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Archive through December 10, 1999

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TO BONES You might want to see the documentary filmed byCBC Canada called "the Valley" ,it was filmed one tear before the war in Kosovo.

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Sorry Igor but you can argue all day that ya gotta kill the civilians to get to the fighters. I just don't buy it. As far as Special Ops go, they work! Don't tell me that the Spetnaz can't do the job they were trained for. And please don't insult my intelligence by saying they weren't in Kosovo along with other russians.

As far as the numbers go...I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

By the way, I did my time in the military too, don't know why I got out!

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Unisef. ... couldn't they spread it over the entire area? If You mean CIS subjects it seems, they can't. The Ukraine alone, for instance, owes Russia 2 bln. US over loans and 1 bln. US for energy. (BTH, Russia has a positive balance of 10 bln. US in the European trade.)Did Yeltsin really embezzle those Millions,do you think? And why was the investigation stopped? As for Eltzin... Well, he forgot already what money does look like. The IMF loans are used to cover that same USSR debt and are restuctured in accordance with the Russian economic performance. Funds just change account numbers within IMF. They can't be stolen, unless ... the whole IMF is one big Russian mafia (beware, Adam R.!). The funny part of it - the rush didn't originate in the US - it was a careful tip through the CIA from other intelligence sources ... in turn from ... the Primakow's circle. That's what I heard from sober sources. Kinda revenge, it seems. FBI ghost-busters, maybe, still hear CIA's hearty laugh.

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Adam R.. People are much more afraid of the Russian Mafia than they are of even the Columbians, the American Mafia or the Sicilians and Italian Mafia. Even more, than the Albanian and Chechen mafias? Russia rules. I'm proud.;o)))

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By Kissie ( - on Friday, December 10, 1999 - 03:41 pm:
Adam R.. People are much more afraid of the Russian Mafia than they are of even the Columbians, the American Mafia or the Sicilians and Italian Mafia. Even more, than the Albanian and Chechen mafias? Russia rules. I'm proud.;o)))

To Kissie

Off course you are proud of the Russian mafia - I would not have expected less.

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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I'm sorry it took such a ridiculously long time to address the parallels between Chechnya and the Kurds. I just hope you have been patient with this lack of response. Anyway, here goes with the comparison:
The two conflicts are very similar, indeed. The only difference is, Turkey has been a loyal ally to the West, while Russia stood in opposition. Kurds, as well as Chechens, are seen as very nomadic people. The Kurds claim that through a treaty, the fabled entity known as "Kurdistan" would become a sovereign state. However, many elements have worked against this idea. In 1978, the PKK formed to provide a voice for the Kurds and their cause. However, only after eight years, the political party become modilized militarily. Many would argue that the Turks have abused the Kurds relentlessly and without just cause. Factual evidence of this is disputed among several different sources.
The same can be said of Chechnya. However, the West believes in the de facto independence of the state. This can be disputed by the Russians who claim the military maneuvers are justified due to terroristic acts committed by certain individuals or extremist factions in Chechnya. If this is the case, I feel that there's nothing wrong with it. When I say this, I mean to speak iin relative terms. Although I live in the U.S., I feel it's hypocritical of the policy-makers to denounce the transpirations within Chechnya. After all, we have bombed Libya, Sudan, and Afghanistan in an attempt to combat past and future terrorism against our citizens.

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Bones, - After an extensive inquiry involving the team of experts from 14 countries, the Hague Tribunal found 2108 bodies, while Carla del Ponte claims that the number includes Albanians, Serbs and other non-Albanians. Apart from that, chief prosecutor of the Tribunal admits that even after this extensive inquiry it was not yet established how these people were killed. The UN Seat in New York circulates a number of 300 Albanians killed. This means that the remaining victims - 1808 - are non-Albanians. However, it is strange that Carla del Ponte did not express much interest in the victims of the NATO bombing in Kosmet. Contrary to the 2108 mostly unidentified victims, hundreds of people killed in NATO bombing were all identified.
So as far as holding water, you may hold this.

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Corection, that was Itar-Tass news I read not the TV.


Proud of what? What the entire world hates? Damn, you need help.

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To Bones: If the russian Spesnasts were there then good . KLA used NATO for air cover and Now that NATO is peace keeping over 400 Serbs have been murdered .Good job NATO fn hipocrits. Its all about oil my friend nothing to do with saving innocent? civilians.If that were the case where were they when 1000000 people were hacked to death with machetes including little kids .By the way any body check out the video? Care to comment?

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KISSIE Good show you tell them

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Abdulah It is already proven that the Mslims blew up the market Get your fact correct. Check UN reports. As for the Chechens getting deadline extended watch the fireworks tommorow heehaaa there goes another one hahahaha

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Dear Svoloch,

Quote: "Chechen rebels are muslims".

