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Archive through August 1, 2000

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Oh, and BTW not in EVERY thread, just those of the trouble makers who used to do crap to us and chase us around. Kim, Skorpion, Mrvic when he is there, Jancor and people who will get the treatment, also some of the phonies like GI Jew will get it because they are posers who are too cowardly to reveal themselves.

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1. Hi,L'em!
my _condo
I_thought//you-are<<part of royal_family<<<<
but her majesty still fill your dreams????
2. Your Majesty, would you please give your consent to assighn the bunch of skillful pilgrims to Shatoyi region, preferably equiped with their own "Prayer books" "made in..."
3. Jake B. give us a favour, add a variety to your commercial-comical breaks, 'll make a professional look.
4. what did I mean?...
Trying to switch on my second personality... Still no clue! Just a joke, I believe, possibly bad sort, pointed on Jake. Dymitry can confirm that. Dimych, ti gde? take some heat off1..

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tutochki ya.

Indeed, the ppp..err..sonality switches used to be my field of expertise..sorta. HOWEVER I vowed. On my 25%-50% Jewish Sword, that I'd stop pulling shitskiy like that.

P.S. Jake is an one-liner. Literally..

Kim, my appologies for not responding any sooner, was busy fighting for symbols of american freedom (very green, this time of the year) and sending non-stop messages to Frankfurt and London, lettin'em know who da BOSS is(read: SHITLOAD of work). Talk to ya, tomorrow and bon nuit!

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When I used to switch and multiply, I would usually do a conference call b/in all of'em (me), just to make sure we were not on the same page.

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Privet Dima did you see the fight?I think he could have done him 1st round but prolonged it so fans would not get pissed.When Chavez started the dirty stuff is when Kostya got mad and finished him.

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Marie = Tornado?
Good grief, what an odd place for a jew hater to pop in. Igor,nu ti udruzhil,LOL.
Teper' ostalos' tol'ko poznakomit' ix s nashey 'korolevoy' i boi Slona s Mos'koy nam obespechen..

Tornado, Benvenuto!
As my illegal Mexican friend,Moishe Gonzalez says - Mi casa judía es su casa!

[note to self..bleeeaa..]

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Chavez is a DUMBfu**. He shoulda never even sign up for the fight with such dangerous opponent and instead fight someone of his own (present) caliber, like this err.. Duran used to when he got old.
But i guess all complaints should be addressed to Don King.

P.S. Regarding Kostya - expect the expected. He da MAN!

..going to bed now. Hasta mañana!

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Cyber-war? U.S. defense sites invaded by young hackers, not Iraqis

WASHINGTON -- Iraq was mistakenly suspected of sponsoring cyber attacks on hundreds of U.S. defense sites.

U.S. officials said Iraq was believed to have employed hackers to break into at least 200 unclassified defense sites operated by the Pentagon and military during the United Nations crisis with Baghdad in 1998. At the time, President Saddam Hussein ordered the expulsion of UN inspectors.

But after a U.S. investigation the hackers were found to have been American juveniles and Israelis, Middle East Newsline reports.

"The intruders penetrated at least 200 unclassified U.S. military computer systems, including seven Air Force bases and four Navy installations, Department of Energy National Laboratories, NASA sites, and university sites," said Edgar A. Adamson, chief U.S. National Central Bureau of Interpol. "The timing of the intrusions, and the fact that some activity appeared to come from an ISP in the Middle East, led many U.S. military officials to suspect that this might be an instance of Iraqi information warfare."

Instead, Adamson told a hearing of the House Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology last week, that two Israeli hackers were identified.

"Within several days, the investigation determined that two juveniles in Cloverdale, California, and individuals in Israel were the perpetrators," Adamson said.

The official said Israel is preparing to prosecute the defendants as the federal government in Washington completes efforts to coordinate cybercrime investigations.

Adamson said on Wednesday that Interpol is working with the Council of Europe to develop a draft convention on cybercrime that aims to harmonize legislation, facilitate investigations and improve cooperation between countries. He said the text is expected to be completed in December and signed by next year.

