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Archive through April 9, 2000

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The brain dead award is shared by

Antonio and Igor

They have reduced this board to tears by their incredibly boring posts.

Even by goy standards these two clowns decend into new depths of ignorance and lunacy.

Igor is mentally retarded so the Sephardic have decided not to punish him. Antonio on the other has hay stuffed between his ears.

There are limits to the good nature of the Sephardic - Both of you WILL BEHAVE

Or Else...

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""""One "valiant", a mastermind, which had been on the International "Wanted" list for Tashkent bombing, has been transferred today to the Uzbekis. """

How Outstanding… People stand up and applaud Kissie's outspokenness against terrorism. LMAO.

She keeps talking of terrorist while the country she lives in was founded by terrorist. Their founding fathers are terrorist wanted by the United Nations for crimes against humanity. This is a fact!

Menachem Begin was wanted BY THE UNITED NATIONS for leading terrorist campaigns against the English in the 40's. The most notable of which are the bombing of the King David Hotel and the Murder of the British Ambassador. This most impressive rap sheet which would put Mr. Melosovic to shame, extends to scores of murderous campaigns against civilians including rape and Genocide. This is a fact!

Oh, BTW - This terrorist was to later become the Prime Minister of Israel. LMAO... This is a fact!

Israelis were the grandfathers of Terrorism before terrorism existed. LMAO.

Now we get this Hypocrate Half Nazi posting Shite about shite… Instead of Marveling at terrorism and what it can lead to. LOL.

Now you can see why she is so apposed to NATO intervention in the Baltics for terrorism runs deep in her veins.

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Is that the best you can come up with,Dim, trust you to jump to all the wrong conclusions at once.
Kissie, intentions don't always end in results.
Lets hope Putin's intentions don't.
Igor you seem to have fallen for the political rhetoric. Go read Stratfor re:Putin's internal/external balancing act.
What use are Russia's natural resources, without the funds to keep up production? Plenty elsewhere!!

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From Igor's post- this says it all

Of the three Baltic States, Estonia has emitted the least
venom in relations with Moscow despite deep underlying hostility
toward Russia. The open atmosphere of these negotiations
indicates a rapprochement between Tallinn and Moscow. Estonia is coming to terms with its strategic weaknesses. The next logical
step is for Estonia to moderate its stance on NATO membership.

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By Saladin ( - on Friday, April 7, 2000 - 11:28 pm:

>Yes, my friend studied in Moscow. But the ones
>that bombed Moscow buildings were your own
>compatriots, FSB.

Where is your proof to substantiate that charge?

>P.S. It was during the middle ages the whole of
>Europe was sending its students to Muslim Spain.

That is a lie. In spite of the fact that much of Spain was under Mohammedan occupation, Europe was sending its students to Catholic Spain, as the only universities there were founded by the Catholics. The Mohammedans did not found any government or civil structure in Spain, and certainly not any universities.

>The Muslims were pioneers in all sciences and
>the cities of Granada and Cordova were the most
>beautiful cities in Europe at a time when most
>Europeans were living like savages.

That the Mohammedans were pioneers in sciences and mathematics is a commonly held, but erroneous myth. The Mohammedans had nothing to do with the beauty of Spanish cities. Unlike the Romans, who during the first 3 centuries A.D. occupied Spain and built a civilian infrastructure and culture (collecting taxes and governing), the Mohammedans did not build anything in Spain, but mounted periodic raids on scheduled cities and villages causing seven centuries of ruin and devastation.

The Mohammedan method was to sack and plunder a designated village or city and carry away all the booty, then leave that village in peace for the next 13 to 15 years until it got back on its feet and then the Mohammedans would sack and plunder it again. The Mohammedans never tried to govern the cities they plundered, but simply raped, murdered, and captured hostages.

It was due to this Mohammedan practice of terrorism and kidnapping that gave rise to such heroes as St. Raymond of Pennafort(1175-1275) who labored zealously for the redemption of slaves,
St. Peter Nolasco (1189-1256) who founded the Order of Our Lady of Mercy for the Redemption of Captives which ransomed Christian hostages from the Infidels, St. John of Matha (died 1213 A.D.)who founded the Order of the Holy Trinity in order to redeem Christian captives from the Saracens.

St. Raymund Nonnatus (died 1240) was a Religious of the Order of Our Lady of Mercy. He gave himself up to the Mohammedans in order to ransom Christians. The Mohammedans kept him in chains for eight months.

