THX whatever is - Antonio.
See you Dimitri. You're a goof!
Analogy? Because it sounds very much "on the money", you know.. ;o)
Dimitry, did you bring that stuff or Igor? I was expecting salo or vareniki z vishney.
Anyway it ia getting warm in here. Delenn, Antonio was before THX as Anton, Soldat and after him as Antonio, his way to talk different, more like Borz, if you know what it is.
Tornado, when Dymitri entered first time to S.Cafe he say hello to everyone, introdused himself in a polite manner. Here also some rools to obey. If you are a man, you should wear a KIPA,
say SHALOM to sephardic-senior Jake Bernstine and after his blessing you are welcome to swearing and beat a crap of ...
There are questions for you:
Are you color blind by birth or environment, can't see more colors than black and white? Your enemies are monkey( poor creature ). Do you prefer to make enemy or friends? When you destroy your enemies, will you divide the friends on 2 parts and start again untill 'll find yourself very along, possibly in a grave?
mix with Svoloch, not me). For those of you who don't know what SVOLOCH means, well..I can't think of anything closer than •••••••, only without being so litteral. Anyway, and ONLY THEN I proceeded with a là All American (known at Serbian Cafe as "Enver-Pasha" or "Enver-bei", BTW, no joke) beating the crap
(so to speak) outta this one American Psycho guy, who has similar consepts of rac..you know! I even warned them fairly and squarely that I most likely will have to
fulfill my new Serbian Cafe name's purpose - Real Svoloch (not to ial views as Antonio did, only vice-versa.
..you know! I even warned them fairly and squarely that I most likely will have to
fulfill my new Serbian Cafe name's purpose - Real Svoloch (not to mix with Svoloch, not me). For those of you who don't know what SVOLOCH means, well..I can't think of anything closer than •••••••, only without being so litteral. Anyway, and ONLY THEN I proceeded with a là All American (known at Serbian Cafe as "Enver-Pasha" or "Enver-bei", BTW, no joke) beating the crap
(so to speak) outta this one American Psycho guy, who has similar consepts of racial views as Antonio did, only vice-versa.
Tonight's Special:
..therefore I'm must be going.
and, extending the list, - gusfandaan-e-'lsi, mard-e-dorosti, haghigat sohbat
Delen, thanks for the list, I'll figure out.
Borz is volf in chechehs
yo, might have another monitor today...HOO-HAH!
so thoroughly predictable that a PUNK like thx would so quickly resort to gender-type insults.
no imagination. none.
only his 'principles'...hock-ptui -_-
Jamie Shea can't beat You.
You Tuesday, Aug.1 on NATO was the post of the day. If You have a reinforced-concrete belief in NATO-the-white-swan, - say so, and I, on my part, won't go on with polemics, because there will be no sense in disproving repeated laughable statements like The problem of the security for the kosovian serbs
and, most likely, the uncontrolable mafia style of the albanian kosovian gov't and former KLa doesn't fit to nato's views. or Nato is not trying to dismantle Yugoslavia.
Hey, L'men
Nah, Loretta isn't really a punk..he's just a pussycat tryin to act like a punk..very amusing, BTW..
By THX1138 ( - on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 - 07:30 pm:
So the truth comes out! You're a pervert into bestiality and sex with animals. "
Why do you think he bid a sheep from Igor?
(ref to the last joke)