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Aleahndro, there also was a Bar-Mitzva happening group, no less enthusiastic, took a lot pictures, burned a lot of rounds, and the joke was that they sure were not going to show them off to their rabbis at the Western Wall. Piety, piety and more piety ... if you use a "prayer book" "printed" in ... , - use one with the most convincing "quotes" to pick out of. The Desert Eagle edition of Mitzvot, for instance, will do fine.

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 648 Story on Hiroshima

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it's not a PC to shed tears over - it's a Mac.

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Another story on Srebrenica

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Did they attack them if they saw them?
* They might and they might not. Interfax is not an HQ.
This will not help the russian withdraw.
* I have the impression they are there to stay.
But WHY? No answer, so far, to this question has been satisfying to me.
* An eternal search for ways of turning sunrays into gold ... .
Try this small-scale one for now - "deleting" of a successful competitor in the lucrative armaments market.
And after you are asking why we don't beleive the serbs.
* I found the article. So, what's wrong with it, regardless of that it's rough (resembles Mao-Chinese ramblings in its form)? Is it a BS in its content? They don't have a Ruder-Finn et. al..:o))))))))))) for hire for polish purposes. Solana? Why not?! A former "stalwart" peacenik turned hawk. War (like a political porn) pays, dear Watson. This "democratic opposition" behaves exactly (it's inherent in it) as "liberals" of Chile - first they were scared shitless by Aliende and scurried over to Pinochet (save us demos!), when saved, they swiftly started a finger-pointing campaign - "he did it!". The spineless political brat with politics to make a living off. Including the gangsters' paradise of Montenegro - a sure "success" of the sanctions policy towards "democracy". A roadkill, actually.

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Yugoslav Army Ready to Send Troops Back to Kosovo

BELGRADE, Aug 1, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) The Yugoslav army is ready to roll back into the UN-run province of Kosovo and has prepared a detachment for the task, according the Yugoslav chief of staff, General Nebojsa Pavkovic.

Pavkovic, quoted in the daily Novo Jedinstvo, said the NATO-led multinational peacekeeping force KFOR "is not able to fulfil its mandate" to protect all of Kosovo's citizens amid frequent attacks against the province's Serbs.

"The Yugoslav army is ready and able to come and put an end to the paramilitary and terrorist forces" in the province.

He warned that in case of an outbreak of new conflict in the Yugoslav province, KFOR's 40,000 troops would "inevitably be drawn in and would suffer heavy losses."

The Yugoslav authorities regularly accuse KFOR and the UN mission in Kosovo of failing to protect the province's minority Serbs from attacks carried out by ethnic Albanians.

NATO bombed Yugoslav forces out of Kosovo last June after Belgrade's massive crackdown on ethnic Albanian separatist guerrillas which drove hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)

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Ankara Urges UN to Improve Kosovo Turks' Rights

ANKARA, Aug 1, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Turkish Foreign Minister Ismail Cem urged Monday the head of the United Nations interim administration in Kosovo, Bernard Kouchner, to boost the rights of the Turkish community in the province, a Turkish official said.

"We received a positive response on certain issues, but the outcome is not fully satisfactory," foreign ministry spokesman Huseyin Dirioz told AFP after a meeting between Cem and Kouchner here.

"Of course, this is an issue between the Kosovar Turks and the UN administration. We only want to contribute to the settlement of the problems by serving as a catalyst," he added.

The Turkish community, which Ankara say numbers 60,000, is boycotting the October local elections in protest at the fact that the UN mission did not issue registration forms in Turkish.

The Turks enjoyed cultural autonomy under Belgrade's rule and did not join the Albanian struggle for independence although the two communities have a common faith in Islam.

Representatives of the Turkish community in Kosovo had talks with Cem in Ankara last week complaining that they are being disregarded in the post-war administration of the volatile province.

Cem warned that Turkey could limit its contributions to Kosovo's security if the rights of the Turkish community were not rectified.

Turkey participated in the NATO air campaign against Yugoslavia last year and contributes 1,000 troops to the multinational peacekeeping force in the province. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)

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