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Archive through December 10, 1999

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Russia is creating a great deal of hatred. I am often amazed at how barbaric we can be. It must be fear that allows people to rationalize such tactics. Just over 25 years ago Americans killed 2 million Vietnamese. The wages of sin are death. I found out by cheating on my wife..... nobody died but it sure made a mess of my life. Luckily drugs and alcohol put me in a place where I could learn honesty, humility, integrity, and begin to appreciate character. The world can be a pretty rough place.

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Svoloch please put up any more sites you know of I am very interested and so is my father. Our family is from Rostov-On-Don. We are in Canada now

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First off, I will talk about anything I wish until proven incorrect. As far as the "market" incident goes, you did just that in my opinion. Thanks for the link and I stand corrected on that point. Doesn't look like a whole lot of "tomatos" were being sold in that area at the time.

As far as my comment on "payback", I was referring to what that rebel/bandit/terrorist...whatever...was probably doing. As I'm sure you're aware that after seeing buddies being shot and killed that is precisely what you want, Payback. Like I also said, both sides do it. Doesn't make it right though.

With that said...Peace

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I'm a new poster to this board, however I am not at all new to the topic of Russia, or of the Former Yugoslavia. I am a professional translator of both Russian and Serbo-Croatian. I've read over the last several posts, and I'd like to add my two cents worth. Firstly, I am, and have been, concerned over Russia's actions in Chechnya. Frankly, I believe there is no right answer there. One one hand, Russia is fighting to preserve some sort of nationalist integrity, and economic stability. Over the last 10 years we've seen the grip of the Soviet Union dissolve, losing much of its territory as states broke away, wealth as it entered the world market, and military strength as it was forced to downsize. They are literally fighting for survival economically, politically, and militarily as a nation, and to preserve a sense of identity. On the other hand, the fighting in Chechnya is gruesome, with horrible suffering among Chechen civillians, and among Russia's young soldiers, most of whom don't want to be there (remember Vietnam?) But what concerns me more than the war itself, is it's affects on Russia's relations with the West, and apparent growing alliance with China. Looking ten years into the future, projecting from what is going on right now, I see Russia alienated politically from the United States, allying at least politically with China for economic survival and to exert a united control over the UN Security Council. I see the cold war all over again.... And Russia's military wasn't the only one downsized. And China's is growing and modernizing. Long after the last Chechen is dead, this won't be over.

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To Queen Fairey Iguess it depends on what side of the fence your . My grandfather and great-grandfather fought these Muslims . The atrocities {check out address i left earlier}.Why should we give up Chechnya because as you saw in Kosovo that might is right except Russia did not invade some one elses country.

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I don't know that many sites but just enter word "Chechnya" in one of the searching engines and you will get couple of links.
Try this one if you haven't visited before, this site is full of BS. ""

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Brave Heart ( - on Thursday, December 9, 1999 - 01:51 am:

If you know Arabic or any of your friends knows Arabic, go to the following site. This is a daily
egyptin newspaper. By the way, this news is the main news for December 8, 1999. This
newspaper is called Al-messa.

Two members of the Chechyan parlimant are in Geneva to complain about that. The names of
those memebers are Hassan Ataiaf and Ragab Totakov.

I am sorry but it fails far short from the proof. For as much as I have my respect for egiptian media, I do not consider them an independent realiable sourse. The only thing they quoted is a statement from a couple of "dudes" from Chechnia; (Some news agencies (Reuters) did report on a fact that Russia completely denied these accusations).

I can quote you similar provocative statements from "rebel site" among with their claims of use of chemical weapons as you've described, such as:

1) They reported 15 days ago, Eltcin died from a heart attack

2) They reported 1000 russian solgiers dead in few days in Urus-Martan (total number far exceeding 10000 by now) and can be easily proved that it's a lie (by a person who knows "a little" bit about armed conflicts).

3) They reported that more than 30 airplanes/helicopters were shut down ( just like serbs did in NATO campain).

