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Archive through August 1, 2000

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i already know that you already know that the 1:36 post of mine was for this hock-ptui "baron" sod.

...and _he_ already knew it, tambien.


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I don't have to remind him who I am for I'm always on OL' BROWNSTAINS ALLAM's mind. So much in fact that when, in his usual drunken, stupid state, he falls asleep in his polluted trailer shivering at the thought that I, such a humble and timid female, will again lighten his eyes by knocking the sh!t out of him. It appears that the DMS was over his head and therefore, he sought refuge at the Serbian Cafe. Igor, that coward may run but he can never escape our wrath.

Most of us go to the gas station to refill our autos with petrol and maybe a cup of coffee. Brownstains AllAm goes there to refill the air in his head and maybe treat himself to a coffee enema.

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I'm proud of that belgian doctors wihtout borders reacting in Kosovo.

I'm glad the russian are giving pensions to retirees.

Solzhenitsin-Putin: can you beleive it! Two great guys indeed.

Fundamentalist bastards are still killing inocents. Now they started Jihad in Uzbekistan...

You'r right they all nead deep washing. They are just dirty mafiosis or stupid greedy nationalists who think that if they kill theyr serbain neighbourgs, it's not a crime and they will be able to take over theyr land, home and business.
I'm so sick to see that my country (Europe) is helpless and hopelessly incapable.

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Yes me too,
URN make good dreams about landslide election victory...

To All:
See you tomorrow! The globe is turning to your side...

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Just watched ABC news and the first story of the day was about Firestone and then some local American news.Damn bastards do not consider terrorist bombing as front page news.It's only been out about 6 hours now .I guess the ••••••• Chechens would lose support.I think I would be looking for Ukrainian suspects because it would be easier for them to pull of something like this.A;so people over in Russia are already suspscious of Chechens. First ten minutes of ABC and still no mention.On Russian TV channel 1 I watched at 4;30 on Newsworld International the coverage was pretty heavy.

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how about the nightly "BBC world news"?
i get it on cable here, but it's a PBS channel.
perhaps somewhere near you, too.
but really, did the lack of coverage on US network
news surprise you? as horrific as it was, were you

[workin' on it even now]

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In a way yes and in a way no.Yes because that is just how US media is and no because would lose public support for Chechens since if they did this one then they did the ones before.Actually I saw it on BBC world news at 12 noon.

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Fred just wondering what nationality are you.Belgian?

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You know when Gore selected Lieberman I found it strange that they make a big deal out of him being Jewish.I thought he was American.They go on about how he is the first Jew at this position,wasn't Truman Jewish?The media doesn't usually go on about the nationality of a candidate.

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Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 648 If a Newfie couple get divorced does that mean they are no longer brother and sister?lolololololololol

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sheee-it, that same joke was at the cafe in the
last day or so but the bro and sis were _black_,
weren't they?
a Jewish president in 1948? no way, comrade. i
don't even have to go look it up [although i will]
consider the furor over JFK being a _roman
catholic_ in '60, much less FDR's vice prez [who
would go on to be prez] having been _jewish_;
oh but won't the chat boards and hate groups have
an anti-semitic field day for the next few

yo, BACON, isn't that your cue? 'zionist
conspiracy', right? =koff/gag=

poor ol' Gore ain't gonna win no matter _what_ he
do i _care_?
does it _look_ like i care?

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Chechen War Rages in Moscow Said Russian Press

MOSCOW, Aug 9, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) The 10-month Chechen war has arrived on the streets of Moscow, the Russian press said on Wednesday after the deadly blast in the center of the capital which killed seven people and wounded dozens more.

"Explosion in the center of Moscow," Nezavisimaya Gazeta splashed across its front page. "Moscow. Pushkin Square. Blast," ran Vremya MN's headline above photographs of bloodstained victims lying outside the underground walkway where the bomb struck Tuesday evening.

"The terrorist act yesterday has reversed the view of the situation in Chechnya. The war is not over as the authorities repeatedly maintain. It is continuing on the streets of Russian cities," Kommersant business daily wrote.

On Wednesday, however, the "Chechen connection" was just one of many theories circulating about the blast, with no proof of involvement by rebel fighters from the breakaway Russian republic.

"The nightmare returns. Shocked people covered in blood. Law and order forces in disarray. We must not have any illusions. We are in a state of war," Izvestia newspaper stated.

According to Vremya Novostei, "all the evidence points to a terrorist act: the explosion took place in the city center, at rush hour and at a historic moment," two days after separatists promised to commemorate August 6 1996, the day when rebel forces captured Grozny at the end of the last 1994-96 war.

"The terrorists have refrained from taking Grozny or Gudermes which are crawling with checkpoints and tanks. They have come where they were least expected," the daily added, criticizing the lax security since last year's blasts in Russia which killed 293 people.

The authorities will rush to beef up security measures now but that will be of no use in preventing further such blasts, Izvestia predicted.

"The authorities will sweep through the underground passages and markets, will try to resurrect the propiska," (strict residency rules)," the daily said while asking: "Where will it happen tomorrow?"

Britain and Germany Send Condolences to Russia over Blast LONDON, Aug 8 (AFP) – The leaders of Britain and Germany, Prime Minister Tony Blair and Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, sent their condolences to Russian President Vladimir Putin over the Moscow bombing that claimed eight lives and wounded dozens of people Tuesday.

"I send my deepest sympathy to the families of the victims and others affected," Blair said in a statement from Italy, where he was vacationing with his family.

Schroeder, too, expressed his sympathy to the victims and their families, saying to Putin: "The news of this abominable act has touched me deeply. The German government condemns all forms of terrorism. I hope, as do you, that the number of deaths will not go higher

Not even a word from KLINTON

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that story was [lower] front-page news in the
Boston Globe newspaper this morning.

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If the explosive that was left in the Pushkin square underpass had blasted a little later, there might have been no tragedy, for by the time the blast went off underpass security officers had already called the police, spokesmen for the Federal Security department in Moscow and the Moscow region told RIA Novosti.

The bags caught a saleswoman's attention and she contacted the security. Law enforcements know the circumstances under which two Caucasian nationals left these bags at a shop: buying something they pretended they did not have enough money. Saying they were going to exchange dollars, they left the bags and disappeared.

Federal Security Service department officers reported that both citizens and the security and police did take the necessary measures, but unfortunately the explosive blasted too soon.

Proof that they were Chechens

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