Notice the similarity between the Mohammedan Moors, Berbers, Saracens, Turks, Albanians, and Chechens. All of them are kidnappers and brigands. As they were in the middle ages, the Mohammedans are still today, regardless of which race they may be from. A Mohammedan is a Mohammedan (pronounced - Infidel).

St. Vincent Ferrer(1350-1419) was born in Valencia and educated in a Dominican Order school in Barcelona. He converted thousands of Jews and Mohammedans to the Catholic Faith.

The city of San Bernardino, California was named for the saint (died 1153) who preached the Second Crusade against the Mohammedans.

The city of St. Louis, Missouri, was named after the saint (Louis IX - died. 1270 in Tunis) who led two Crusades to the Holy Land.

And how many people know that the city of San Juan Capistrano in California is named for the saint who preached a crusade against the Mohammedans in which 70,000 soldiers enlisted, and with God's assistance, delivered Europe from the Mohammedans!

St. Lawrence of Brindisi (1559-1619) was a pioneer of the Cappuchin Order in Germany. He was the leader in the repulse of the Turkish armies in Hungary.

> Now due to the after effect of years of
>colonialization, the Muslim students are
>temporarily flocking to West for education.

What about all the years when the Mohammedans ruled themselves (724 A.D. - 1918)? What do the Mohammedans have to show for 12 centuries of self-rule? It is utterly absurd to suggest that the British rule of the Middle East and the Italian rule of Libya and the French rule of Algeria since WWI would have been able to erase a grand scientific artistic mathematical Mohammedan civilization from the map in only a few decades. But the reason all the Mohammedans students must travel to Europe is that there is no Mohammedan civilaization and there never was any, because the Mohaammedans are not a civilization, but a horde of brigands, marrauders, and terrorists.
Even with all that oil revenue, the Mohammedans can't generate a civilization worthy of the name.

> But the tide will turn and the materialistic
>Western civilization will crumble with the rise
>of resurgent Islam and Chechnya is the watershed
>of this epoch making event.

Materialism in western civilization is due to Judaism, Protestantism, resurrected neo-Paganism, and Freemasonry. Take a look at all the golden palaces and mosques in the Mohammedan countries and you will see how materialistic is the foundation of Mohammedanism.

If Mohammedanism is so spiritual and not materialistic, then why do not the Mohammedans melt all the gold that they used to build mosques and use the gold to buy food to feed all the poor? Why do not the sultans and the emirs send planeloads of humanitarian assistance to the starving Ethiopians? Where is the beef?

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By See... ( - on Saturday, April 8, 2000 - 12:52 am:
>Antonio!! Two questions for you.

>Why is Washington D.C. in the middle of two
>states named VIRGINia and MARYland?

As I recall, Maryland is named after Mary, Queen of Scots. As for Virginia, I do not recall.

> And what structure is at the middle of
>Washington D.C. and what does it represent?

The Pentagon. The map of Washington D.C. was designed by the Freemasons. It composes a Satanic pentagram with the White House, Washington Monument, Capitol, and Pentagon.

>Maybe Catholics are into freemasonry too?...

Many are unfortunatley, though the Church has prohibited this and has declared an interdict against all Catholics who are members of of the Lodge also. There are currently 55 known Masonic Cardinals in the Vatican. Cardinal Roger Mahoney is also a Mason. In time, these traitors will be swept away.

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Clashes of Russian Paratroopers and OMON Men

Inhabitants of the village of Tsa-Vedeno witnessed that on
April 6th in the morning fierce fighting between units of
Russian paratroopers and of OMON men took place
between the villages of Tsa-Vedeno and Benoy-Khutor. The
paratroopers and OMON men fired upon each other with
BMPs and mortars. Fighting lasted for 2 hours.

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Shell Claims Oil On US-Intercepted Russian Tanker In Gulf

DUBAI, Apr 8, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) The Russian tanker intercepted in the Gulf on suspicion of smuggling Iraqi oil was carrying a load of gasoil bought from Iran by the Anglo-Dutch group Shell, the company said Saturday.

"The oil on board the Russian vessel (Akademik Pustovoyt) was purchased as part of a term contract with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC)," said Patrick Briggs, a spokesman in Dubai of the Royal Dutch Shell Group.

"It was loaded at Bandar Mashar," an Iranian terminal in the northern Gulf close to the Iraqi border, he said.

He said the cargo was being transferred to a Shell tanker called the Myrina bound for Singapore when the US navy intercepted both vessels on Thursday.

"The Myrina was initially boarded and inspected for four hours before being allowed to proceed without completing the final load of a ship-to-ship transfer. The Akademik was detained as the source of the fuel oil," Briggs told AFP.

