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Archive through August 1, 2000

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well, mr.s,

as you may have noticed, there hasnt been too much going on here lately, in the wake of a mass exodus to the serbian cafe.

it could be said that there, one can have dozens of russ pages going at the same time, not just one.

but the appeal of the cafe, in my opinion, is that it is _everything_ i wouldn't want this place to be. nasty, vicious, racist, sexist, fascist, stupid and crude. the racism of certain former DMS people makes me want to puke. anti-semitism rages; clowns like BACON would be, at best, comedy relief. and good ol' St.tony the annihilist fits right in with the same weary routine. except there are quite a few more people to mock and scorn him there. as well he'll forever deserve.


there are a few people from here who havent bothered to go there, and not _all_ of those who've emigrated are hideous. but some truly _are_.

yeah yeah blah blah i'm 'self-righteous' for being offended by a great deal of what i've seen there. but, what does that make _them_?

ugly, cruel, heartless people abusing their 'freedom' is what i say. agressoid exhibitionsts

underscoring the inescapable truth that the serbian cafe, like DMS, are meaningless in ths're having your chance to speak up here and now, and _what_ do you do with it? if that's all some of you have to say, don't bother, i've heard it.

and heard it.

and _heard_ it.


at least DMS has the advantage of having pages other than the russ page. and i never did figure out why all the yugo talk moved to the russ page whle there's a perfectly good yugo page almost completely silent these days...a far cry from last year.

what a waste.

but i digress....



i'm not sure whether i should mention this or not; she may not like my doing so.

but a woman who has posted many postings here this year under a few names, notably 'Kim Arx', was seriously injured in an accident a few days ago.she faces surgery for her injuries next week. she'll be fine, but she may not do much posting for awhile. yeah, d-chan, i know i asked you to not tell folx, but what the hell, it's a 'disaster message',ah`@a} are people ac who like her, ms.mary for one....maybe they could leave her get-well-soon wishes here on the currently under-used russ page.


good night.


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been a real long time since i've had a post fukt up like that bit near the end.

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Pursuant to your posting as relates to the Serbian Cafe, I cannot agree with you more. WELL SAID.

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Russia Reports 30 Militant Deaths
By Yuri Bagrov
Associated Press Writer
Saturday, Aug. 12, 2000; 3:14 p.m. EDT

NAZRAN, Russia –– Three Chechen rebel commanders were wounded and 30 militants were killed in a three-day sweep of a small town in central Chechnya, Russia's Interior Ministry said Saturday.

The rebel commanders – Ruslan Gelayev, Arbi Barayev and Akhmed Zakayev – were wounded during the federal offensive, Col. Gen. Vyacheslav Tikhomirov told Russian media. He also said that at least 30 rebels were killed during the operation in Gekhi, about 10 miles southwest of the Chechen capital of Grozny.

Russian troops also confiscated bombs, guns and ammunition, according to a federal command spokesman.

Russian media reports did not include comment on Russian casualties, and the number of militant deaths could not be immediately confirmed. Both sides tend to exaggerate their successes.

Russian artillery also shelled suspected rebel positions near the border with Ingushetia late Friday, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported. It said six rebel bodies were later found at the site of the shelling.

Ingushetia has been the site of several clashes with rebels, including a battle that broke out when a Russian battalion moved to intercept a large rebel force spotted outside a village Thursday.

Despite the rebels' apparent ability to cross the border with ease and continue fighting, Russia's civilian leader in Chechnya repeated claims that the militants are no longer a threat.

Rebels blew up a Russian armored personnel carrier Friday with a remote-controlled mine near Duba-Yurt, 15 miles south of Grozny. An Associated Press reporter saw 12 bodies lying on the ground after the blast, but it was not clear if they were dead or wounded.

Russian troops moved into Chechnya in September to end the republic's de facto independence, after a series of terrorist bombings which Moscow blamed on the rebels.

The Chechens fought the Russian military to a standstill in an earlier 1994-96 war, which ended with Moscow withdrawing from the republic.

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ms. mary:

thank you for your feedback. much obliged.

and you and i already know we weren't always a couple of sweeties here, [incl. at one point to each other] but...but...

see above. no reason to write it over again.


get healed soon, ms.arx.


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The Serbian Café will die in one year like the DMS kosovo message board for the same reason: the demultiplication of sub-conversation.
At the Serbian Café poeple are throwing topics helter-skelter. There is no core.
Now, everybody is exited but it will cool down since there is no continuity and the debate lines are cut after 24hours.

Not that I don't like to roam there. Some poeple cut&paste interesting stuffs but the discussions that follow are shortlived and henceforth shallow.

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Kim I wish you a fast recovery from your surgery and hope everything will be ok.Fred I agree that the Serbian Cafe' is somewhat shallow,however it is good tto read stuff by Russ and a few others.The majority of the people there are complete imbeciles.Antonio is one sick individual who hides being religion,however I suspect he is more racist than anyone else.Myself I am true to my sign SCORPIO and have strong likes and dislikes and will not apologize for it to anyone.

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It appears I'm the last one in the building. Guess I'll open all the windows to circulate the air, cover the furniture and shut the lights. Looks like the party's over.

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aw c'mon man...while i was seeking no apologies from you or anyone else, am i to believe your _horoscope sign_ is the cause, or source, of your using phrases like 'nig nog'?

well, i'm a libra, and i don't believe in horoscopes.

i didnt say i was trying to turn anyone into anyone else. i said i was repulsed by what was willfully, and eagerly, on display at the cafe.

let's not even go here, comrade...'kay?

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good morning, ms.mary....

as has happened many times before, your last post appeared whilst i was typing...-_-

gotta tell ya though, i have pounded my keyboard into dust and am waiting for a replacement...meanwhile i have to type in slow motion, or else go back to fill in the missing letters.

axually, i'm doing both.


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L'menexe I was not really apologizing and did not feel that was directed at me,but with my experience with blacks and Muslims at my old place I have no respect for them especially Psycho who said he would go to Russia and make black babies.The guy is a piece of .... and will be talked to in that manner.I do not turn on people who disagree with me only the ones that show disrespect to my country and myself.I hope this explains everything.

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[insert heavy sigh]

yes, i suppose it does.

maybe i'll come back later today w/a couple anecdotes....


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haven't been here in a while..gosh I wish I knew any sooner! My God, I hope you recover, ..I don't even know what to say..but I am so sorry to hear that, L-chan emailed me last night about thoughts are with you as well!!!!!!!

will email you ASAP!

BTW, hi, guys and gals..

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