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Archive through August 1, 2000

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THIS IS TOOOOO MUCH...LOLOLOLOL...JUST READ ANOTHER ONE BY MARIE..LOL..shows how well she was educated..or was it just in the genes..ANYHOO:
"""Marie - Aug 01, 2000 17:44 (*
The NKVD was controlled and run by Jews, the Russians have NO culpability in Katyn! More soon Nikolaj!"""

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right! It seems there are some poeple who realy have a lot of time to loose.

I'm gonna have another hard day tomorow (not so hard but a lot of work).
Good night all.

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By Dimitri ( - on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 05:59 pm:

LOL..hi Loretta! still trying to bite my d i c k off, I see..LOL
how about this, next time you want me to explain something, you would get down on your knees and promise you would not bark at me, like a chuwawa you are.

Now, go play with someone elses jewles, ya li'l queer 😉


So the truth comes out! You're a pervert into bestiality and sex with animals. You seem to be fond of talking about your experiences also. Perhaps you should go to a porno site instead where you can be with queers like yourself and L'Womenexe.

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By THX1138 ( - on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 07:30 pm:
***********************************************Top of Form 1


No, pusssy-boy/girl, the truth is that you don't appriciate a normal treatment and prefer to be F U C K E D via online, ya peckerhead..LOL..the only porn you'll see here is when i piss on your pale face, everytime I see posts from Loretta THX..ROFL

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Loretta the "THX" Babbit, more porn for ya, hehe..

Hey, you're good. I mean yer really gooood..LOL..first you lick the the master's dickk that feeds you, then when your master's asleep you try to bite it. Should I slap you on the cheek with it? ROFL

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By Pedro Kurdo on Tuesday, June 15, 1999 - 08:16 am:
The head of the Army of Peace walked into the tent. This uniformed face, with more resemblance to a high priority Alcoholics Anonymous patient than a high-ranking officer, wore his helmet for the very first time since the beginning of the war.
He wasn't going to take any chances - he was about to meet the real Serbs. But the Serbs didn't turn up. They, I guess, encountered difficulties passing the duty-free shop on the Yugoslav-Macedonian border. Later, the same Serbs were delivered an ultimatum, which has never been signed due to the language barrier.
The Serb Army withdrew. As one US military expert on TV put it "they looked happy, were freshly shaved and had nice haircuts. They didn't look like an army that had lost a war." They didn't know it.
They don't watch CNN.
The war is over and everybody is safe, we presume. Therefore, the subsequent request for three times more soldiers by NATO high command made perfect sense.
Anglo-American troops code named "Marinated Gurkhins" rolled into the province. No need to rush though. They have been given a firm promise by the Serbian generals that each of the allied soldiers has been designated its own personal mine.
Once they jumped over border minefields, soldiers swapped their boots for running shoes. It's like a gold rush there. Whoever first drives the flag into the earth claims the place.
It comes as no surprise that each of the British soldiers included in the first wave had to be capable of making a hundred meters under eleven seconds.
All twenty-five Albanian refugees, still inside Kosovo and unaffected by NATO bombing, staged a mass rally in support of the incoming army.
The event, predictably, got a prominent spot in the Blair Broadcasting Corporation's hourly bulletins.
News that the Kosovo separatists are not going to be disarmed in the near future has been received well. KLA share prices rose sharply on the Medellin stock market.
Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon, Woody Allen look-alike but without the sense of humour, states that he has nothing against the Serbs and would be very happy to assist their civilians with transport to the Kosovo border.
Meanwhile, a group of Russian paratroopers on a joy ride, took the wrong turn and ended up in Pristina, the capital of the province. It's NATO's fault, they say, all the traffic signs have been knocked off. Consequently, they have fallen in love with the environment and decided to settle there.
No way, says NATO. US spent the last couple of months rearranging the landscape, not for somebody else's benefit.
George Robertson the British defence secretary, so popular among the Pentagon elite that they named the ground attack plane after him, has had his best week since the beginning of the conflict. On the last
press conference he managed to assemble a whole sentence without using "Serbian Thugs", two of his all time favourites in his twenty-word vocabulary. Then, carried out by this exciting achievement, he decided to give Russia a choice - the airport or the IMF pocket money.
As we learned from a well-informed source, he's been given his medicine and British officials expect a speedy recovery.
Initial communication problems, affecting British personnel mainly, due to the total destruction of the province's network capabilities, has been solved. US will use its spy satellites to beam the signal to
the most remote areas of Kosovo, making it possible for Her Majesty's troops to watch the TeleTubbies on a regular basis.
Mother Theresas in the camouflage uniforms killed a couple of Serbs, just for the TV audience.
NATO authorities investigated and accepted the argument that the temptation of an armed German with a Serb within a firing range was too much to bear. Naturally, nobody is guilty.
Before I finish I would like to use this opportunity to propose Mr Kiro Gligorov, the president of Macedonia, for the Nobel peace prize.
He and his government led the most neutral policy under the circumstances. He even didn't want to interfere in the internal affairs of his own country.
Now we all now why Clinton wanted this adventure to happen so quickly. His presidency is running out, and there was a real danger of an intelligent successor dismantling this idiocy.
Pedro Kurdo is the business correspondent for the Internet Express News.
Copyright © 1999