4) They report that during any bombings scores of civilian deaths but none for "rebels". I have estimated civilian-to-rebel casualty ratio is about 200-to-1 (based on their info). Any person with some sanity in his head knows that statistically it's simply impossible (unless all of the "rebels" are none but b{Supermen} or superfreaks if you wish)


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Svolach I already checked that one out have to agree . Those videos really set off a feeling of patriotism. Iwish I could exact revenge for what the did .It made me very angry

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"First off, I will talk about anything I wish until proven incorrect."

I'm not trying to be mean but don't you have to know something before you can talk about anything? I think this is the main problem, people see only one side of the story (market) and it is usually western side of the story. People on this board talk like they know everything about this conflict but fail to see Russian side of the story.

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Many people on this message board claim that the Chechens are bandits, terrorists, kidnappers etc.
Fair enough. I will not argue. But what intrigues me is that There is nothing that the chechens are doing - that Russians are not doing themselves ! Is this descending into the pit of hypocrisy or what! Talk about the pan calling the kettle black!

I suggest that Russians look at their own government before before blaming foreigners, chechens, muslims, jews, the world... etc etc.

To. Denis A. Vassiltchev

I disagree with you, but I respect the civilized and intelligent way that you make your argument.

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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The Chechen genocide is no more Russia's "internal affair" than the Serb genocides in Bosnia and Kosovo were Belgrade's. But as Moscow is not Belgrade, nobody will start a war with Russia to end the war in Chechnya.


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To every one's information,

The muslim never rely on Western media and their work, we rely on our Creatror and OUr only helper The Almighty ALLAH.

Look, in bosnia's market the serb killed the muslims and made videos and show to the serb tv that this is the work of the mulims.

How great sweet lie it is? It is their propagnada and they are doing the best. They will continue till they die.

But sad story for the muslims is that all the muslim rulers are the enemy of ALLAH and they are the slave of the big powers.

Hopefully one day soon, these earth will be better place for every one, no fight, no curse, no nationality.


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The above report is written by Yossef Bodansky and probably the most unbiased one there is. It's about the first Chechen conflict but it's a must read to fully understand the current conflict. It is long, but worth every second of it.

Yossef Bodansky is the Director of the Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare of the U.S. Congress, as well as the World Terrorism Analyst with the Freeman Center for Strategic Studies (Houston TX). He is a contributing editor of Defense and Foreign Affairs; Strategic Policy, the author of three books (Target America, Terror, and Crisis in Korea), several book chapters, and numerous articles in several periodicals including Global Affairs, JANE's Defence Weekly,Defense and Foreign Affairs; Strategic Policy, Business Week. In the 1980s, he acted as a senior consultant for the Department of Defense and the Department of State.

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       RUSSIAN ARMY Gen. Kovlov, the commander for Russian controlled territories in the north of Chechnya, offered a rare glimpse at the military’s operations inside the breakaway republic of Chechnya on Thursday.

       The general said he was confident that Grozny was within the army’s grasp, even though the military suffered a humiliating defeat during a similar storming of Grozny on New Year’s 1995, during the previous Chechen conflict.
       “Once Grozny is taken, the rebel organization will collapse. We’ll chase them into the mountains. Grozny will definitely be ours by New Year’s,” Kovlov said.

WHY NOW THEY ARE CHANGING THE VOICE AND DATE 12/11/99, WHY NEW YEAR?????????????????????????????


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The Russian side of the story?
The only side of this story is that NATO wants to get into the caspian to control the oil and as a means/excuse to get that idiot Knut Vollebaek and the OSCE along with the UN they foment insurrection to do it exactly as they did in Kosovo, East Timor etc. Face it, that idiot Clinton and Madeline Albright fantacize on getting a foothold in the Caucusus via Chechnya. That is what it is all about.
Keep going Russians, stamp it out and tell Clinton to go to entertain himself with the ugly toad.

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