They are not, they just call themselves Muslims (those are two very different things) Traditional Islam in Russia is not "war" Islam, it is Islam of peaceful coexistence. The Head Mufti of Russia and European countries of the C.I.S. has signed the treaty between traditional concessions of Russia about non-spreading of religious hatred and non-calling to religious wars. BTW, my point about the recognition of Islam as the state religion is that Islam is a part of Russia and Russian life that can not be removed. If some freaks use this holy name to cover their black deeds with it Islam is not to be blamed for it.
And, there are no "rebels" in Chechnya there are murderers and terrorists.

Quote: "You support Chechen war, should you be locked up?"

In no way, I support war on Chechens, I support war on terrorists and murderers, and there is no war in Chechnya, there is an anti-terrorists campaign.

Quote: "There is no ••••••• law in Russia"

Do you live in Moscow or in Moscow district? At least, you sound like you do. I don't live in Moscow or near it, and where I live the Law is more respected than in Moscow. The fact that your mayor is a thief with dictatorial ambitions does not mean that everybody else is like him. I think Moscow government's acts are unconstitutional and discriminative. I think those responsible should bear full penalty as per the Law.
The society respects the law, when nearly every individual respects it. OK?

Quote: "I saw this line on one of the buildings in Russia, look around you will see many more like this one."

Does this fact make all the content of them right?
You, on the other hand, posted it here, and that, I think, is the spreading of national hatred.

Quote: "Are you a Jew?"

No, I'm not. I'm Russian by citizenship and by blood. I don't think that the second fact should count for anything, but you sound, as it should. Please, explain why?

Quote: "You are fool if you think our law actually cares about such things as national hatred."

It is written in the Criminal Code of the RF. Only thing remaining to do is to make it work. And, in the name of justice, that will be a crusade of my life.

Quote: "Every weak "OMOH" (this is government sponsored special forces so that you know it) go to the markets with so called special operation to catch criminals. Did you ever saw a single Russian standing against the wall during one of this operation and waiting for the bus, which will take them to the jail probably for 36 hours or more."

Yes, I saw.

Quote: "Up to 70% support war in Chechnya, are you telling me people don’t realize that army kills civilians?"

Of course, they realize and I realize. But I also realize that there is no intention to do so. If such intention will appear, I'm sure public support for this campaign will drop significantly.

Quote: "They have hate to Chechens after all they did to us"

That is sick. You are trying to turn an anti-terrorists campaign into the war on Chechens.

Quote: "I did not say a single word to the Jews but hey have crossed the line. All I have heard from them is that they are chosen people and that Russians are "filthy pigs" and don't you ••••••• point finger at me, for every word that comes about of their mouth about Russians or Russia I will answer accordingly."

You know, again, you are combining several persons and a nation. It is like saying, "All Russians are alcoholics". As for those who are offensive to Russia and Russians, well, most of them have not said anything intelligent. Why should I spend myself on answering them? Think about it. They really can say what they want, why should we descend to that level? OK? As for fascism, our fathers and grandfathers fought and many of them gave their lives for saving our country from brown plague, don't you think that by being ultra-nationalist (let's not play with words, RNE is a fascistic organization), so by being fascist you are betraying their memory?

Quote: "Nationalists are not the biggest problem of Russia, corruption is, it has been the problem for the past 10 years..."

On the long run, corruption can not cause our demise as a national entity, nationalism can. It will alienize national minorities in Russia and will force them into separatist movements. It will even divide Russians by blood into those who are supportive of nationalism, and who are not supportive of it. Also, nationalism tends to hunt sexual minorities as well. So, Russians will divide also according to this factor, etc, etc, etc. And eventually, we may see 89 separate states on the place where Russian Federation is now. Tolerance is the word for the country as diverse and multisided as Russia. We should all use our ethnical and religious backgrounds only to promote unity and peace.

Anticipating your further questions I would like to say that I'm an agnostic.

Denis A. Vassiltchev

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If the Russians do not get a grip on the Caucases then America will .It is time to wake up and protect Russian national interests. We saw what the Turks did to the Armenians and the KLA and what they have done in Kosovo. Lets stop this scurge in its tracks before they get us involved in WW3. America and NATO keep expanding while the Warsaw Pact disbanded. So you fellow Russians wake up because we are still Americas enemy regardless of their posturing.

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Igor...I never said murder was justified. Never did, never would. But it does make one wonder how the Serb people feel now now that the tables have been turned. That old saying "What goes around comes back around" must be true.

Hell, I don't hate Serbs, just the ones that comitted atrocities. If you like them (the murderers) then that's on you my friend.

If you're talking about Rwanda and the genocide that happened there well then we must've been in the same place, on the side lines.....watching.

I downloaded the vid but I'll be looking at it later. I'm sure it fits your agenda. You got me all wrong Igor, I hate terrorists just as much as the next guy or girl but there are ways of eliminating them besides mass destruction of ones own province. I'll bet you even money they don't even rebuild it (the province) after they're done driving the militants out. But what do you're in Canada.

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Adam R., Santa Clara, I'm proud of You off course.

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