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Archive through April 8, 2000

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To FredLeDingue

"To win, you should at first survive the battle. "

My friend, to win you should first believe in what you are fighting for, and then to be ready for any sacrifice.

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Hi, Dmitry, Igor!

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>> Saladin how do you explain 44 year in wheelchair who got that why in 1968 while in Russian army.Another of your reliable sources?????<<

Read the whole article.

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To my brother Saladin,

Alsalmo Alikoum, and thanks for addressing a message to me. By the way, I like to say something to you, I like this name very much "Salah Eldeen". He was a great knight, he spend all his life dreaming of regaining AL-Kodus and kicking out the crusads from it - may Allah help us to get it back from the hands of the sons of pigs and monkeys-.

Salah Eldeen was a great man, before being a great knight. During the battle of Heteen against the crusades, a woman from the christian camp lost her kid during the battle, she talked to the crusades leaders, and they advised her to talk to Salah Eldeen personally. She went to Salah Eldeen crying and screaming, he ordered a translator to translate to him what she was saying. After, he knew that she lost her kid during the battle, he himself cried for her and ordered his men to look for the kid. They discovered the kid was captivated and sold among other captives. Salah Eldeen ordered them to buy him back from his own money. After he gave the kid back to his mother, he gave her a horse too, so she can go back to her camp again. He was a great man, a great knight and a real Mujahed.

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By Kisako ( - on Friday, April 7, 2000 - 03:36 pm:
>NO power on Earth can now quell the
>determination and courage of the valiant
>fighters of Allah ...
>* One "valiant", a mastermind, which had been on
>the International "Wanted" list for Tashkent
>bombing, has been transferred today to the
>P.S. Why do "valiants" need Allah? Is it so that
>Islam is a religion of bandits/gangsters, or
>bandits/gangsters use Islam as cover for their
>ungodly deeds?

Mohammedanism IS a religion of bandits/gangsters, and rapists as was its founder Mohammed.

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Yes, my friend studied in Moscow. But the ones that bombed Moscow buildings were your own compatriots, FSB.

P.S. It was during the middle ages the whole of Europe was sending its students to Muslim Spain. The Muslims were pioneers in all sciences and the cities of Granada and Cordova were the most beautiful cities in Europe at a time when most Europeans were living like savages. Now due to the after effect of years of colonialization, the Muslim students are temporarily flocking to West for education. But the tide will turn and the materialistic Western civilization will crumble with the rise of resurgent Islam and Chechnya is the watershed of this epoch making event.

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By Gonzo ( - on Friday, April 7, 2000 - 05:32 pm:
>Antonio, I am not sure where to begin on all of >your retoric. So I will just start with the

>"Government has disarmed the people"...uh you
>can still walk into a Wal Mart and by a nice
>gun. Come on everybody and there brother in this
>country has a gun.

This is a lie. Apparently you haven't heard of the Brady Bill. The disarmament of the people began with the banning of full auto machine guns, which every person has a right to have (except criminals, who have forfeited their right to life). Now there is gun registration, 15 day waiting periods while the FBI checks you out in their computer database before you can receive the gun you purchased. Now there is trigger locks, transmitter key rings etc. Al Gore wants to impose gun liscensing for firearms owners. I have a friend who was recently disarmed by an LAPD home-invasion robbery. It won't be long before the jack-boots show up and bust down your door at 2 o'clock in the morning because your name is in their computers as a gun owner.

>"street crime is out of control"...uh crime is
>down for like the 5th straight year...see times
>square in NYC.

This is a lie. Reports of crimes to the cops are down because people know that the cops will not hunt down the criminals because the cops defend the criminals and the cops ARE criminals. The only way crime will be eliminated is if all the cops are first lined up against a wall and sent on their way. In reality, crime in America is out of control and on the rise. Where the wicked rule, crime will prevail (Proverbs 29:16).

>"where is NATO with the Tomahawk missles to take
>out Bin Laden financed trained and sponsered
>Chechen extreamest"...uh Clinton had tomahawks
>shot a his camp in Afganastan and suspetced
>chemcal warfare plant in sudan over a year ago.

The Tomahawks were not fired on Afghan terrorist camps, but on refugee camps. Why doesn't the U.S. Navy fire tomahawk missiles on Jakarta? Why not fire them on the Chechens? Why not fire them on the Turks? Why not fire them on the Sultan of Brunei (that rapist who preuys on American girls)?

>"the residents of North American Continent
> welcome the leberating armys of Serbia and
>Russia" ..uh HA HA HA yea right. Lets see Ole
>Slobodon is 0-4 when it comes to wars and Russia
>is having trouble with 5,000 guys in Chechnya. I
>doubt you could find 5 Americans who would see
>this statement as not laughable.

The Serbs have been fighting, not only against Croats and Albanians, but against Germans and Americans. But with all the firepower brought against the Serbs by the US/NATO coalition, Slobodan keeps on going and the will of the Serbs remains unbroken. You talk trash against the Russians not being able to stamp out the Chechens, but why has the superior technology and numbers of U.S./NATO/KLA/Turkish etc. forces not been able to eliminate Slobodan and make the Serbs say "uncle"? You certainly wouldn't find any Americans who could go into Chechnya and do some fighting! But the Russians are getting lots of practice at fighting a real war. Soon enough, America will get its ass kicked (deservedly).

>In God Bless American occupied North America

Which "God" would that be? The one (Lucifer) on the back of the dollar bill whose eye is above the Illuminati Pyramid?

The True God (Father Son and Holy Ghost) HATES the United States of America!

Viva el Catolica Rey de Espana!!!!!

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Mask wrote:

What, was it God who actually ordered an execution of 9 soldiers!? I guess, eventually you'll "be judged accordingly" indeed.

Do you not know "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"? - it is a Biblical phrase at that.

This is a war between two forces, not between individuals, and as such, the above phrase very much applies - as between groups.

Lest you say there was only one Chechen woman
raped and killed, what about all the other rapes and murders committed by russian troops on the Chechen populace. It is time that such beasts become aware that they can no longer continue with such acts with impunity, and be "forgiven" by, and hide behind, their criminal commanders, with no further repercussions.

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Antonio!! Two questions for you.

Why is Washington D.C. in the middle of two states named VIRGINia and MARYland? And what structure is at the middle of Washington D.C. and what does it represent?

Maybe Catholics are into freemasonry too?...

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Nour Eldeen:

Don't worry, im fine and i feel great after i read you message. you know, that your faith can do ••••, if you fight with wooden sticks against machine guns. yes you are right. muslims are very dangerous.
and what were you trying to prove with that shity battle that muslims fought. SO WHAT????
that doesnt mean anything that they won. before this battle, they lost another 20.
do you know how many battles were won by weaker sides??????
of course you don't. learn more history, than we can talk about it. and when i meant russia: BELIEVE THAT they would send millions if it would be REALLY NECCESARY. they are russians, always were, always will be! you will not change it, neither will rusians. only germans from the rest of the europe have almost the same nature as russians, that's why they fought for so long.

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