"We await the outcome of the testing," he said, referring to a US analysis of oil samples from the Russian tanker. For Shell, "it was a normal commercial arrangement with our supplier, the NIOC."

The commander of the US Fifth Fleet, Vice Admiral Charles Moore, said Friday that the Akademik was detained on suspicion of smuggling Iraqi gasoil in defiance of UN sanctions and that samples were taken for analysis.

The tanker, which had been checked four times before, was found to be carrying tens of thousands of tons of gasoil, he said, adding the US navy was awaiting the analysis results before deciding whether to divert it to port and seize the cargo.

The Russian government has asked to send consular agents to the privately-owned ship, which is being held at an anchorage in international waters in the southern Gulf, said Moore.

Russian foreign ministry official Alexander Iakovenko on Friday called for the rapid release of the tanker, adding that if the seizure turned out to be unfounded the ministry would seek compensation.

The boarding comes just a month after the US navy intercepted another Russian tanker, the Volgoneft-147, and diverted it to Oman after finding a cargo of smuggled Iraqi gasoil aboard.

That incident also drew protests by Moscow and demands for an independent analysis of the oil found aboard. But the tanker's cargo of 25,000 barrels of gasoil was sold at auction and the proceeds deposited in a UN account.

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By Wh-a-a-t?!! ( - on Saturday, April 8, 2000 - 12:43 am: Mask wrote:
What, was it God who actually ordered an execution of 9 soldiers!? I guess, eventually you'll "be judged accordingly" indeed. Do you not know "An eye for an eye, a
tooth for a tooth"? - it is a Biblical phrase at that.
This is a war between two forces, not between individuals, and as such, the above phrase very much applies - as between
groups. Lest you say there was only one Chechen woman raped and killed, what about all the other rapes and murders committed by russian troops on the Chechen populace. It is time that such beasts become aware that they can no longer continue with such acts with impunity, and be "forgiven" by, and
hide behind, their criminal commanders, with no further repercussions.

What the human rights we are speaking, of course none - there are no humans there! Only Chechen bandits and Russian aggressors. It looks more like "stupidity for stupidity, crime for a crime".

Russian government made Budanov's crime public, arrested the colonel and he is being court-martialed as we speak. Modjaheds, on the other hand, took 9 POWs, who had nothing to do with this, and killed them. So, Russian officials look real civilized and responsible. Budanov and modjaheds are sharing the same low ground.

Budanov is probably on the slightly higher one - he attempted a suicide, mojaheds on the other hand seem to push their pride bubble closer to a bursting.

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By Mask,
"So, Russian officials look real civilized and responsible. Budanov and modjaheds are sharing the same low ground."

"Civilized" I'd say. The Russian war criminal, who serves as an officer in a Russian tank unit, raped the young Chechen girl and strangled her to death before placing her under the wheels of his tank and crushing her young body. The crime was committed in full view of the soldiers of the Russian tank unit. The Russians were given plenty of time to hand over the venom.

P.S. Just recently I read there was growing outroar in Russia due to the government's handling of the Baranov case.

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Read the books of Orientalist like Phillip. K. Hitti about the magnificiant civilization that existed in Muslim Spain and not 'catholic' Spain. Phillip writes in his book that Western Civilization is indebted to the Arabs for their 'discoveries' and technological advances.

Even the internet revolution would have not been feasible if West was still using the Roman numerals. The numbers everyone uses today are universally known as Arabic numerals. Also the Arabs revolutionalized the mathematical sciences by introducing Algebra and the concept of Zero
( derived from Arabic word Cipher)

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Methinks the lady dost protest too much...

RF in it's infancy behaves as such!

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By All American ( - on Saturday, April 8, 2000 - 04:49 am:
Now you can see why she is so apposed to NATO intervention in the Baltics for terrorism runs deep in her veins.

* [yawn]

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It's just your History - usually history is boring that way.

What else could you say?!? RIGHT! LOL.

It might be boring but it's the TRUTH!


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In a ridiculous nutshell - the big difference is that is was a partisan war against the British protectorate (the King David affair brought serious discord within the movement) while that was an attempt to blow up the Uzbek President (which strangely whipped You up, BTH, and proved You're not that You try to pass for) by an Uzbek fundie. Anyways, the future of Uzbekistan may be grim (the prospective warlords, that would cry Islam in public, though, wouldn't be left without money - there's the Fergana valley, notorious for opium poppies. And like it did in neighbouring Tajikistan, a flow of refugees would start, the only "guilt" of which would be the facts that they don't belong to the "local" nation and had been compulsorily sent there by the Communist Party to "help development".).

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