its assent to the United Nations' acts of pretended resolutions and legislation by signing the Atlantic Charter of the United Nations, thus entering into another Contract in contradiction to its contractual obligation to serve the American people, and financing the operations of this foreign entity from the public funds of the People.

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The Government has placed American military troops under the command of this odious foreign power. Thus it shows that it deems the United Nations as Superior to the President of the United States as Commander-in-Chief and thus also to the Constitution which heretofore was acknowledged as the Supreme Law of the Land by Article VI Clause 2.

The Government has served as the instrument of the Masonic Order (a worldwide cabal of murderous robbers who present themselves as humanitarians) - in making laws favorable to them, enforcing the laws in their favor, committing outlaw acts in their favor, and thus bringing the land to ruin and destroying the lives of our people.

The Government has disarmed the people and waged a war of repression and economic oppression against us, allowing only traitors and scoundrels to prosper.

The Government has excited domestic quarrels and violence between the various cultures amongst us, though it publicly swears itself to be a peacemaker and humanitarian.

The Government uses the FBI, CIA, and Police as agents of oppression and persecution against us, spying on us, interfering with our lives, trampling on our Right to Pursue Happiness, and levying heavy and unreasonable fines for even the most minor infractions.

The Government plunders the nation through heavy and unreasonable taxes, then sends its enforcer, the IRS to intimidate and bully us.

The Government forces us to pay for its educational system, the so-called public schools, in which our children are taught disobedience against their parents, their minds and souls destroyed by deliberate design of the curriculum planners and school administrators, and taught and encouraged to engage in sexual activity before their maturation - thus resulting in the destruction of the fabric of civilization and the creation of a permanent underclass. The fruit of the government schools has been an explosion of crime and terror, ripping away the Security and Well-Being of the People.

The Government has laid waste to the productivity of the people through its so-called welfare programs and the massive bureaucracy administering them. The hard-working have been bled dry to finance and support the idle.

The Government has allowed the nations many competent professionals and workers to remain unemployed and face starvation, homelessness, humiliation, and death, while it exploits cheap labor in the so-called Third World Countries - those lands made desolate by dependence on aid from the United States Government as well as the global Masonic banks (the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund).

The Government has engaged in economic and military alliances and partnerships with unsavory criminal regimes such as Turkey, Britain, China, the Soviet Union, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Vietnam, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Haiti, Cuba, and others. Thus the American people have been forced to share in the shedding of innocent blood all over the world.

The Government has engaged in State-Sponsored Terrorism by the routine dissemination and distribution of the most heinous criminals Sponsored Terrorism by the routine dissemination and distribution of the most heinous criminals into society from government prisons, and has denied and refused justice for the victims of the torrent of horrible crimes and perversions, compounding injustice on top of injustice in spite of its obligation to uphold, defend, and administer justice as alluded to in its own documents - its Social Contract with the governed:

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1776 Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Government long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

Federal Constitution Article I Clause 8 Paragraph 5: The Congress shall have the power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin,...

Yet the legal tender currency promoted by the Government is IOUs - Notes of Debt (Dollars) - from the Federal Reserve Bank which is neither Federal nor Reserve, but a private Masonic Piggy Bank.

Federal Constitution Article IV Clause 4: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion, and, an application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (where the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

Yet street crime is out of control, nay, fed by the premeditated design of the Government in order to terrorize its own citizens into submission.

Federal Constitution Amendment 5: No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.

Yet the Government allows, even promotes and participates in the wholesale slaughter of preborn infants while they still live in their mothers' wombs. And through the levying of taxes against property, the Government deprives all persons of property, making them in effect, renters, and itself, the Supreme Landlord.

Federal Constitution Amendment 8: Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.

Yet the People are cruelly punished for the crimes of true criminals who go unpunished, even coddled by the Government, and even released into freedom again to commit yet more crimes.

And Excessive fines are imposed and Police given minimum quotas for exacting them. The Police have been used by the Government more as a source of income and less as crime-fighters.

Federal Constitution Amendment 14: ...Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

But no State in the Union is less guilty than the Federal Government of violating this prohibition.

Page 3

Therefore the Government of the United States of America formed according to the 1789 Federal Constitution and the 1781-1789 Articles of Confederation and the decrees and declarations of the Continental Congress IS HEREBY DECLARED TERMINATED AND ABOLISHED.

We the Residents of the American Continent, hereby declare that we are and of right ought to be free from the Masonic Order; that we are absolved of all Allegiance to all its Instruments, including the United States Government and its Flag, the State Governments and their flags, and the United Nations, and that all political connection between the People and the United States Government is and ought to be totally dissolved.

Whereas the United States Constitution was framed and put into effect by the forerunner Congress of the 1781-1789 A.D. Articles of Confederation, and that Congress is the same entity known as the Continental Congress, this entity
demonstrating a clear line of succession from the period of the American Revolution against the English Crown until the present day, the Sponsors and Benefactors of this Government - the Freemasons - are hereby recognized as and declared an outlaw organization and an enemy of all humanity. Execution and Extermination of the Illuminati and Freemasonry as well as all its members, lodges, rites, branches, divisions, symbols, agents, beneficiaries, and benefactors is hereby mandated.


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