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What did you think I mean by one of the monkeys? Apparently you haven't a clue and until you know what you're talking about I suggest you reserve judgment.

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well, what DID you mean, Marie?
..and after you're done, make a note to self:
"MUST explain what I mean, next time I ask someone if he'she is "one of those monkies"". Capice, bella? 😉

BTW, about NKVD ran by the Jews. LOL.The first generation Italian girl with lottsa passion but confused and mad as hell, is telling someone, who was born, raised and has roots in former USSR that NKVD was ran by the Jews?? friggin hillarious..LOL..just don't get more hillarious.

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by Tornado:
"""Apparently you haven't a clue"""

..LOL.."APPARENTLY" you mean to tell me that wasn't your way of asking me if I was a Jew/pro-Jew?

Don't let me give up on you, Marie, cuz that would be so damn easy..

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well, today certainly turned out to be a not-so-boring day for me afterall..heh. To my correspondents: don't waste your breath, guys, I won't be available till tomorrow..most likely. Good night to all.

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By Dimitri ( - on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 08:42 pm:
well, what DID you mean, Marie?
..and after you're done, make a note to self:
"MUST explain what I mean, next time I ask someone if he'she is "one of those monkies"". Capice, bella? 😉

BTW, about NKVD ran by the Jews. LOL.The first generation Italian girl with lottsa passion but confused and mad as hell, is telling someone, who was born, raised and has roots in former USSR that NKVD was ran by the Jews?? friggin hillarious..LOL..just don't get more hillarious.

Dimitrika, by your logic you don't know squat about the US compared to what I know. Shut up you vile hypocrite! Perhaps TORNADO is correct and the charge that the NKVD was run by Jews should be thoroughly researched by a commission of non-Jews who would have no stake in a whitewash investigation.

Your condemning of someone else for having "lottsa passion" and "being confused and mad as hell" smacks of hypocrisy as that description fits you like the condoms you wear when you are squeezing L'Womenexe.

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I call all enemies monkeys, no matter who they are and what did you think I meant? No deliberation needed, why the erroneous assertions? As to the NKVD, be checking Serbia Cafe, the information will be posted soon to document what I told them. I wouldn't say it if I didn't have the documentation! You will learn that soon enough.

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You sound like an intelligent person. Do you monitor the activites at Serbia Cafe as well? That documenation will be forthcoming. Thanks.

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Loretta THX,

"""by your logic you don't know squat about the US compared to what I know"""

*unfortunatelly, you seem to be an exception, boyo.

"""Shut up you vile hypocrite!"""

*Oh,NO! Me scared of Loretta THX! LOL

"""Perhaps TORNADO is correct and the charge that the NKVD was run by Jews should be thoroughly researched by a commission of non-Jews who would have no stake in a whitewash investigation. """

* just can reply at least once a day without "perhaps"...LOL..Perhaps you should organize a comittee of you, Marie and Gandonio and analy investigate this matter. just trying to help.

"""Your condemning of someone else for having "lottsa passion" and "being confused and mad as hell" smacks of hypocrisy .."""

*her passion needs to be directed toward more practical use such as joining "all Racist Message board" should consider that too Loretta, LOL.

bye, Chuwawa Babbit!

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"""I call all enemies monkeys, no matter who they are and what did you think I meant? """

*************************************** according to your logic you expected me to understand you orignal question about being one of the monkeys? Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaanng..Stupid me for not understanding it...ay! [I'll let you know on the secret too, then..just so you know..ready? I CALL ALL OF MY FRIENDS "GOOD' MONKEYS! but then again, you already know all about monkeys, so..

Yes, THX is very intellegent. And soon to be a racist-case, compliments of moi. Sleep tight.

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